How to make your story popular?

I just wanted to ask, how do you do it? I doubt that advertising is the best option, since many people just don't bother. 

What are the genres that people like? What kind of plots? Do people like heavy full with details plots or just a simple one that you can read with ease. Do they prefer a comedy or drama? I'm really curious. 


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Well, from what I gathered during the almost 2 years I've been here is that you need plenty of luck. This sounds funny and people probably won't believe it but that's what it all depends on. You need to publish the story at the right time in the right place (aka for the right group and such)
You need a good plot, sure (if you want an instant hit, EXO is the best option although initially my Shinee fics were somewhat popular), probably either high school AU with tons of teenage drama or for example, a supernatural AU. I think people mainly prefer drama to comedy (Last time a fic of mine in the angst genre got 400 subs while advertised in rated M, another with comedy got less than 300 and yes, 100 subs matter a LOT) but it might depend on their mood.
However, good gramar is always a good point, I for one refuse to read most of the VERY badly written fics xD
Eh, hope I helped but...not sure xD