My first post

Hmm. Well this is my first post. I just wanna talk abt wht happening to me this past month.


well it happen since I broke up with my bf and we been together for 3 years through thick and thin. We kind get into a fight. Not a big fight but a silent fight. It worser than having a big fight. I really do love him like really but maybe he is not my fate bcs after a while we just ended our relationship. Isn't it sad? Hahahahahahhaahahhahahahaha. 

So after a month we broke up I met him in the subway and guess what he has a new girl and that freaking girl is my friend.  Used to be my friend. Lol. Hahaha I guess he fell in love with my 'friend'. 

So this year I am in my last year of high school. Yay! (?) idk what to feel actually. Hey guess what? My ex and my friend is in the same school as me. Hahahah luckily not in the same class with me but.... Yeah there is always but. They ar in the same class with each other btw and my class and their class have this on subject that we have to joining together so yeahhh... Can you feel my heart crying? So the first day I am in school my ex trying to strike a chat with me but I just ignore him and its hard. I guess I am still not over him. Everytime I see him I wanna say to him pls love me back but that will never happer right? I wont say the word and even if I say the word he wont comebck to me bcs he is head over heel to that girl. He look at that girl the same as he used to look at me. Freaking hurt. I am scare whenever I talk to him I will breakdown in from of him. I still have dignity and I know I am a strong girl or so I thought. 

I hate him but I still like freaking love him. Did he put a curse on me? Hahahah that is lme. I know. I want to move on. Yeah and abt that girl I dont want to hate her bcs she used to be my friend but everytime I saw her I feel like punching her in the face. Idk why. Maybe I felt betrayed (my friend's term). I used to tell her abt my ex, well that what girls always do right? Hmm I guess I cant trust anyone except myself rn.

At least I had someone behind me, some of my friend that been in my side since then. I just hipe the wont stab me in the back. I dont to hate ppl bcs I tend to hate ppl and seem cant forgive that person. 


I been 3-4 month since I broke up with my ex and I had move on abt 40%. I know it kinda slow but I am trying as hard as I can. It just I used to think he will becom my future husband. Yeah I take my relationship seriously. When this kinda things happen I dont know what to do but some of my loyal friends are encouraging me so I am not gonna dissapointing them. I say to them I had kove on but I am still not but I am trying. 

I know this is a ridiculous post but yeah... I just wanna pour my feeling out. This feeling seem to stuck in me but I am kinda relieve a bit. Thank you for reading my 'feeling' post. Hahahaha





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Congratulations on your first post here.

And I am sorry to here that.
But like you said he isn't your destiny.
Take as long as you'd like to get over him, don't rush yourself, sweetie. ^_^

If you need anything I am right here. ^_^
Wow... you should write a story about it......