☮ JOURNEZ ☮ ┌ Huang Shengyi ┐ ' China Doll'





Huang Shengyi  



Name : Huang Shengyi 黄圣依  [Chinese name]

Other Names :  Eva Huang [English name]

Nicknames :
---IBaekNyuh [Exotic Bimbo, teasingly used by her members, Exotic because she is a non Korean, Bimbo because she had learned  loads during childhood but not good in most of that
---China Princess [used by netizens, because she's from China]
---Yiyi [used by her family and best friend in China]

Birthdate : August 18th, 1995

Age : 19

Ethnicity : Thai- Chinese

Bloodtype : A

Birthplace : Beijing, China

Hometown : Beijing, China

---Sacred Heart Convent Elementary School
---Convent of the Infant Jesus Middle High School
---Seoul Art High School (international program).

Languages :
---Chinese (fluently- native language, she speaks mandarin)
---Korean (conversationally- she learned while in Korea)
---English (basic- she learned from daily life)

Personality :

First impression; She brings out the obnoxious in the group. She’s the funny member, the one that makes the tough times better with her lame jokes and loud rambunctious attitude. She is the boy-crazy, flirty girl in class that you sometimes wanna roll your eyes at but laugh at her silly antics. She’s a sweetheart too.

Strengths; Her perfect appearance and rather beautiful looking face will probably make you underestimate her. Which is one of the biggest mistakes you can make around her. She may not be strong but she’s smart and due to her education and good working brain, she can easily come up with various plans to get out of certain unpleasant situations. And due to the fact that she’s patience, she always can wait long enough to make the right move at the right time. Unknown to many, she has a soft spot for kids. She enjoys challenges, the feel of adrenaline pumping through her veins. She keeps a very realistic perspective and tends to be carefree - perhaps too carefree. To her, life is game to be played, and even if she may seems like losing at the beginning she will checkmate in the end and win. She has a very charming nature, and she knows how to use it when she needs to. She has a very cunning side, shown only when provoked.

Weaknesses; She cares too much for people -in general- to actually cause them harm.She has a strong believe in the good of people and so is easy to manipulate if you really want to do so. If someone hurts her friends, she holds this grudge for years. This can cause her to make rash decisions, and not think twice. She can’t stay in one place or position for too long and can get extremely hyper when she does have to. She hates being a leader and making decisions under pressure as well. She can't make decisions for others. If she gets too angry the tears begin to flow and never seem to stop until she is satisfied with bringing something down. She hates being talked down to. It makes her feel like she is worthless and can put her in a state where she is completely frozen and feels as if her body is made of led. Sometimes she can overcome the words that are being thrown at her but other times she can’t. To match her insecurity she can’t concentrate really well.

Onstage; She has good variety sense. On screen, she’s loud, obnoxious and funny and her fans love her outgoing, exaggerating personality. Personally, her personality is not everyone's cup of tea simply because there are moments where she really has to turn it down a bit before she borders audacious, but overall she does seem rather cheery on television. On reality show, she is described by others as cute and sweet. From others' understanding, she’s a stout Buddist, grew up in a pretty wealthy home and people do honestly notice this slight rich snobby attitude around her sometimes. Luckily, it’s not always heavy but sits still present nonetheless. What makes up for this slight flaw though is a greater positive; she seems to be very patient. In fancams others see her retain a smile even around the most annoying fans.

Background :

Shengyi has a Thai ancestry, but living in China, she doesn't have a Thai name. She was born in Beijing on 18th August 1995. Shengyi is the youngest child from three. She has two brothers. She is super duper close to her father and mother since kid. Her parent support her in everything she does. Her parent spoilt her to the max.

Shengyi attended elementary school at Sacred Heart Convent although she is a Buddhist. Thats where she met her bestfriend. During middle school at Convent of the Infant Jesus, in Beijing, her concentration was Business Chinese. Shengyi was a cheerleader and class leader who enjoyed participating in extracurricular activities including school musical. That's how she fell for performing art. She was a good student. She eventually become teachers’ pet because of her charming and well-mannered demeanor. She is intelligent and she challenges herself and try to achieve whatever she want, so any intellectual feet is expected more from her than from her siblings.

She was scouted by an acting company from a young age of 11 in China though her interest is more into music. She played the minor characters for few stories until her break through with the lead character Meimei in "Hormones" movie on 2008. Later, she played the lead character Yin in "Beijing Traffic Love Story" drama on 2009. After finishing her middle school, in 2011 Shengyi quit acting and move to Korea. She chose a place where there aren't a lot of Chinese people and decided on a school in Korea. Studying is a goal, but she also chose this because she've grown mentally and physically after having involved in entertainment since a young age. She is enrolled at the Seoul Art High School (international program).




Idol Name : Kwon Nara

Links/Gallery : one two three

Back-Up Idol Name : Song Joohee [Alice]

Links/Gallery : one two three

Height : 169 cm

Weight : 53 kg

Style :
--- Casual
--- Pajama
--- Dorm style
--- Practice


 Happy Family


Dad | Huang Ziqiao | 56 | Pilot | Ambitious, Insensitive, Intellect, Robust, Caring

Mom | Ungsumalyn Sirapatsakmetha| 51 | Housewife | Forgetful, Optimist, Passionate, Upbeat, Loving

Brother | Huang Yifeng | 25 | Actor | Kind, Helpful, Conservative, Modest, Calm

Brother | Huang Yifan | 20 | Student | Reserved, Introvert, Uptight, Self conscious, Smart


Bestfriend :

Xu Jinglei [Female OC] | 19 | Seoul Art High School Student (international program)  | Sweet, Lovable, Friendly | Shengyi often find her when she is sad. The girl will listen to her, she will always say how beautiful Shengyi is and that everything gonna be fine. Shengyi feel like the girl is the only person she can open up when she's sad, if not she just gonna bottle her feeling up. --- They knew each other since babies. Their mothers has been friends for 13 years and they even decided to continue their study in Korea together.


Friends :

Kim Wonshik [Ravi] | VIXX |

Lee Hongbin | VIXX

Seo Inguk | Actor

Kim Yoojin [UEE] | After School


☁ Would you stay for tea


Love Interest's Name : Cha Haekyeon [N]

Age : 24

Personality : Shy, Fragile, Cute, Devious, Evil, Trustworthy, Adorable, Gullible, Fast thinker

Relationship : Friends

How you treat each other : Shengyi and N have this playful nature that is both hilarious and endearing. The way N’s so comfortable around Shengyi, the way Shengyi letting N her neck, The way these two flirts. Uh. Are just some of the examples that show how close N is to Shengyi, and vice versa.

Scene Request? : They first met at hospital. At that time Shengyi hurt her ankle and Nhurt his back. They were sent to the same hospital and both need to stay there for the whole night. They were trainees.


☁ Rock ur body


Likes :

---Food [one of the group's shiskshin]

---Animals [she is an animal lover]

---Kittens [her favorite animal]

---Greenery [she is on support of the world green!]

---Orchid [her favorite flower]

---Children [she has a soft spot for children especially babies]

Dislikes :

---Spicy food [this is probably the on thing that she can't eat, she just can't stand spicy]

---Illa [a kind of wild flower, no specific reason, she just dislikes it]

---Sasaengs [which idol likes them?]

---Playboys [which girl likes them?]

---/yuri [she is a straight person]

---Medicine [Especially the pill and tablet ones, it's almost possible to make her eat it]

Favorite Food : Chocolate

Favorite Number : 8

Favorite Color : Deep Indigo, Pale Lavender

Favorite Season : Spring

Favorite Facial : Legs

Genre of music : RnB

Hobbies :

---Photography [she just loves taking picture of her memories]

---Playing jigsaw puzzles [she can solve it quickly

---Playing golf [no comment]

---Watching movies [she is so in love with movies]

---Eating [shikshin remember?]

---Reading [sometimes she finds her answers in reading]

Habits :

---Bites her upper lips, trying to get rid of the sry skin

---Dozes off when in a long journey by vehicles [car, bus, plane]

---Touches her face when she's nervous

---Looks into the mirror

---Missing her stuff, misplacing them somewhere

---Left message unreply, she writes the reply but forget to click "send"

Fears :

--- claustrophobia along with panic disorder. She feel uncomfortable in enclosed places and she didn’t even like to sit in an airplane. Her breathing starts to quicken until she’s gasping grotesquely, and she starts to collapse, unconscious. She used to trap in an elevator for few hours when she was in elementary school.

Trivia :

---She has two older brothers.

---She came up with the stage name “Eva“, her english name.

---She likes to drink strawberry milk, and because of her there is a lot of strawberry milk in their fridge.

----Her ideal type is someone with angular face, like Super Junior‘s Donghae.

---She loves to read.  She says she sometimes finds answers in reading.

---One of her favorite authors is Bernard Werber. Her favorite book of his is “Us, Gods“.

---She wants to pursue a acting career in the future.

---Her prized possession is her diary she kept when she was a trainee.  In it she wrote down all her achievements, struggles, and dreams during that time span.

---She acted as lead character in "Hormones" and "Beijing Traffic Love Story" in China.

---She appeared in Seo In Guk’s “Tease Me” MV alongside with VIXX's Hongbin and Seo Inguk himself.


☁ Sunshine


Persona : China Doll

Position : Main Vocalist, Visual

Back-up Position : Leader, Main Vocalist, Composer

Personal Fanclub Name & Color : Yippo[s] & #cc99ff


Trainee Life : She got scouted by a Travel representive when she was shopping in Gangnam. During trainee years she received further training in dancing, singing, and the Korean language. She couldn't converse with all the new people she met, due to not being able to speak the language very well, and she didn't know what to eat, cause she just moved in Korea. She cried everyday for the first two weeks she was in training, but decided to work hard even though she wanted to go back home, to not disappoint her parents. Year by year she had improved her singing skills especially. She even came in 2nd place at the 6th Jellyfish Best Singer Contest.

Trainee Years : 3 years and 6 months


​ You & I


Comments : Feel free to let me know any error so I can fix it. Good Luck authornim! It's long but I wish all will worth it. Lastly, hope you like Huang Shengyi :)

Scene requests : An internal fight between the members.

Sub-Unit name suggetion : Getawaz [or Getaway]

Solo Song Suggestions : Marshmallow by IU, Heaven by Ailee

Suggestions : Variety Show, Drama and Scandals

Show Request ? :
---Shengyi and N hanging out together at a beach, their photo was taken and posted at ALLKPOP
---Shengyi gets attack by her claustrophobia and panic disorder when she gets trapped in an elevator with N

Song Suggestions? : Madonna by Secret


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