My Spazz (Please be warned... the following post may or may not make any sense what so ever. i apologize.)

I have been a BABY ever since I saw Bang Yongguk with Song Jieun, and Himchan whom I didn't know was going to be in a group until i saw him MC ing for Bang and Zelo performance. Bang and Zelo were the next thing why I loved B.A.P so much..  I only knew Himchan cuz he was an ulzzang so when I saw him in Son Jieun's MV I'm like "WHOA THATS MA ULZZANG OPPA RIGHT THERE!!!" (this i kept in the privacy of my room under the covers otherwise people would look at me weird) AND THEN CAME POWER!!  nd the Warrior, Then Crash and Stop It came out and when you thought OMG THEY ARE ADORABLE..... BOOM!!!!!  One Shot hits the charts.... 3 months later Coffee Shop, then the next month Hurricane.. AND THEN BAD MAN!!!!!!!  and now after that fiasco... they come again... in the same month of the One Shot release.... ANGEL IS OUT.......  I died when i heard the album.....  (ZELO AND JONGUP SING!!!!   BACK TO BACK IN LOVESICK!!!!!!)    I am slowly killing myself.. So while i ws spazzing... it is a school night.... so that means homework..... but i decide to go to kpop......  my sister has told this to me many times and why would i listen to a 12 year old? i thought..... i should have "Fridays and Saturday's only unnie.. Cuz Sunday you will be thinking of it Monday" is what she said.. i said "quiet my oppas are singing" she says "unnnie, i will be that in the weekends cuz my heart is still young" me..."shhhh!!!! oppas are singing!!!"  

i should have listen.. MNET Countdown comeback stage......dear lord..... why did it have to be Thursday live??????  itook me 4 hours to stop spazzing and finish my Korean homework.... not helpful... cuz while i was making a powerpoint about history from one of the provinces... Angel was in my ears and i was just...... gone......   

BTW: Zelo's wild red hair just makes my heart stop... HIS VOICE MATURED!!!!!!!  ITS SLIGHTLY DEEPER!!!!  WHYY!???!?!?!  ant he just stay cute and giant sized forever?????    

thought the eyeliner on him is making me annoyed.... leave his face eyeliner free... Daehyun too... Actually all of them!!!!!!!!    auuggghhh!!!!!! the feelz!!!! help......   


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