I'm kind of shocked right now...

Let me have my moment of needing to get this out of my system because I'm extremely happy... You don't even need to read if you don't want :3 

I'm kind of shocked right now! I was going through my stories and was looking at my ones with exo cross dressing and let's just say I wasn't expecting them to be read by that many people >\\\< 

They were just something that I did to keep myself entertained and I honestly didn't think they were that good!

If you're looking for a story you should check 'em out if you haven't yet :P And I want to thank everyone for the love <3


Say Yes to the Dress [complete!]

Little Black Dress [complete!]

You Want Me to Wear a What!? [complete!]

Baekhyun's Mission: Codename 'Little Red Dress' [Almost complete~]

Sulay and Taoris will be the last two! :D

Thanks again to everyone <3

My little spazzing moment is over now... I hope everyone has a wonderful day <3



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