Birthday Giveaway!

Hello everyone! Not sure how many of you are aware of this, but my birthday is on February 28...I'm turning 19, yo! So as a way to celebrate, I'm going to hold a competition, sort of, to choose two users that I will award the giveaway to. I'll be posting details either later today or early tomorrow. The competition has something to do with me and your knowledge of who the hell this named Jess is. So yeah. If interested, get to know me! XD

Example question: which city is Jess staying at right now? *hint: look at my recent blogs! The questions will get harder over time.

The prize is still a secret by now. Be posting it next week :)


This is a pretty self-centered kind of giveaway but I don't care. I'll be giving away so nobody should have time to complain XD


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summer24 #1
I want to participate, may I?;)
I can't wait. I hope you get a lot of people to participate in this.
Drowning- #3
Omfgomfg my crush has the exact same birthday haha
karkrae #4
yaaaayyyy I'll do it I feel so proud I know the answer to the example question XD omfg i need a life
Holy crap! You're much younger than me!
Hahaha... But I still love and respected you as an author.
I'll try my best for this competition.
Happy advance Birthday! =w=
wow the more I think about it the less I know about you LOOOL
Whoaaa maybe I should join this..... or not. Nevermind haha I'm confused ><
HaibaraShery #8
I want join if the prize is Joonmyun or Kyungsoo ehehehhe... You have the same birth month with my mom and sister
Cool. 2 years older than me xD /sighs;
I dek if I can join your contest. /ugly sobs;
Woo! I'm turning 15 on 28 feb. Looks like we're born on the same day eh? Hehe!
Ziilel #11
I turned 13 today/Feb 6 ^-^
HappinesssDelight #12
wow. we're at the same age. I'm turning 19 on Feb 22 :))
yay~we're february babys... :)