♊ GEMINI ♊ - nicholas yukimura



nicholas yukimura


[ ♊ ]     generality

Full Name: Nicholas Katsurou Yukimura

Nicknames: Katchan (Japanese fans of Gemini and his mom, basically); Nick (everyone else)

Birthdate: May 15th, 1994

Age: 19

Birthplace: Hollister, California

Hometown: Hollister, California

Ethnicity: Japanese-Korean-American - respectively, he's 50% Japanese, 25% Korean and 25% white.

Nationality: Japanese-American (he's applying for Korean citizen ship in order to debut, though; as a kid, he was mostly focused on his Japanese heritage, as he's mostly Japanese.)

Languages Spoken: English (fluent); Japanese (fluent); Korean (advanced)

Blood Type: O


[ ♊ ]     physicality

Face Claim: Han Young

Back-up Face Claim: Kim Do Hoon

Height: 183 cm

Weight: 65 kg

Style: Nick dresses in whatever's trendy, really; he edges towards street style, sure, but he just kind of buys what ever's in store. He's got a huge collection of snapbacks and letterman jackets, which he loves and wears pretty much everywhere, and is never not wearing jeans in his personal life. (Doesn't matter how hot it is outside. Jeans.) He also really, really likes Converse sneakers, and is most commonly seen in a pair of bright red Converse high tops. Nick also usually wears graphic t-shirts he gets online, usually based on movies he likes. Just...normal clothes, pretty much. He's not known for being a fashion god or anything, he just dresses himself. Decently, usually. He also wears glasses when he's not on stage - standard hipster frames - or contacts occasionally, because he's too nearsighted to see one foot in front of him.




[ ♊ ]  dimensionality


Nick is certainly the kind of guy that only talks when he really, really has something to say, but when he does choose to speak, you can guarantee a clever, intelligent response. Nick has quite the way with words; he loves writing (especially rap lyrics, as he composes most of his own and helps with the other member's), and he learns other languages very easily. He's written tons of songs - mostly in this one notebook he takes absolutely everywhere with him - in Japanese, English and Korean, and even when he's not writing songs, he's writing something. He's got a creative mind and can translate his thoughts into speech without a lot of issues. In interviews, Nick's the guy who answers the serious questions (i.e. "Can you explain the album's concept" or "What are the lyrics of this song about".) Nick's not a combination of smart and stuck up, however; rather, he's more like smart + gentle. He's really a genuinely kind person and actively avoids hurting people; he's had exes, sure, but he's never wrote a song about one of them. Nick is rather easily influenced by other people's feelings, so he tries his best to make people happy. He's also fairly good with advice; maybe he's a little bit cheesy, but he certainly seems to be the kind of guy who knows what to say. He's very quiet, sure, but if you really seek him out? He'll be there for you every single time. Nick is also painfully polite and very charismatic onstage.

Nick's an insomniac; to put it simply, he doesn't sleep because he can't. There's always a lot on his mind - his intelligence is a curse and he always has new ideas - which stresses him out and prevents him from sleeping at night. He'll toss and turn, but he won't actually sleep. For the most part, he relies on energy drinks, which is exactly as good of an idea as it sounds. Nick's also rather oblivious, especially when it comes to matters of love. He's got no idea how to deal with his feelings, which makes him come off as rather dull, but really, Nick is simply impossible to flirt with. You'd have to confess to him straight-up before he'd realize any feelings in either direction. Nick is also rather moody, due to the fact that he's nice but also lives off of energy drinks. Sometimes that totally screws up things, and he'll say mean nice things or really nice mean things. He also can switch between angry, grumpy and tired, and his normal, intelligent and gentle self. Fanfic writers make him into a full-out tsundere, though it's certainly not that bad. Nick is kind of mealymouthed when he's not giving advice. He doesn't know how to be honest because he doesn't like to offend people, and in Nick's experience, being honest is a really good way to do that. He's generally passive and a bit weak. 

Background: Nicholas Katsurou Yukimura is the one son of Yukimura Miyuki, who at the time of Nick's birth, was a young Japanese girl living in Hollister for college, and James Bayer, a Korean-American businessman-in-training who Miyuki met on campus. At the time of Nick's birth, the relationship between the two was already starting to have tension - James wasn't exactly interested in raising a kid - but for the first thirteen years of Nick's life, the two of them stayed together, mainly for Nick's sake. Nick had a really normal childhood while his parents were together; he was a scrawny kid in glasses who wrote in his journal almost obsessively. Then he turned 13, his parents split, and Nick discovered rap; all of a sudden, he was living with his mom, not seeing his dad whatsoever, and writing lyrics. He ended up winning a talent show, performing an original rap, when he was 14. That's when he found out what his passion was - composing rap lyrics. It was something he could do and do well, which is good on all accounts. He auditioned for A-Star Entertainment when he was 15, and...well. More below.



  • Writing. He is so, so obsessed with writing.
  • Saturday Night Live - he even watches reruns on Netlflix sometimes. He loves the entire cast.
  • Coke. Never Pepsi, always Coke.
  • Barnes and Noble - or really, any bookstore.
  • Words.
  • Coldplay and Keane, who are, surprisingly enough, Nick's favorite musical artists. As for rappers, Nick's a fan of Kanye West, Jay-Z, and Kendrick Lamar.
  • Croissants.
  • Coffeeshops that play good music.
  • Energy drinks.
  • Cats.


  • Loud places - he really, really can't stand them.
  • Being in rooms full of stressed/tired/upset people. 
  • Cutesy concepts, no matter who's doing them - girl groups, boy groups, soloists, or co-ed groups. 
  • People that smoke weed. He's used to it, and hates it anyways.
  • Macklemore.
  • Singing; he's a rapper, not a vocalist.
  • Tea. He's much more of a coffee person.
  • Dogs, who he finds too energetic for his taste.
  • People worrying about him. 


  • Nick plans on attending Korea National University of Arts once things settle down around GEMINI's debut.
  • Nick has smoked weed exactly once; he really doesn't like being high or drunk in general, because he doesn't feel like he's in control. 
  • Nick loves late Spring, namely because he was born in late Spring.
  • Nick's favorite American TV shows are The Voice, Saturday Night Live, and Torchwood (which is technically British but whatever); he also likes Running Man, School 2013 and Answer Me 1997 as far as Korean TV goes.
  • Nick's favorite song is 99 Problems by Jay-Z.
  • Nick's ideal type - as he says in interviews, anyway - is A Pink's Namjoo.
  • Nick is a huge Marvel nerd. He actually buys the comics as opposed to just watching the movies, and has a large amount of Marvel T-Shirts. (He likes Captain America the best.)
  • Nick practices Shinto. 
  • Nick goes to Japan every New Years - Hokkaido, specifically - and meets up with his mom to go to the shrine.
  • Nick doesn't listen to a lot of K-pop. 



[ ♊ ]     commonality

Family Members:

Mother - Yukimura Miyuki - 39 - Japanese teacher - To put it simply, the only regret Nick has about becoming an idol is the fact that he doesn't get to see his mom anymore. She can be a bit naggy but she's incredibly loving to him. 

Father - James Bayer - 41 - Businessman - They don't.


Best Friend(s): 

Joseph Wong - 20 - College student - Although their friendship started as "hey, we're the only two Asian kids in class", Joseph is pretty much the guy that was most supportive of Nick becoming an idol. They can just laugh and joke together like two normal guys, and Nick treasures that.


Friends & Acquaintances: 

Jung Eunji - 20 - Idol (A Pink)

Amaranth Casey - 19 - College student

John Marcus - 19 - Barista



Rival: (optional)

(name - age - occupation - reason for rivalry - how they interact)




[ ♊ ]     romanticality

ual Orientation: Gay. The closet is strong with this one.

Ideal type: Seth Myers - or, in other words, somebody with a good sense of humor and equally good looks. Nick wants somebody that's going to make him laugh. Also, he'd like a responsible and caring person.

Love Rival: (optional)

(name - age - occupation - how they met - how they interact)



[ ♊ ]     musicality

Stage Name: Katsurou

Official Fanclub Name: Knick Knacks

Official Fan Color: #0B3861

Position: The Lyricist - Main rapper, sub-dancer (GEM-K)

Back-Up Position: The Dancing Machine - Main dancer, vocalist, visual.

How he became an A-Star Trainee: Audition - he performed a rap song in English about how he was leaving his home and his mom, and his emotion sold the judges over.

Number of training years: 4.



[ ♊ ]     formality

Your name & username: TTW; troubledwater.

AFF Activity Level (1-10): 9

Scene requests: Nick losing his notebook and his love interest finding it for him; Nick's lack of sleep catching up with him.

Comments & Suggestions: Honesty by SHINee. 

Do I have your permission to tweak minor things in your app to better fit the story?: yes.


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