drove into a ditch

Exactly what the title says. The roads were covered in snow and ice and since I live in the way far bottom of a county they never plow or salt our roads until like night. So I was driving to school and I started sliding sideways on a turn and all that was going through my mind was "Oh , I'm gonna die. Oh oh ohckkckck." Then I hit the snow bank area and my car was all tilty and and I had to like awkwardly crawl into the passenger seat to grab my phone which was on the floor since I slammed to the side. Then I had no cell rreception for a good 20 minutes so I sat in my car crying while trying to callmy mmother. So I finally get a hold of her Nd she's on her way to help me out. A few nice people pulled over to offer help but I declined and my mom eventually showed up and helped me out of the ditch. Now I'm ag home, hands shaking and still teary eyed. That is all. Nsksix n shsjawojsjeidh b sosksixjxnd.


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OHMYGOSH OHMGOS. RELIEVED TO KNOE YOU'RE FINE. tell me you're okay. OKAY? OKAY. *screams cuz tfios reference*
Glad your OK!.
i hope you're okay! ;3;
thank god you are still safe ^^