I hate this so ing much

I hate this! Every ing day its getting worse!! I feel like crying every ing day. I hate this so much... Everything hurts but it hurts even more when I cry. I hate it. I hate crying. I hate Aaron but I most definitely hate myself. It hurts


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mistressofsecrecy #1
...Talk to someone on here...hope you talked to someone here
Take care of yourself please...write it out on a journal and if you feel calm look over it and think why you felt that way...maybe it will help? I don't know :/

Was this Aaron the one who took someone somewhere? ...or am I just mixing up people? I'm sorry I have a bad memory :(
baka_ming95 #2
Cry your feeling out, chingu! >< It might make you feel better><
thedramalover1099 #3
i really wanna know who aron is...but in not gonna ask u. But I hope he is one of the good guys :)
thedramalover1099 #4
Everybody's comments r so nice and concerned but when u look at the name its funny cuz its related to k-world~
I'm no different though.... :D

Hope u get better....every time I cry, i'm either praying or in the bathroom or under my quilt......Its a nice feeling after u let it all out....I don't really know what to say.....but I really hope that u get better...

"Everything happens for a reason" is probably not the best thing to say to someone who is hurting badly inside......but if u think about it for a while, You'll realize its true. God has one of the most weirdest, amazing and confusing way to tell u he loves u and that u r important to him :D
please stay strong...im still praying for ya :)
MizzPeel0007 #5
I don't know why you are crying, but I hope that reason can soon be cleared up.
why are you crying love? and who is Aaron?
dont cry pleaseee
What's wrong?? Wae are you crying?? Who's Aaron?? Please don't be upset~
Please cheer up! Okay??
Are you okay? omg hearing you upset really makes me upset too.
bcelestte #10
No dont hate yourself I know I dont really know you but if u ever need to talk to someone im here c:
I don't know what's wrong.. but it's sad that you are feeling like this. If you want to cry, than cry your heart out.. let it out.. it's okay to be sad, but don't let it consume you.. let it help you grow.

Don't hate yourself either.. hating yourself isn't going to make the pain go away. It will only make everything more painful.

Smile, and know you are loved. Smile because you are you. Smile a real freaking smile to show this 'aaron' guy how dumb he is.

anyway, if you ever want to talk to somebody i'm here :D
Gwenchanayo? *pouts*
leedino #13
whats wrong? dont cry. i hate seeing people cry...
unless i hate them.
but i dont hate you. so dont cry. i may not know your story but i want you to feel better! if you want to talk, im here. even if you dont know me, im here.