A Ghost's Thoughts Number Three: Politics

Ah politics.

Sometimes I'm quite fascinated with it, but other times I think it's finally starting to wear on me a bit .___. On DeviantArt it's a pretty hot topic over there. Some democrats on that site bash republicans, some republicans on that site bash democrats...it's a never ending war with these parties it seems and a good reason why I'm independant ^^;

I believe with the republicans on some issues and I agree with democrats on some issues, but most of the time both just seem to be a little 'preachy' with their views if you ask me.

Politics really can bring out the worst in people as well. I've heard of people ruining good, life long friendships because their views don't match each other and it's like 'You're letting something like different opinions ruin a good friendship?' -__-  I believe in gay marriage for example but some of my friends in real life and on the internet don't and guess what: We're still friends :3 We don't let politics ruin a good friendship. And if I do happen to dislike you or like you  it's more about your attitude and personality rather then what you believe in.

I wish it was that simple for some...but I don't see that happening anytime soon to just agree to disagree. Oh well. What do you guys think of politics?


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That's why I like being a moderate? :3
I just don't like bigots :3
Excuse me sir that's not how chemistry works you okay
I don't actually like politics. Yeah, I have friends who agree with marriage equality and who don't and I'm still the very best of friends. But if they were actually extremely homophobic to the point where they think gays should be put to death... well that's a totally different story.