Love Advice?

I need some love advice.. anyone?

okey i'll tell you i need advice

My Love Story (?)

hurmm i like this guy in my class.. he's taken.. i liked him since i first started highschool.. we were always in the same class.. anyway, and this crush has been going on for 2-3 years! He's making me confused! One time.. i finally got a bf.. it ended with him punching my bf! I dont get it! Its not like he likes me or anything! Why did he have to punch my ex?? And for the past 2-3 years! I realized him looking&starring at me! And im sure i wasnt daydreaming! There was never a day i dont catch him starring/looking at me, Eventhough he's taken! He's confusing me and giving me false hope! I dont get the message that hes trying to give! The sentence "does he like me?" Keep running in my head everyday! My heart aches everyday! I just didnt let my friends see it!

can someone help me?

give me advice!

1. How to move on

2. How to forget the guy you've been crushing on for ages

what is he trying to do?

from your opinion, do you think he likes me?

sorry for disturbing you or anything :/

sorry i wrote it long ㅠㅠ


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Maybe he is trying to protect you???
i want to give advice but.., I can't get over my ex, even after almost 2 years. /wow stupid me/
Hmm, I'm a bit shocked about him punching your ex xD What came to my mind that time was he cared for you, no scratch that, he cares for you.

If you're not scared or you have enough wits, maybe you can talk to him personally and ask him what's really going on and tell him to answer honestly.
I would love to give you some advice but

1. I never in 'love' before..

2. Most guy think I am a guy (I am hardcore girl and no, I am not lesbian or tomboy)

3. I have no idea how to forget a guy who you been crushing on.. Try dating other guy? Talk to the guy? Maybe??

4. Sorry, I havent been helpful at all..