A Lesson for Myself (or You Too?) - 001

So, today me and my mom is trying to clean up my (messy) room. And I apparently found a notebook I used to use for writing the randomness in my head. However, I found a page of notes about chapter one: stuff-stuff-stuff, chapter two: stuff-stuff-stuff, and so on (although it's actually only to three chapter). It took me a second to know this is one of my storyline note (since it's on my kind of format). But the thing is...

The hell is this story about?

All I know is that this is a fanfiction based on an anime I used to crazy about almost three years ago. Then I took my time to figure it out what's this story is about (I guess the me at that time didn't even bother to put the story title -.-"). After five to ten minutes later, I finally remembered.

It's one of my biggest (unfinished) project before I even know what EXO is (or at least, able to distinguish between Lay and Luhan or Baekhyun and Suho)! It seems from my notes, I used to put a really hard effort on that one. Shamelessly, I will reveal the story about:

A kind-of spin-off of Inazuma Eleven GO based on Crows Zero.


I totally blame the boys in my class for Crows Zero part.

That aside, I got extremely curious so I check on my laptop to see it. But then...

There's none... Did I delete it? I don't even remember it! The thing is, I'm now furious because I really want to read it and maybe-maybe-maybe continue it or whatever decision I may have at the moment. But, the story is no longer exist in the world. To think I'm a lazy who never jump away of the first chapter. And, I kind of remember even if the notes said 'chapter three', I didn't continue writing further chapters' notes, which means... I from my past probably wrote more and forgot to make a note about it. OTL

I think I learn a lesson from this. NEVER EVER DELETE ANY STORY (ESPECIALLY A STORY THAT REACHED MORE THAN CHAPTER THREE) YA' EVER MAKE! Even if it's a crack, a fail or whatever it is. Last term I found an old Pokemon fanfic (my first fanfic ever), and it's a hell of fun to read (and shouting to myself for every grammatical mistakes, or things that too impossible to happen).



Now that I think about it, maybe I should keep this blogpost, so I wouldn't delete anything in my document from now on.


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wait why you would tag me in it?
and wow, Inazuma + Crows Zero + EXO?
dude, you're not suppose to delete that