♪ღ♪❃~Fantastic Gurlz ❃♪ღ♪ ~ -SM Entertainment New Girl Group [Rin]







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Fantastic Gurlz







❄{ Rin }❄ 
















































Username : okitty

Activeness : 8

Nickname : Okita






Name : Lee Hyu Rin

Other Name : Madeline Lee

Nicknames :Rin, Maddie, Mey

Date of Birth  Age : May9, 1995 19

Birthplace  Hometown : California, USA  Seoul, South Korea

Blood Type : B

Height ❄ Weight : 170 cm ❄ 48 kg

Languages : English, Korea, Mandarin






Ulzzang : Jang Chom Mi







❄ https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRxlLldXxoTkyVie3ajBitW3T194PeYZF7q67ohwYV5FgjjqeyB

❄ https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSzWN6FmFByoc9TN6lT_1bwdrfuwbaqsCuLNrxf31sj8wOE9TNsuw

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Backup Ulzzang : Song Ah Ri

Links https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSgFpbLXwLKw7e0SiXfpYfdXoJFQHzwBGnjJ3VyKHx-nOkVG3pK





❄ https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSXh15AAlVK-JCnvkYEvUURUe7jZYo2f0duD6hU7gCEZJPyairx





Family :

❄ Father |Maximilan Lee (Lee Jung Hyun) || 41 || Businessman || Stubborn, Hardworker, humble, Care, Firm, Old-styled, thinker,  || Rin's father is kind of person that hate if somebody against him. So, he's getting mad when Rin and Mark are not rebeled him to back to USA and continue their study. They choose their dream to go to Korea and being an idol. So, he acts like he doesn't care about his children anymore. But actually, he send a bodyguard to watch the children and later, if they're get in trouble, he will help them without they knew. He's so busy with his jobs and rarely stay at home to meet his family. Once Rin and Mark are little kids, he is the one who took them to learned Muay Thai. But, after he divorced with Rin's mother, he never do that again. He married with his personal assistant when Rin is 14. He has an abnormal heart disease and hypertense. it makes him could be has a heart attack if get too angry or shocked. he gave most of his stubborn genes to Rin, and it makes them always have a fight every time they meet. || Alive

❄ Mother ||  Madison Kim (Kim Min Ra) ||  39 ||  Fashion and Jewellery Designer ||  Stubborn, Independent, Brave, Firm, Motherhood, Care, Respectful, Hardworker, Never Give up ||  Rin's mother always educate her children hard. She teach them how to be a strong person, who stand on their own feet until the last time. She hate to live as a housewife and always interesting to live as a modern and independet woman, such as bussinesswoman. That's why she divorced with Rin's father. She loves her children and always try to give them the best. After divorced, she always work hard to finance the children and give them anything they need. But, what's she doesn't know, her jobs make her separate from her children because it makes her rarely meet them. She just thinks that money can make her children happy, but she forget that they also need her love. She's the only one who support Rin's and Mark's dream to being an idol. She has no doubt to fight with her ex-husband just to make him agree with the children choise. Once Rin is a little girl, they often paint the evening sky and sunset together. Deep in her heart, she still loves Rin's father but she respect his desicion to married Grace.||  Alive

 ❄Step Mother ||  Grace Shin (Shin Jae Rim) ||  28 ||  Housewife ||  Matrelialistic, dandy, Two-faced, arrogant ||  She married with Rin's father when Rin is 14 years old. Actually, she married him just to have all his money. She always acted as a good and care housewife in front of her husband, but when he's not around, she keeps bough anything uncontrolably and have fun with lots of her boyfriends. She always acts like she loves her stepchildren, but actually she not really care about them. Always try to find a way to get into Mark's pants. Mark and Rin hates her so much to took their father away from them and because she acts likes a . Everytime Rin is fighting with her father, Grace will defend her husband (just to catch his attention) and blame Rin. She will acts as a plain new mother who doesn't know what to do if her husband and her stepdaughter fighting. Always do bad things to Rin when her husband not around. || Alive

❄Little Brother || Mark Lee (Lee Hyu Jo) || 14 || Student, SM Rookie (SM Entertaiment Trainee) || Childish, Cute, Care, Easy to Curious, Ignorant, Plain, Logic, Simple - minded, spoiled, captious, game lover, Chicken Lover, Anime Lover || Mark is a kind of cute little brother that loves his sister so much.  He promised himself that he will protected her, and it makes him a little overprotective of her. He always get upset or blame himself if saw Rin cried because he felt failed to protect her. They both are so close. We can say that Mark is Rin's trash bin. She always told him anything happened in her life. Joy or cry, Mark will be the first one who knows. Rin often asked him for advices. Well, Mark can acts mature sometimes, and he always give a logic reason/advices for all Rin's problems. He loves to bother her, (Well, they bother each other) and make her upset. Mark is a basketball,skateboard, and video game lovers. his favourite games are Starcraft, Pokopang, and GTA. He often do a GTA Competition with Rin and put a big cup of Matcha Gelato as a reward. Loves to watch Hollywood Horror movie. Has a secret love with Actress Kim Yoo Joung.|| Alive

Background : Rin borned at California, USA and her family live there until she's about six years old. Then, they moved to Seoul, Korea until she was 12 years old. During her childhood, Rin is a happy girl that always spent her days with her little family. She and her mother often painted and baked cookies together. With her father, she and Mark aften go to hiked and learned Muay Thai. But they never do that again after the divorce. After her parents divorced, both Rin and Mark live with their father. But after their father's second wedding, everything changed. They both never match with the stepmother, specially Rin. They fighting all the time and finally, when she was 16, Rin took Mark moved with her to live with their mother in Hongkong. But, it's not make everything better. Their mother gets too busy with her new job as a Fashion and Jawelery designer and never have time enough for the children. The situation make Rin and Mark being so close. They shared their tears and joy together and they take care of each other. When they enters the company, their father and step mother reject their desicion. Only their mother support it. But, they keep run for their dream and rebel their father.






Personality : With her parents educate, Rin grow as a stubborn, brave and independent girl. She's always finish everything she has started, and she always find a way to get what she wants. She won't ask helps to anybody until the last time. She hate to acknowledge that she can't do something. She's also a hardworker. She will never give up or stop to do something if she still unsatisfied with it.  She's also a caremature and optimistic girl. Everytime people get pesimistic, she will be the one who raised them up. She likes to be the center of people's attention. Her life filled with childish people, and it makes her got the mature side. But, she's an being childinsh if she really want to. She's a friendly girl, and she easy to make a friend with someone. She is easy going and a little bit moody. If she's not in mood, she can be so annoying. She has a high emphaty on something/someone. It makes her looked as a sensitive guy who easy to cry.

Her parents divorced teach her a valuable things about love life. She is scared to hurted by someone and she always obssesed to find the right one for her life. She rarely fall in love or open her heart for someone, but if she really do, she will not let the feeling just go away. She's also a plain and romantic person. She always dreamed that she could find her first love just like Rapunzel or Cinderella. Her plain usually get her in trouble. She is too honest, and always said everything she have in mind, without think if it's would hurt someone. Sometimes, it makes people misunderstanding her. Rin is respect in honest and sportivity. She hate a two-faced person and a liar. She is also easy to apologize and forgive someone. She will apologize if she knew that she made a mistake, but but if she knew that she's right, she will hold on until the end.

Since she was about 14 years old, she obsesed to live healthy. it makes her being a healthfreak. She has a scared of being sick. She always try to do her life in a healthy way. Even, she tries to persuade another members to do such a healthy life style like she did. She will get upset if Mark, or Kai or Sehun about her health lifestyle. Her emotion rarely showed but sometimes it can explode as a mad anger. Rin loves the outdoor activity, just like sport, hiking, or traveling. She hate to stuck in a room and do nothing. She's a little hyperactive, that means she must keep active to make her mood keep in a happy way.

Likes :

❄ Feels the rain falls on her

❄ Braid or ponytail her hair

❄ Hiking or traveling

❄ Photography

Matcha Gelato (Green Tea Ice Cream)

❄ Play GTA

❄ Do an outdoor activity

❄ Cycling and let the wind blows on her face

Dislikes :

❄ Called "Rin-Rin Noona" by Mark

❄ Reading a Science Fiction Book

❄ Waiting for something or someone

❄ Drink white milk

❄ Eat spicy food

❄ Shopping

❄ Attend a formal ceremony

Hobbies :

❄ Play A Piano

❄ Paint the sky and sun set

❄ Singing

❄ Listen To Music

❄ Browsing about 'how do your life healtier'

❄ Do Muay Thai

❄ Watch a Romance movie

Habits :

❄ Look to the sky and raised her hand to the sky when rainy

❄ Drink a glass of water in the morning

❄ Do a jogging and sit up every morning

❄ Drink Earl Green Tea and eat English muffin as a breakfast

❄ Only eat lettuce, banana, or green apple as a snack

❄ Biting her bottom lips everytime get nervous

❄ Eat chocolate uncontrolable every time get stressed

❄ Pouting when thinking


❄ Get Sick because She hate to stuck on her bed and can do nothing

❄ Bugs because they're disgusting

❄ Watch horror movie because it makes her bad-dreaming

❄ Cat because once a cat bite her finger and make it bleeding 

❄ Dark because dark always remebering her to horror movie

Trivia :

❄ Hate to talk about body weight

❄ Have a gastric problem

❄ Have a very cute aegyo

❄ A Vegetarian

❄ She will eat meat only a time in a month

❄ Have a cute brown teddy bear named Mogu

❄ Need to hug Mogu before go to sleep

❄ Hate to sleep alone in a dark place

❄ Always bring a tissue and hand sanitizer in her bag

❄ Have a bad memory

❄ Easy to lost in the new place

❄ A big fans of Michael Jackson and Mariah Carey

❄ Mark and Sehun always called her Mey (Madeline)

❄ Like to tease Mark by called him Baby Mark

❄ Hate a liar and two-faced person

❄ Can't win the GTA from Mark until Kai teach her the cheating way

❄ Loves the Rapunzel story so much





Best Friends

❄ Kim Jong In (Kai) || 20 || Singer (EXO Member), Model, Dancer, Rapper || Kai is the first person who talked with her when she just joined the company. On the time, she's lost and then she asked him to show her the vocal practice room, then he showed her the room  || Logic, Open minded, Pokerface, Plain, Silly, Try to act mature but most failed, cool, unexpected, chicken lover, Unpassion || Kai always helps her to practice with the coreography. Usually, they will go to the chicken restaurant everytime they finished they practice (Mostly, Kai eat, Rin watching). Kai also loves play GTA. He's the one who teach her to cheating and loose Mark on the game. Before, she never win with Mark. Every Saturday, he will go with her and Mark to the Muay Thai learing center and watch Rin and Mark do their hobby. He won't do the Muay Thai because he more obsessed to do the Martial arts. After finish the practice at Muay Thai learning Center, usually Rin and Kai will go to the theater and watch movie or they will go to the park and enjoy the city. Rin is Kai's 'trashbin'. He always share her about anything, mostly he asks her to gives advices about girls. || 9



❄ Bae Suzy || 20 || Actress, Singer (Miss-A Member), Model || At MAMA Era, Kai asked her to give him some spirits before he's perform at Music Bank. Then, at the backstage, he introduce Rin to Suzy. Thankfully, they both have an almost same personality, so they easy to make a friend at each other || Plain, Honest, Independent, Likes Joking Around, Childish || You will not believe that Rin is herself if she joining with Suzy. Rin will leave her mature side and they will do such a childish and crazy but fun things. Just say go to karaoke and singing/screaming, Do a lot of selca/selfpic (with epic gesture and mimic), Make a pranks on people, Watching a drama, and many more || 7

❄ Oh Sehun || 20 || Singer (EXO Member), Rapper, Dancer, Model || Look at Love Rival Interest || Childish, Often acts silly, Ignorant, plain, honest || Talk about past, Cycling together, Eat Bubbletea, Take a selca together, Stay at each other house, (If Rin stays on his house, then Sehun's mother will teach her cook a lot of food), Watch a movie in midnight  || 7

❄ Kim Seohyun || 23 || Singer (Girl's Generation Member), Model, Dancer || Seohyun is Rin's sunbae at SM Entertaiment. In a project, she needs to teach her a better way to singing, and how to do a betterperforming style || Passionful, Kind, Cute, Mature, Indpendent || Mostly, Rin is learn a lot of things about entertaiment from her. She had her debuted when she was sixteen, so she knew how harsh the entertaiment world could be. She is a very passion girl. She will not get mad if Rin is doesn't understand something. She will teach and explain to her passionly. She teach Rin to be a better idol.|| 5


Rival :

❄ Jo Hyunmi || 18 || SM TRAINEE || They're both from Hongkong, but they met when they succeed on becaming one of the trainee || arrogant, hard-worker, strong-willed, cunning  || Hyunmi envies Rin because she is close to Kai and Sehun, when they didn't even look at her. Beside, her mother is a senior actress in Hongkong, and she always obsessed to be the same like her. She will do anything to reach her dream, even with cunning way. || 3

Why are you rivals : They're both talented and they competing to be debut first. 


Love interest : Park Chanyeol

Backup Love Interest : Byun Baekhyun

Date of Birth ❄ Age : November 27, 1992 ❄ 22 }

Group : EXO

Personality : Cheerful, Childish, Care, Cute, Hardworker, Stubborn, Forgiveful, Plain

How you met : With Kai and Sehun as her friends, Rin is often to meet EXO's Members. They met at EXO Showcase, when (again) Kai and Sehun asks her to meet them at the backstage and give them some spirits to do the show as good as they cant. On the time, Rin is bumps on him and accidentally, her Bubbletea fall on his shoes. She felt so sorry, specially because it's almost destroyed his shows.

How you act around each other : Chanyeol is kind of a plain boy who doesn't know anything about love. He always make a pranks on her and make her upset (just like Mark, but Rin is never bother him back if it's Chanyeol) then laugh to see her reaction. As a only boy, who has an older sister, since a kid Chanyeol is always learn to respect girls.He's also sensitive. He will notice everytime Rin feels tired, angry, upset, or sad, then he will try his best to comfort her. He's likes to seems not too care, but actually he really cares about her. Actually, he's too embarast to show his feeling that he loves her(Well, They both do), so he showed it by being cranky everytime she get close with Sehun or Kai, or just angry to her if she get too tired. Chanyeol is likes to make a surprise. He often put a Sunflower (Rin's Favourite Flower) on Rin's locker, and just leave a note or a poem. Rin and Chanyeol always fighting everytime they meet, but it just to hide their real feelings.


Love rival : Oh Sehun

Backup love rival : Kai (Kim Jong In)

Date of Birth ❄ Age : April12, 1994 ❄ 20 }

Group : EXO

Personality : Childish, Often acts silly, Ignorant, plain, honest

How you met : Sehun is Rin's childhood friend when she lived in Korea. He's also her neighbour (His house is next to her).

How you act around each other & why is he a love rival? :

As I said, Sehun is Rin's childhood friend when she lived in Korea. The first time Rin's family arrived in Korea Sehun's mother took her boy to her house and greet Rin's mother. Then, both mother be a good friend. They went to each other's house and talk about anything. Everytime they chatting, they will leave Sehun and Rin in the porch to play together.The first time, they both didn't care to each other. Sehun played with his car and Rin busy with her doll. But, as the times goes by, they started to forget their toys and played together and then they be a good friend. Also, Sehun is always being Rin's classmate and he always sit next to her at the elementary school. Yes, with her brilliant head, Rin is in the same class with him, when should be, she's his hoobae. Sehun always protect her and kind to her. Every day, he will pick her up in the morning and take her home after school with his little bicycle. Sehun is 'Rin's trashbin' when she was a girl. She will tell him anything she feels or think, whether he wants to know it or not. They usually stayed at their basecamp (A little house for play at Rin's yard) at night and chatting until the late of night. Sehun is also Rin's guardian angel everytime her parents fighting. When finally Rin's parents divorced, little Sehun is so sad when Rin is need to go with her father. At the last night they met, they both cried and promised each other that they will keep in touch. Sehun kissed her cheek and gave her a ring that made of a grass. He said that the ring meant that Rin is him and someday, if they grow up and they meet agin, Sehun will never let her go anymore. He's also said that one day, he wants her to be his wife.

Times goes, and they both have their own life. But, Rin is never forget his words that night. Yes, we can say that Sehun is Rin's first love. When they finally met again, as a trainee at SM Entertaiment, Sehun always acts like he doesn't knows her. Well, actually, he's act netral. He's acts silly and childish to everybody. He's seems like he has no special memory with her and his words on that night is just a fake or unimportant children's words. So, she almost give up and said to herself not to hope too much about him. But at the time, Sehun is starts to act like once. He's back to the kind and care Oh Sehun to her. He started to talk to her, he asks her to do everything they liked to do when they was a kid, even he started to act like Rin is him. He's start to talk about 'that night' and he asks her not to forget their promise. This time, Rin is really doesn't want too hope about him, but she's can't blame herself that she wants Sehun back to her and really do what he said, that he will never let her go anymore.





How did you get in the agency? : By SM Town Global Audition in Hongkong. She was 17 when she joined the company

How were your trainee days : Rin and Mark go to Korea after they accepted as a trainee on SM Town Global Audition. As I told before, their father is not agree with their desicion to leave their education then go to Korea and being an idol. Even he doesn't want to finance them. The stubborn Rin tell her father that she doesn't need his money, she can earn money by herself. So, Rin is looking for job to finance herself and her brother. Her mother send her a money every month, but she used it only to pay her brother's school and finance all his needs. To finance herself, Rin work at the 24 hours supermarket as a part-timer. She go to practice since 7AM to 8PM, then she goes to work until 1AM. At the trainee days, Rin have a lot of friends. Well, she's a kind of guy that easy to make a friend. Most of them likes her, bcause she's always care and kind to everybody.

Number of years of training : 2 years

Persona : Baby Lettuce (Because she loves lettuce so much)

Stage Name : Rin

Position :Lead Vocalist, Health Freak

Backup Position : Vocalist, Rapper, Lead Dancer

Fanclub Name : Lettuce

Fanclub Color : #99ff33






Comments : I would like if you make it not only for show it's love story, but also it's family side, specialy the families problems and how the character acts to the problems. I also want to see the friendship story of the character with their friends. And it will nice , i guess, if you make the scene not only in Korea, but also in another countries.

Suggestions : I'm agree that the concept must change everytime comeback. I think it will be nice if the debut concept is cute and girly. Yes, just do the same Girl's Generation debut concept. :)

Suggestions :

❄ Nami Island, South Korea

❄ Jeju island, South Korea

❄ Victoria Peak, Hongkong (Specially at night time)

❄ Thames river and Big ben, London


Password: I Heart You


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