I have a name for the former Friday thingy and its OSFWB or One shot Friday with Bleepblopbloop!! I have two one shots to post!!! Guys don't be afraid to ask cause I don't judge and I promise it will be written!!!!! Also all one shots will be uploaded at 5:35 eastern Pacific time. On. The. Dot. Thank you to those who have suggested and even if you don't suggest for today's if you suggest it later than the deadline it will be uploaded next week!!!! Or maybe tonight, depends on how nice I'm feeling.....Anyways to find those stories I'm supporting the tag OSFWB!!!! Also advertising or telling your friends about OSFWB is highly appreciated!!!!! Thank you again and comment or PM me. I also have a chat devoted to OSFWB so go check it out and suggest!!! Have a wonderful Friday and lots of love!!!!


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Hmm... why don't you write on your friends wall and advertise it? Just like how RP users do :)