♔ K.I.S.S ♔ | Miranda Park

troubledewater// TTW // 9/10
NICKNAME: Park Junghee - her much-hated Korean name.
DATE OF BIRTH: 1993 October 9th
AGE: 20
PLACE OF BIRTH: Blackpool, England
HOMETOWN: Blackpool, England (she was born and raised in England but both her parents are Korean.) 
LANGUAGE: English (fluent), Korean (fluent)
» Showtime
STAGE PERSONA: Ms. Brightside
POSITION: Lead vocalist, rapper 
FANCLUB COLOR: #F5D0A9 - Light Peach
TWINS: Singing: Sunny / Dancing: Sunny / Rapping: Namjoo
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

To put it simply, "look on the bright side!" is Miranda's catch phrase. She's optimistic and cheerful in the hardest of times. She's a bit of a space-case and is always zoning out, but you can't deny she's a generally happy person. She's an extrovert and loves being around other people, especially her group members; it's really lucky for her that she's a good person to be around. Does her positivity always make sense? Nope. In theory, her boyfriend could be cheating on her, and she'd still try her best to see the bright side. She's not the type of person that leaves non-happy emotions on the surface, preferring to repress anything that makes her angry rather than being true to her own emotions. Miranda is also a bit of a hopeless romantic. She loves the idea of love and has actually had a number of boyfriends, though she's never met anyone she could really consider her soulmate. She just likes the moments when love means happiness, avoiding the sad parts.

Miranda's the jealous type, however. She's also the kind of person that just doesn't deal with sadness, so as the days go on, she just gets more and more sad. It's a really vicious cycle, honestly. Miranda also is a very sensitive person; she's easily affected by unfamiliar situations and gets scared very, very easily. She's the kind of person that hides behind her members when she's scared and prefers not to talk during interviews, because she's just so afraid of everything. She's a sweetheart, sure, but she's definitely also a spacey scaredy-cat. And, she's a selfish girl; she thinks of herself first, even before she thinks about her groupmates. 

» Background

Miranda Park was born and raised in London, England, to two parents who had moved there about three years before. She was always a musician, and she actually attended performing arts schools before becoming a trainee at the age of 17. She had multiple boyfriends and didn't have a lot of major drama as a kid. Done and done. Nothing exciting. 

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes
  • one: Punk music, surprisingly enough. She's a huge fan of The Killers.
  • two: The color pink, and other pale colors.
  • three: London in the summertime.
  • four: Singing, clearly; she's been singing since she was a kid, of course she loves it.
  • five: Rom-coms.
» Dislikes
  • one: People that write off punk music as nothing.
  • two: Heights. She's absolutely terrified of heights. She can't stand them in the slightest, and couldn't even stand going on the London Eye.
  • three: Solo interviews. She feels like she doesn't ahve a ton of stuff to talk about.
  • four: Stage makeup. She has to wear so much of it and it makes her break out.
  • five: Springtime. Pollen.
» Fears
  • one: Heights. Did I mention that already? Because heights.
  • two: Messing up in any way, shape or form.
  • three: Heartbreak and jealousy in equal measure. Even though she's the jealous type herself.
  • four: Bees.
  • five: Allergic reactions.
» Hobbies
  • one: Singing. She just...really likes to sing.
  • two: Cards Against Humanity.
  • three: Reading. Especially romance novels.
  • four: Rom-com watching.
  • five: Listening to music.
» Habits
  • one: Brushing her hair out of her face.
  • two: Drumming her fingers.
» Trivia
  • one: Miranda is a huge fangirl of The Killers.
  • two: Miranda wants to eventually go solo, but she's also very happy to be debuting in a group.
  • three: Nahyun has yet to unpack her stuff in the dorm.
  • four: Nahyun is a fan of B.A.P.
  • five: Nahyun's favorite number is1009.
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
IDOL NAME: Lizzy (After School)
» Backup Faceclaim
IDOL NAME: Nana (After School)
awhat is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
LOVE INTEREST: Park Chanyeol
BACKUP: Kim Minseok

He's a happy virus. If I recall correctly, he's the guy that popularized the term. More often than not, Chanyeol's got a wide grin on his face, and also more often than not, it's infectious. His happiness and positive energy spreads around to other people and makes them happy too, even if they're sad. Even if Chanyeol's sad. Much like Miranda, he has pent-up emotions that are negative, but he doesn't show them; he's so well-known for being happy that seeing him serious is a shock. And he's so usually-happy that it's hard for him to show non-happy emotions. He's extroverted, but even extroverts need breaks. He just doesn't let his need for breaks show. He's like a robot with a broken inside.


It was only a kiss, how did it end up like this?

Throughout their trainee days, Miranda and Chanyeol were friends. They met at dance lessons and were generally on good terms; they had each other's numbers and texted a lot. Easy. They did most things opposite--friends do. And then EXO was gathered and told they'd debut in 2012, and the teasers were released, and Miranda and Chanyeol stopped talking to each other for a long time. Throughout the teaser era, they hardly talked to each other. What Is Love got released, History got released, and finally, Mama. After months of not talking to each other, Miranda and Chanyeol saw each other again...and he kissed her.

That killed it. Their whole friendship turned romantic, and you know how bad it gets when that happens. Because of K.I.S.S.'s impending debut, and EXO being busy with their sasaengs and such, they haven't been able to talk to each other about the kiss, which just distances them from each other more and more and more...so the next time they speak it's just gonna be awkward, let's face it.

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: Her personality comes from one of my favorite songs of all time, Mr. Brightside by The Killers. Seriously, such a good song! Fits her well too. Old- pics from Mama era since that's the last time I cared about EXO /slapped.
SCENE REQUEST: ...Up to you.
PASSWORD: I love you~
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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