Power of Music [Yun Mi] -plot1- Application


Kim Yun-Mi


Character Name -  Kim Yun-Mi 
Nicknames - Kit 

Other Names - Rosa
Birthdate -November 12, 1995
Birthplace - Brazil
Hometown - Daegu
Ethnicity - Korean, Japanese
Height - 166
Weight - 57.4
Blood Type - B
Languages - Korean[fluent] Japanese [conversational]

Gender -Female

Powers - Fire and flight

Color - red

Back up Color -XXX


Face Claim -Ahn Su Kyung
Back-Up Face claim - Kwon Su Jeong
Style - CASUAL: 1 2 FORMAL:1 2 TRAINING:1 2 DORM:1 2 AIRPORT: 1 2
Others - XXX

Personality - 
Loud and stubborn would be two word to describe the self proclaimed"Princess of Awesomness". When people first meet her she comes off a bit Self centered and cocky but in all truth she care about her family and friends and normally thinks of herself very last but she does think extremely high of herself. She has what most people would call Neapolitan syndrome or Little man syndrome where she  has a large ego to make up for what she lacks in height.Most people find her very annoying and weird at first but slowly grow to learn how to deal with her "Strong" personality . She enjoys pulling pranks and is extremely mischievous and stubborn. When she believes something is right it takes a lot to get her to give up or think otherwise. She is never picked on mostly because she will fight back which leads to a lot of conflicts and issues.

Likes - 


Dislikes - 

Rude people
Slow songs

Hobbies - 


Habits - 

Bitting her lip
Squeaking from fear
Eating when upset
Sore loser

Trivia - 

Scared of clowns

loves the Color red

hate cutting Onions

Background - 
She was raised in Brazil with her mom under she decided she wanted to meet her father. She was overly excited and she couldn't wait. She didn't have many friends in Brazil because she looked different from the other but she didn't care she had fun all on her own with all the toys she could make. She was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 6 and was put on a weird medication but she no longer has to take the medication. She moved to Korea to live with her  father when she was eight and she has lived there ever since. it took her 4 years to fluently learn how to speak Korean and she is extremely happy she learned. Throughout her life she has made many friends and hasn't had a exciting life it has mostly been average. When she got to Korea she listened to a music called 'K-pop' and spent half of her life teaching herself how to sing and rap. She never really got a hang of the dancing part. and now here she is at the ripe age of 16 doing exactly she wants to do. Being as hard headed as she is she had a extreme difficulty doing as she was told. She was always good when she was doing what she was suppose to do but normally would get yelled at. After the first year she was getting better at doing as she was told and it has a great effect on her training and the people around her could see that for themselves. She would try as hard as she could not to mess up even though she ended up failing a lot and stumbling on her words when others would ask her questions. She had a bit farther to go before debuting.

Family - 

Dad | Kim Minsoo | 57 | Store owner | Loud and extremely happy-go-lucky | annoyed and childish |                                                                                                           
Brother  |Kim Gosoo| 19 | student | Smug and Cocky | Fights-teasing- almost non-stop |

Twin Sister| Kim Min-Yun|17| Student | Sarcatic loud and cocky| Treats eachother like best friends|


Best Friends - 
Niel | 19 | Idol | Shy Silly funny | Like brother and sister

Friends - 
Jung Yongsoon | 17 |Student


Love Interest: BTS Jimin

Personality: Mischievous loud and funny
How you met: 
yun was out shopping for food, she was about 14 years old at the time, when she noticed there was only one pack of her favorite instant noodles left and on top of that they were on sale! She reached up to take them but someone hand grabbed them before her. She turned to see who had grabbed them and it was a boy who was taller than her. She glared up at him yelling. "Those are mine I saw them first you big oaff!" And he responded with a chuckle before saying " Well you were to slow." And then he just walked away........... She never got her noodles...

Interaction: They are always teasing and picking on one another

Relationship: crush frenemies then dating

Backup: Choi Junhong -Zelo-


Love Rival: youngmin

group:boy friend
Personality: Shy kind silly and slightly hyper
How you met: They went to the same school for the longest times and he became one of her only friends. They always got along and they never fought unless it was over food of course they always cheer each other up and hate seeing the other cry
Interaction:Like brother and sister
Relationship: bestfriends
Backup: Niel 



Name - Young-Hye
Age - 19
Group - HMIZL
Personality: Rude and mean
Why are you rival: yun was Trainning  when she saw hye and thought she would say hello. BUt hye glared at her and started to yell at her for inturupting her busy day. When she tried to apoligise hye scoffed and ignored the girls presence
Interaction: Always trying to out do one another never having anything nice to say

Stage Name - Justice
Persona - The Jester
Fanclub Name - side kicks
Fanclub Colour - Red and white
Position - Main dancer, voculist
Back-up Position -
Training Years - Unknown
Singing Twin - Aram GI
Dancing Twin - Ari
Rapping Twin - XXX
Speaking Twin - Hayana EVOL

Comments/Suggestions - tell us what you feel ^^
Scene Requests - in bullet points
Password - Video



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