` ❝ ℒᶸᵐᵒⓢⓘⓣⓨ ❞ ≃ ◤Jason Choi | Jason | Main Dancer, Visual, Lead Rapper | LA'Prince◢



-sunset || aleyna || nine out of ten

Jason Choi 

Hey! Let me introduce myself

Name: Jason Choi
Other names: Choi Min Joon (Korean Name)

➥ Flying Jason (used by Jongin because Jason is good at martial arts)
➥ Dude (used by almost everyone, because Jason says the word dude quite a lot)
➥ Jasoppa (used by Krystal to )
Age: 19 years old
Date of birth14th June, 1994

Birthplace: Los Angeles, United States

Hometown: Incheon, South Korea
Blood type[

➥ English (His native language)
➥ Korean (Advanced; he speaks it at home with his family most of the time)
yes sir, I'm one of a kind

Personality traits
: energetic, positive, self-critical, vain, hardworking, blunt, selective, confident.

Even though he is  known as the bad boy, Jason is not exactly what people think he is. He just has the image of a bad boy, smoking, charismatic performances on stage, deep dark brown eyes. Yes, he does look like those good looking actors we see in Hollywood movies, the type of boy that all the cute and good girls dream of, but his personality says otherwise! In fact his personality and his appearance doesn't match at all. Through all his journey as a trainee, Jason was many times called insecure of himself, insecure of his talent. But if there's something that he is not, is insecure!
In his audition for Jellyfish he was confident to the point that even the judges made a point of telling him “you weren’t as good as you thought you were.”  While in the audition he almost seems cocky, it's not the case! Jason is just too caught up in living his life to worry about such things as insecurities. He gets up on stage and he enjoys himself and if that comes across as overly confident then it’s simply an accidental interpretation. He isn’t the kind of guy to waste time on the negative things in life.  It's interesting how Jason can literally befriend anyone, but doesn't make it often. He is very cautious of those he choses as friends and even seems distant and cold most of the time. Believe me when I say that Jason is not easy to get along with, even if he seems very friendly - which he is -  he is just selective! Many trainees were afraid to approach him because of his strong looks. Yes, they were afraid of the "book cover", not the inside! However, once he feels comfortable around you, once he considers you as his friend, believe it will be forever.  And even if he is cautious about others, in love however, he might get hurt easily. He would give himself completely to his other half and in that way he’s more easily at risk of heartache. 

Jason would brighten a room almost instantaneously. It doesn’t take much analyzing to realize that he laughs at literally everything, and that kind of attitude towards people is infectious. He doesn’t seem to have an off switch either and that would possibly be the single thing that would put people off. Not everyone can handle that sort of continuous energy or even the way he seems to say things. He really doesn't think before speaking at it might hurt others most of the times, he is, indeed, super-duper blunt.
 His band members say that he is the happiness of the group, the one that makes all the days count, he either make them laugh with stupid jokes or running around the dorm with a cigarret between his lips! 
Jason is also called 'dumb' a lot of times! He seems to be always in his own world, sometimes falling for looking at the sky instead of seeing where he was going! He obviously didn't had any sucess in school, but he is smart! In interviews, he is always the one that answers the hardest questions, when the other members have blank stares, he will just answer with a huge smile and confidence. 
It would be wrong to label Jason as simple, because he isn’t and he knows it. He doesn’t take anything for granted, and he literally lives his entire life as though every single aspect is extraordinary. 

BackgroundHis parents both had successful jobs so money never was a problem for them. Growing up, Jason had a fairly normal childhood until his parents decided to get a divorce. Things just weren't working
and he could tell from their constant fighting. His father moved to LA, and his mother decided to stay in Korea. During weekends and breaks from school, Jason was always flying back and forth to London to visit his father. 
 His parents were really young when they found out they would become parents! Jason's mother was just 17 and his father 18! Even though he was born to young and still immature parents, he always had the best things available to him, the best clothes, the best toys and the best educational systems. He never was a boy that used to have good grades, so as soon he told his family he didn't wanted to become a doctor, it was a shock to all of them, since the whole family history was about doctors or business people! The boy decided to stand up for himself and fight for what he really wanted - being a model-.
But as soon he is scouted to be a trainee under a music company, his dream life changes completely. The question is: it changed for the best, or for the worst? Possibly both. Even though music was always a big part of his life since he was a child, Jason always had doubts about becoming an artist. His grandfather gave him a guitar when he was 10 years old and he fell in love with it as soon as he started to learn how to play. However, he never thought he could become far as a singer because his voice was nothing extraordinary, his dance moves were worst than a drunk man dancing and he was too shy to be in front of cameras. 
Jason was scouted to be a YG trainee when he was 14 years old, while he was shopping with his friends. A man complimented his style and happy personality saying that he should try to audition. However, YG saw nothing special about him. His dance moves were weak, his voice was unstable and he was too shy to even sing in front of a small audience. He had the looks, yes, but his talent needed to be nailed. YG accepted him though, deep down they knew he had something hidden. But he was transfered to Jellyfish Entertainment after 2 months of training under YG. It was a shock to him, he was already warming to everyone in the company. However, it was in Jellyfish that Jason left behind the shy personality and became a true star. With 3 years of training, he easily became a boy worth of a main dancer position!


♠ summer rain (he can't explain why, he just loves it, it's refreshing)
♠ smoke (he started smoking with 17 years old, it's an addiction he can't stop)
♠ food (he is with no doubt the shikshin of the group)
♠ video games ( he can spend more than 10 hours in front of a computer, playing games)
♠ photography (he has a canon that goes with him everywhere)
♠ horror movies (doesn't feel scared, just excited)
♠ guitars (his grandfather gave him a beautiful guitar that has more than 80 years already)
♠ skinship (he loves showing affection through touches)

♠ violence (it really gets on his nerves all the time)
♠ backstabbers (fake people are a big no)
♠ being bothered (when he is deep in his thoughts he hates being bothered for no reason)
♠ fish (he thinks it doesn't taste good and he always feels hungry after eating it)
♠ bad internet connection (probably one of the things he hates the most)
♠ small places (he will feel sufocated)
♠  crowded places (people bumping against him? No thanks)
♠ people touching his things (he will literally hit you)

♠ cooking (once again, food is the reason of everything. He is a good cook)
♠ watching movies (when the weather is cold outside, nothing better than stay home and watch a movie)
♠ sleep (probably the best hobbie)

♠ hiding his face while laughing (he doesn't even know why, but it's a habit since he was a kid)
♠ eating (biggest shikshin ever, remember?)
♠ procrastinating (yes, all the time, he is super lazy)
♠ checking his watch (it's a habit, he even does it when he doesn't has a watch)

♠ he was born in LA to a Korean mother and American father
♠ he believes in God
♠  If he could be an animal for one day, he would be a fly to spy on others without being seen
♠ his group members say he eats a lot. Once they went to Mc'Donalds and he ate three hamburgers, after a few minutes he asked for more!
♠ his favourite movies are ' The Lord of the Rings'
♠ he did his first appearance in Korean television with the drama 'Dream High 2'
♠ he is often mistaken as cold and reserved
♠ he is a fan of Jennifer Lawrence
♠ he is a big fan of 80's bands, and Guns N' Roses are his favourite
♠ he is friends with VIXX's Ken, F(x)'s Krystal, GOT7's JB and Kai from EXO
♠  he appaeared in Seo In Guk 'Tease Me ' MV
♠  he was supposed to debut as an actor only
♠  was an ulzang on his pre-debut days
♠ Shinhwa are his role model.

I know I'm Irresistable

Idol nameGOT7's Mark Tuan
Galleryclick me!
Back Idol nameIm Jaebum from GOT7
Gallery: click me!

Jason is known as the bad boy in town because of his style mainly! There's not many color in his wardrobe, just black, gray and white mostly. A manly style with charisma in every single piece of clothe. Jason loves shirts with funny messages on it, sometimes ert ones, for example 'like what you see? now imagine without clothes ;)'. He always uses something to match, a nice watch, a nice bracelet or nice converses. He doesn't spend much time around clothes and doesn't intend to do it anytime soon. If the clothes he is wearing don't cream 'fashion terrorist' then he is okay with it. When it comes to practice, Jason wear a lot of hoodies. To sleep, is pretty simple, he likes to sleep , that's all.

ExtrasJason has a piercing on his left ear. His voice changes a bit when he speaks korean, when he speaks in english his voice is more manly.

Tthe beautifuyou

NameKim Jong In
Occupation/Group/Position: Idol / EXO / Main Dancer, Rapper, Face of the Group
What can be said about Jongin? He is still a kid and behaves like one. People need to have a lot of patience with him, because dealing with him is not an easy thing. His personality changes from time to time, so we can say that he is a bit bipolar. He is shy and doesn't like to socialize much, but when he doesn't have a choice, he shows his pocker face and tries to tell to everyone that he is there just because he was forced, and he is going to be asking 'can I leave already' every 5 minutes. Cocky and also egocentric, Jongin can also be humble and down to earth. This boy surely knows how to keep a secret. You will find in him a very loyal friend, your secrets are safe with him. Since he is not very good with words because of how shy he is, the best way to show how he feels is through his dance moves! He often likes to be alone in the practice room dancing. Sees the good side in everything and doesn't give up if something is wrong. He will defenitely try again and again until he gets what he wants. Jongin is not afraid to say what he thinks, however it might hurt others because more often than not, he doesn't think before speaking. 

How you meet/metMark and Jongin went to the same school, in fact they even were classmates. They knew each other in the first day of high school. People always knew how close they were to each other, if Jongin was in a certain place, Jason wasn't far, they were like glue. While Jongin was the kingka that everybody wanted to be friends with, Jason was the captain of the football team and every girl was dying to have a chance with the American prince. However, even if Jason says many times that he is biual and leans towards girls more, Jongin changed his mind in the moment he hugeed him closer and pecked his cheek after a football game near the lockers. That was the first interaction between them when it comes to feelings. 

When people see Jason and Jongin together they will probably say something like ‘oh my God, are they gay?’,Yes, that's the thing people think right away because both of them are pretty fine with showing skinship. When they are together they are like the cat and the mouse, in fact they fight with each other every day. Jongin knows how to get on Jason's nerves either by doing stupid comments or teasing him in public. They are bestfriends and for them, friendship comes first. EXO fans and Lumositiy fans have a fansite dedicated to both of them, with the name Jaskai!

♠ Back in High School, Jason and Kai's group were called 'The Boys over Flowers'
♠ People started to ship Jason and Kai when both hugged each other at the end of Music Bank.
♠ Jongin was Jason's inspiration to start dancing
Jongin considers Jason his younger brother
♠ Jongin is Jason's favourite member in EXO and Jason is Jongin's favourite in Lumosity
Back up: Yugyeom from GOT7

Ohana means family

Mother | Choi Min Ha| 37 | Doctor | understanding, trustworthy, motherly | 9-10

Father | Josh Smith  | 39 | Surgeon | wise, caring, down to earth | 9-10

Best friends
Bestfriend | Krystal Jung | 19 | Idol, F(X) | reserved, conceited, smart | 10-10
Bestfriend | Ken Lee | 22 | Idol. VIXX | brave, dork, charismatic | 10-10


friend | Im Jaebum | 20  | Idol, GOT7 | shy, humble, ambitious, self-critical| 8-10
friend | Jung Leo | 23 | Idol, VIXX | calm, reserved, talented, mysterious | 6-10
friend | Lee Hyori | 34 | Soloist | confident, vain, charismatic, willy | 5-10

Love Rival:
Kyungsoo | 21 | Idol, EXO | talented, innocent, caring | 7-10  | Isn't it obvious? Too much skinship between him and Jongin and Jason is not a big fan of it, neither Kyungsoo likes it when Jason and Jongin are too close.

The one who bears the crown, wears the crown

Stage name: Jason
PersonaLA'Prince [Los Angeles Prince]
Fanclub nameWarrior(s)
Fanclub color
Position: Main Dancer, Visual, Lead Rapper
Backup PositionLead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Training years: 5 years

Trainee life
He became a trainee under Jellyfish Entertainment when he was 14 years old.  Being so young, under the spotlights and jealous eyes of other trainees, Jason had a hard time at first. He was too young and didn't had any experience, he needed to work harder than the others, trying to do the same things that people that were 4/5 years older than him were doing, he can say she grew up way too fast, being closed in a building dancig and singing his heart out, while most kids of his age where at school playing with each other. He didn't thought it was so bad though, it was his choice after all, and Jongin always told him how he needed to do sacrifices to become the best. Jason thought about giving up countless times, when he was all alone at the dorm and in those moments he wished she could have his family with him. He thought about giving up when his legs were shaking and his throat was hurting, when his tears were falling and he still needed to face the mirror with a smile and dance along with the beat. He was the youngest trainee in Jellyfish history, everyone was caring towards him, he couldn't forget how their voices seemed to raise when he used to do a small mistake, they always seem to blame the youngest and innocent one!

Singing twin-Insoo from Myname
Back up- Kyungsoo
Rapping twin: Park Chanyeol
Backup: Mark Tuan
Dancing twin: Jongin
Back up: Hoya
Mc twin: Chanyeol
Back up: Baekhyun
Don't sagoodbye

Comments/Suggestions/Questions: I hope you like him!
Scene Requests--
PasswordLum Oh City


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