My Pet Peeves as a Graphic Designer

Just to rant, here are a few things I hate when I design things:

• hair 

it is so annoying to put an overlay on a background when I girl has flying hair or a guy has styled hair ugh it's so hard to get around

• hands

also irritating to get around fingers

• toes

almost worse than fivers but not quite as bad as hair

• rushed commissions 

i have a life and I have things to do that are more important than someone's edit. I also get edits done quickly anyways so if you pressure me I get mad

• people who want a thousand things on their poster

when you put too many things on one space it looks cluttered and ugly and then no one is happy

• people who get mad at me

like really? I doing you a favor. 


Okay im done ranting :3


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Lol I feel you so much.