Stuck in Snow

Ok, so it never snows where I live, but it finally snowed yesterday. My school said they'd release us two hours early because of the snow, but that was the worst choice EVER.

I was supposed to leave school at 1:30, but I left at 6:00. I got home at 9:00. I was on my bus for three hours with a bunch of complaining idiots that would not shut up. There was a girl that was sitting in the seat across from mine, and she had to get home to take pills because she has low blood sugar.

Traffic was horrible, and there was ice covering the roads. There were multiple car wrecks, and eight bus wrecks. There were people parking their cars on the side of the road and walking home because they had been stuck in the same spot for hours. There were some people going out on four-wheelers and buying cat litter to spread on the roads since the government was doing nothing to help with the ice.

You want to know how many snow-plows there are in my state? Two. TWO SNOW-PLOWS FOR THE WHOLE MOTHER-EFFING STATE.

The cars on the highways were not moving, and they're still like that today. People had to sleep in their cars on the highway.

A few schools had a lock-down, and all the students had to sleep in the school. My school did too, but only for the students that were still there. The buses weren't coming, and some broke down. There was a huge truck stuck on one road, and all the other roads were closed.

One county didn't even have transportation for the students. They either had to walk home or be picked up by their parents, and that entire county kept the students overnight.

I tried sleeping the whole time, but it was difficult because one, the idiots would not shut up, and two, I was sitting three to a seat. There was plenty of room for all of us, but we sat three to a seat to keep warm. We managed to sit so that it was comfortable for all of us. Well, the two others sat, and I sank down in the seat so that I was bent in an L shape. My legs were across their's, and my torso was on the actual seat. My was in the gap between the seat and the back of the one in front of us. That's where our legs are supposed to go...

The three of us listened to music the whole time, so it wasn't too bad for us. We're friends, so it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. Which is good because my feet were in one girl's face at one point.

To get into my neighborhood, you have to go up this huge hill, and my bus usually does that to drop us off, but because of the ice, we just told her to drop us off at the foot of the hill. We walked up. I live right in the front, so it wasn't so bad for me, but a lot of people walked a while since they live in the back.

In the end, everything turned out fine for us and the people at my school, but the entire situation was ridiculous.

Everyone knew it was going to snow, yet we still had to go to school. In my state, if it's just below freezing, we don't go to school, but when we know it's going to snow, we still have to go to school. Honestly, there is no logic whatsoever.

Nobody in my state knows how to drive in this kind of weather. Like I said, it doesn't ever really snow here. Nobody was prepared, and the government is doing NOTHING.


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Wth, the government or even state should do something! If anything, they should have brought people down to help with the traffic. Or even de ice the roads somehow..

I honestly hope the next time won't be so hetic and people can go home. Hwaiting!