Map of Archaneaux & the Regnorum flags

The World of Archaneaux is divided into three continents. LIAM, Celaria and Tartharac. Two great bodies of water dominate Archaneaux. The Rysian Ocean ,which is named after the spirit Rysos the source of light for the whole Etherian galaxy where the planet is located. Rysos is a star next to it is the celestial body Geiya a semi star semi moon object in space. It emits a faint and mysterious light that shields the planet from Rysos intense rays. It revolves around Archaneaux making it a moon. It is 1/3 the size of the planet and influences the ocean Shou making it calm and gentle.


the land above the Rysian Ocean is LIAM which is said to uninhabited.



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Mura gyud ug posporo ang Rysia nga flag

Just Saying