Really? I didn't know I wasn't asian.

Ok so someone commented on one ofmy pictures onmy personal instagram that I'm not asian. 

First of all I know I'm not asian nor do I claim that I am. I put #mexican because I am mexican. 

The account was a kpop account for T.O.P. How they found my picture if they're a kpop account I don't know 

probably because I used #selca. 

I'm assuming thats why they decided to remind me I'm not asian. 

A LOT of people use the #selca and many aren't asian. Just like a lot of people use #selfie and aren't American. 

I don't know I just think its rude to comment something like that [i.e. anything meant to be mean] on anyone's picture.


._____. sorry for the rant I just needed to say that I never claimed to be asian and using hashtags under their intent meaning should be allowed.


..if that makes sense.


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christina73 #1
Wow whoever said that to u must have alot of free time on their hands write them back and tell the. U have a white friend that uses Korean words to lol
TheTimeChaser #2
use any hashtags you want. you should not care about those people. they don't own the internet. don't feel bad about it >o<
Don't take it to heart. I don't get how some people function their minds but that wasn't necessary. I am Chinese and yet sometimes people say that I don't look like it including all those annoying comments. It happens all the time but i always ignore them. Selca and Selfie are like the same so, who cares right?
Anyways, sorry but I just felt like i had to say something. Fighting !