Feel free to unsubscribe my story anytime (some people are just weird)

Haha, just.... I just stumbled upon a blog post of an author who is pissed off just because people unsubscribe her story. If people find your story to be no longer interesting, naturally, they will unsubscribe. At the same time, other people who want to keep reading stay subscribed. If you like a book, you read it through. If you find it boring, you don't finish reading it. Simple thing.

I don't see the reason to get upset, unless the unsubscriber bash you or anything, there's no reason to get pissed, worse, posting a blog post and word it as if those readers did you wrong (believe it or not there are actually people who back the author up). Hah.

Frankly, this sounds very, very self-centered. Interesting for character study though.



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oh well it is pretty upsetting when people unsubscribe out stories
but deal with it, not everyone likes what we write, right?
that’s how life goes on, don’t whine about it

this post of yours really make sense
ChocoPandaa #2
There was this story I read and subscribed to last time. It was actually a pretty nice story, despite the grammar and spelling errors. I can't believe I managed to cope with all those errors. The story had a sequel and a trilogy, but the trilogy was just going off point and it wasn't interesting anymore. But I hate leaving things undone so I decided to wait for the author to update, but she didn't for months, so I unsubscribed. Like few months later, she PMed me saying "Unsubscribed?!?!" and well.. I didn't reply because I didn't know what to say... .__."

Question: When a person unsubscribes to a story, do the author gets a notification saying "_____ unsubscribed to blablabla"? >_>
The only time I was ever upset about it on my old account, was when the user unsubscribed and said she didn't like it because her favorite couple wasn't in it and was quite rude about it. Other then that though, I don't get upset about it much really. I unsubscribe to certain things to if I lose interest it happens ^^;

Not everyone is going to like said author's story so they kind of have to expect that to happen.