HELLOOOOOOO people of AFF. Sooooo...... I need help. This involves people. It also involves interaction. I NEED SOME FRIENDS D;. Yes, I have real friends, don't worry. But no body really talks because they're either busy, don't want to talk or don't understand my feels. SO ANYWAYS...... if anyone has a LINE or KAKAO ... come talk random stuff with me and let's be friends! :D. I'm cereals. I need to be less anti social this year and this is one way I'm doing that :). BUT I WILL WARN YOU IN ADVANCE: If a conversation seems lacking...I tend to do random junk in order to keep the conversation going ~ (eg: send random photos of kpop idols, or anything I find interesting; talk about my current situations; what I'm doing; anything really.) Soooooooooo if you want to help a llama out, I'm here :D That's all from me today. LINE/KAKAO: allorysayshi :). (PS: Don't judge me for writing this.)


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