Well I read Anterograde Tomorrow Finally.... ;-;

{ color's according and themed to Anterograde Tomorrow, Green for Grass, Yellow for Daisies }

Well hi there, I am a procrastinator

and today, I had nothing to do, and had free time
So I read Anterograde Tomorrow
I know I’m very late on this feel trip tbh
no need to explain or hate at me I'm fully aware....




Who would write this! Who could sit there and write this mixture that swirls of depression and hope

I dun like it
Sure I should have expected tears, from seeing the label “Tragedy” in the genre. But not this many

For serious I’m like dead right now ;_____; 

Them being my OTP and my bias being Kyungsoo 
This puts so much feels on my back I seriously am falling to the ground in a sobbing mess

Kyungsoo and Jongin I love you pls dun die <3

cant.gif If you feel like dying click here


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