girls girls girls they love me

today im gona talk about GOT7.

Actually during their debut, I put no interest at all. just like what I have done to EXO. But im fangirling with EXO much much much late than GOT7. during the released of their teaser and and member intoducing, i just read the header on allkpop. i dont even read the full news. I don't even care about them. because I put all my love to EXO *dance to Growl. eururong eururong dae~* but after a few days or a week after maybe, I try to watch their MV, eh no no no. their live performances during M Countdown. *click live perfomance to watch the video * I dont even know their debut stage date. cause I don't care ae ae *I don't care - 2ne1. Jong Suk was in the MV*. they look a little bit nice act. they dance , their song. Keep replay in my mind . Girls girls girls they love me~ Mark's flips is the most awesome *o* ! Daebak *melting* So, I decide to watch their MV. Ahhh again. wearing school uniform ? Same concept like EXO eh? Im sooooooooooo not bored. Cause I love Korea schoool uniform. MUCH. Their school uniform was ddabong *thumbs up* compared to my country school uniform. Our school uniform was fine but it wasnt my taste at all. I like Korea school uniform more. But after considering the wether in my country, we might die due to the hotness. ahha. we wouldn't be able to wear those uniform, too much layer maaaa. and wearing skirt ? nahhh NO WAY !! 

okay back to the MV. i noticed something. Yellow school uniform ? The most famous high school attend by Kpop Idols. Performing Arts Seoul High School. A well know school right ? * im sorry for the wrong name of school* and they ride i-dont-know-what-that-thing. After listen to their full song, I was falling in love with them . Haha. right after that I watch their video looks-like-their-diary-video. irst episode, JB's birthday. they got good looking facing *melting again* and i tried to remember their name and face too. I just remember JB, Jackson, BamBam and Marks. I remember Jr faces after watching the Dream High 2 drama. and i oly remember his name but still dont get the face, Youngjae. *same name with B.A.P member, Youngjae ~*. but i dont remember the 7th member, his name neither his face. Later then. 

before their debut, people keep talking about JB and Jr. they have debut earlier that the other members in the group name of JJ Project *Bounce* and a drama in KBS Dream High 2. suddenly I love JB gosh damn. my sister like Jr. Can I say I love both ? So dont sleep all the night because Im fangirling with JB and Jr. But after 10 a.m I sleep all along the day. Haha, revenge. And my parents was a little bit angry. kekeke. I dont care :P

another reason why I being a late fan of GOT7, because i heard a rumour about the lost of EXO fancafe members due to GOT7. again I dont care about the lost yet i hope that GOT7 wont beat EXO this year. Haha, I hope EXO can win more Daesang Award this year. 

can I be the multifandom ? because I love KPOP much, this year is the 8th year I'm influence by Kpop. keep love GOT7 everybody. saranghaeyo mani mani jusaeyo heartheart~~ tq kamsahamnida *bows*


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One question...why can't you be multifandom? I have my one true fandom but I also follow others as well, because I enjoy everyone's talents and music and even their why can't you like EXO abut also GTO7?