any kpop song recommendations?

Ah, it's been a while since I heard much of good new kpop songs... Can you recommend me some upbeat and nice kpop songs? Any group is fine...please //puppy eyes/ thank u~


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'YooHoo'~ by Secret or maybe 'Something' by TVXQ.
Defiantly Yong Junhyung's Flower. It's fantastic!
(Actually the whole album was great)
30Y by Rain
Block B : Be the Light
Mr Lee
Taeyang: Ringa Linga
TOP: Doom Dada
honeykoyuki #5
kiss&cry - domino game (new girl the vocals!!)
glam - I like that (they're swag)
f(x) - step , kick
henry - trap
2ne1 - do you love me
fiestar - vista
Royal Pirates: Drawing the Line
Song Eun Yi & Song Seung Hyun: Age-Height
Exid: Every Night, I Feel Good
Infinite H: Special Girl, Fly High
NS Yoon-G: If You Love Me
From the Airport: Colors
yogurt96 #7
Hmmm new and upbeat?
Something-Girls' Day(I don't even listen to them that much but I love the song)

That's all I can think of for now aha xD
Inspirit7_love #8
I've been addicted to "something" by girls day these days xD and of course exo songs~ aside from their title songs i love "history", "black pearl", "dont go", "peter pan", "lucky", "xoxo", "my turn to cru" the most :)
Black Tinkerbell by Chocolat (my anthem, btw.)
Miss You by Tiny-G
Phantom City by Phantom
Up by Epik High
Everyday Love by Girls' Generation (Japanese but ehhhh...)
Follow Me (also called Say It) by Topp Dogg
Echo by Girls' Generation (for old time's sake, lol)

Yeah... I could give you tons more, but I'm doing this from memory, lmao... ^^
B1A4 - Lonely
Actually, B1A4 'Who Am I' album!
GOT7 - Girls girls girls
Maybe their Got It! album? ㅋㅋㅋ
Girl's Day - Something
TVXQ - Something
AOA - Miniskirt