`〈 dream's position, charactername 〉

`stage name - dream's position

character name
nicknames - optional, nickname :: who calls you that :: why

birthday - mm.dd.yyyy
age - 18-24

ethnicity -
birth place+home town - put it once if they are the same
languages - max of four, language :: fluency


personality - at least one paragraph

likes - at least five
dislikes - at least five

habits - at least three
hobbies - at least three 
talents - max of five
trivia - unlimited
`am i pretty?

face claim 
links - at least three or a gallery

back up face claim 
links - at least three or a gallery

style - a few words or links
extra- optional
`ohana means family!

background - at least one paragraph

[you can add siblings or delete them]
mother - name :: age :: occupation :: closeness (1-10)
father - name :: age :: occupation :: closeness (1-10)
brother - name :: age :: occupation :: closeness (1-10)
sister - name :: age :: occupation :: closeness (1-10)

best friend - name :: age :: occupation :: 4-5 traits
friends - name :: age :: occupation :: 2-3 traits :: closeness (1-10)
`my one and only!

love interest 
group - if oc or actor, just say so

personality - at least one paragraph

how you guys met - just 1-3 sentences will be fine
how you guys act together - just 4-5 sentences

happy ending? 
back up love interest 
back up love interest group 
`on stage!

stage name 

number of trainee years 
how where your trainee years? - just one paragraph

fanclub name 
fanclub color 

singing twin - davichi's haeri is taken
dancing twin - miss a's min is taken
rapping twin 


song suggestions 

scene requests 


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Here's mine:

I am so nervous orz