Ghost Story - Song NaBi


Username: shadowkitsune13 HYPERLINK IT YOURSELF. O^O

Activeness: ...I think you should know how active I am. Too active for my own good. >>

Character name: Song NaBi

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 5'1''

Visual: Kim Jee In

Specialty: 2nd degree black belt in Hapkido and telekinetic powers that aren't useful for anything except knocking things off surfaces


History: NaBi has no idea where she came from. From as long as she can remember, she has been at one orphanage or another. She has never stayed at one orphanage for more than a year or two due to her powers. She had been dubbed the unlucky child. While most people find having telekinesis cool, her telekinetic powers have been nothing but trouble to her. Her powers are strongly connected with her fear, causing her to knocks things over when she's scared. It doesn't help that once she knocks one thing over, there tends to be chain reaction of things being knocked over (since the first thing that fell over scares her). While most of the time, her powers don't cause much damage, it's problematic for orphanages that normally are low on money and need to replace things that she breaks. What's worse is the fact that she can see ghosts (most likely due to her supernatural ability). And NaBi hates ghosts. Even the nice ones scare her so of course that doesn't help her gain any points for her at the orphanages when she bothers the caretaker in the middle of the night that she can't sleep because a ghost is talking to her (and the fact that she knocked over everything in the hall as she ran to said caretaker). While she hasn't been blacklisted from orphanages, she has made quite a name for herself. Most orphanages are willing to take her in since she is a very sweet girl (and don't believe any of the rumors that have been told about her) but are unable to keep her for more than a year or so after all her problems.

Rumors of the unlucky child reaches Li Wei Wei's ears. When Wei took NaBi under her wing, the first thing she did was contact a teacher for NaBi to learn Hapkido. In order for NaBi to control her abilities, she needed to control her fears and reach a calmer state of mind. Wei had hoped that Hapkido would help her become less fearful if she knew how to defend herself. NaBi excelled in Hapkido more rapidly than anyone could predict. However, the reason Wei had NaBi trained was the only thing that did not change in the skittish girl. One minute, NaBi would taking down her opponent in less than a minute, and the next, she would be yelping in fear and hiding behind her teacher because a ghost appears.

NaBi was taken in by Wei about 3 years after Jaehwa. She instantly develop a crush on him because he looked and acted very much like a prince. While scared of ghosts, NaBi gets very attached to other people and latched herself onto Jaehwa. The older boy hated NaBi...with a burning passion. Not only did it irritate him that she was so clingy, but to make things worse, her skittish behavior knocks over all of his precious belongings. He makes it very obvious that he wants nothing to do with her but once NaBi is attached to someone, there's no getting rid of her. One time during their teen years, NaBi crossed the line with Jaehwa (she knocked over his laptop at school and broke it), causing Jaehwa to become very angry. He loses his composure and attracts a malicious ghost. Ranting and raving, Jaehwa didn't notice it despite NaBi trying to warn him. She gets very scared and considers running away until she noticed the ghost heading towards the bookcase behind Jaehwa. When the ghost knocks over the bookshelf on top of them, NaBi pushes Jaehwa out of the way and positions herself between two shelves so that she only got hit by books as it fell. Despite her quick and leveled thinking saving herself from any injuries, the aftermath of the incident causes NaBi to burst out crying. When Jaehwa comforts her, she confesses that she was about to run away in fear and apologizes to Jaehwa because he would have gotten badly hurt if she did. From then on, Jaehwa tries to be more accomodating to NaBi but only if she starts learning to try and control herself (so she doesn't break any of his stuff).

She moved out with her Hapkido teacher who gladly took her in when she was done with her training with Wei. After finishing school, she worked as an assistant at her Hapkido teacher's dojang for her room and board. She is also currently working towards her 3rd degree. When she's not at the dojang, she works part-time at a coffee shop in the university that Jaehwa works in. Wei had offered her a better job with better pay but NaBi gently declined, thanking Wei for everything that she had done for her, stating that she was happy with what she had. Because she doesn't have a cell phone or anything (she breaks them), she learned about what was going on from Jaehwa and left with him.

Personality: While fearful of all things supernatural (including herself), NaBi is the sweetest girl in the world. Because she blames herself for almost everything, she always puts others before herself to an almost self-harming type of manner. It doesn't take a quantum physicist to know that NaBi gets scared very easily, but despite her fears, she's actually quite outgoing and not scared of other people or animals. Even if someone very intimidating tries to bully her, NaBi would just smile and apologize if any of her actions offended them in any way. She also never uses violence unless absolutely necessary. In fact, most of the time, if she does defend herself against someone's attack, it would be because the person surprised/scared her initiating a reflex to defend herself. Otherwise, she would just dodge any sort of physical attack on her. On top of her skittish nature, NaBi, of course, is not very graceful and accident-prone. She tends to hurt herself often running into things (especially when surprised) or nearly falling down the stairs (though she has learned to catch herself). Because of her god-awful control over her powers and her clumsy nature, NaBi is not materialistic and doesn't have many expensive things (...or things in general).

Her kind nature makes her very popular with other students (especially guys who think they can take advantage of her). Despite any advances from other guys, she is only attached to Jaehwa. NaBi has a horrible habit of becoming too attached to certain people or things. Her list so far consists of Wei, Jaehwa, her teacher in Hapkido, and the adorable little stray cat that she sees often outside of their house in no particular order. She has a one-track mind when it comes to these things. Her clingy nature comes from her hot potato orphanage past. She tries not to get attached to most things because she understands that everything is ephermal, but she can't help but want to be loved when she becomes attached. Even if she gets rejected or hurt by the people she becomes attached to, she would never do anything to hurt them back and would still be completely devoted to them. Her loyalty can be her downfall if she were to become attached to someone bad, however NaBi has a good eye for people who are good in nature. Despite her seemingly clueless image, NaBi is actually very smart, both intellectually and intuitively. She is one of the few people that can normally follow Jaehwa's train of thought and pick out people who might have mallicious intent.

NaBi is a complete romantic and loves sappy, corny things. She thinks Valentine's Day is the cutest and is dying for a romance of her own. Of course, this isn't possible when she's attached to Jaehwa (who pukes just at the thought of her sappy nature). While she gets jealous of other girls around Jaehwa, she would never do anything to stop other girls from advancing nor stop Jaehwa from dating other girls. Because in the end, NaBi just wants Jaehwa to be happy. Perhaps if she finally finds a guy who can get her attention away from Jaehwa, she can have her own happy ending...

Likes: Fairy tales with happy endings (especially the ones with princes), stuffed animals (because they're soft and squishy and won't break things...), running (my goodness can the girl run fast...)

Dislikes: Ghosts, dark, being alone

Family: None that she is aware of.


Love interest:

Son JaeHwa - irritated easily when it comes to NaBi though very protective of her, not necessarily jealous but keeps guys away from her

YoungJae from B.A.P - hyperactive, curious, moody, likes to tease, easily jealous


Requests?: SO MANY JAEHWA/NABI MOMENTS PLS. I think I want them to eventually end up with other people but for them to be very close like brother and sister. :) Pls lotsa NaBi kickass moments too. :3 Also, she should have a cute keychain, necklace, or bracelet that she always clings onto to when she gets scared that Jaehwa gave her.

More on Jaehwa/NaBi: While it seems like Jaehwa is the one protecting NaBi all the time, it was actually the other way around more commonly when they were children. During the years that Jaehwa hadn't quite learned how to control his powers, there would be times that he or the people around him would be endangered. When other people were in danger, NaBi completely tuned out that ghosts were involved and would always rescue Jaehwa and any innocent bystanders. Despite her efforts to protect him, Jaehwa was stubborn and refused to believe that "the idiot" could be of any help other than being a walking disaster. When Jaehwa fell in love with Sejung, NaBi got a bad feeling about the whole thing and tried to warn Jaehwa, who wrote her off as just being jealous. Though hurt by Jaehwa's comment, NaBi continued trying to warn him. When the ghost went to kill Sejung, the ghost recognize NaBi and told her exactly what she was going to do. In most situations, NaBi was able to tune out the ghosts to save Jaehwa, so they were never even on her mind. The confrontation with one caused her to freeze in fear and run in the opposite direction. She never told anyone of the encounter (though she has a sneaking suspicious that Wei knew anyways), especially not Jaehwa, afraid that she would be hated for being such a coward. When Jaehwa's training doubled, NaBi requested for hers to be doubled as well.


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Oh, don't forget to mention in the history what she's been doing since released from her official training with Wei. I imagine she's still going to school?