Happy Ever After :)

Q. What do you think of a happily ever after fairytales?


Answer from me

To be honest, any stories that have ending with "happily ever after" wasn't a good stories.In fact, the reality wasn't easy things that we could handle . In fairytales, we could see that if hero or heroin got trouble, there is some fairy or magic things help them. But in reality, there is no fairy in our life. So, if we are in trouble , who will help us for handle those problem?

Sometimes, our life can be happy, but not always, we could not avoid if there is problem come to us. No one could avoid it. And we know, when trouble come, that moment , we could not be happy, our life wasn't same like Barbie who can live with her prince and happily ever after.

For example, we could observed by looking for some fairytales story,


Stepsister that really jealous toward their sister. They abused her mentally and physically, and then fairytales and some animal help Cinderella get out from that kind of life and she could get married with her prince

In real life,

Someone like her that have been abused mentally and physically was in poor condition because no one could help her. Would animal help her? Animal could not speak in real life. Like I say fairy doesn't exist. She need to struggling by herself to get out from that kind of life. And even though she could married someone she love. She could be happy forever? Of course NO! It because people surrounding her that have hatred feeling on her wont stop make her suffering. 

I think thats enough for now, cuz if i say more, I would say the same point ^^

Positively : fairytales just good for children because we dont want to show bad things toward them,Children have a lot of imagination, if we exposed bad things, it will make them influences themselves. Thats why we doesn't show the real things happened in reality through fairytales story :)









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