DULCET ☆ seo joori.

❀ seo joori   |   troubledwater   |   ttw   |    9-10

 A B O U T  H E R

name :: seo joori
nicknames ::

   • jewelery - her fan nickname, used mostly by international fans. in a similar vein, baby j.
   • the director - her members, thanks to her natural skills as a leader.
age :: 23
birthdate :: december 31st, 1990
birthplace :: seongnam, gyeonggi-do, south korea
hometown :: los angeles, california; seongnam, gyeonggi-do, south korea

ethicity :: korean
nationality :: korean-american
languages ::

   • korean (fluent; she did live in seongnam for 10 years, after all. she also spoke korean at home.)

  • english (nine years in the states will do that to you.)

face-claim :: kim soo yeon / mint
gallery ::
back-up face-claim :: kim seuk hye
gallery :: ♥ 
height :: 163 cm
weight :: 50 kg
style :: black. literally, joori never wears any color in her personal life aside from black. she's obsessed with the color and wears it everywhere; she'll wear other colors and her styles vary, but she will always wear black. no matter what. she also really likes skinny jeans, which she wears a lot, or leggings as pants when she's practicing. joori is comfortable in her body, so if she's in the dorm and cameras aren't around, she'll just wear a bra and . her members are used to it and she has the body to rock it, anyway.
   casual ) 1 2 3 4 5
   formal ) 1 2 3 4 5
   practice ) 1 2 3 4 5 
   home / sleep ) 1 2 3 4
appearance :: joori dies her naturally black hair brown, keeps it long, and puts it in one ponytail. her ears are pierced.



 I N F O

likes ::

   • the color black, if it wasn't clear already. 
   • 4minute, who she's a gigantic fan of. wg!hyuna was actually what inspired joori to audition for cube.
   • dark chocolate and bar snacks, which she eats...a whole lot, actually.
   • edm - especially zedd, krewella and avicii.
   • clubbing.

dislikes ::

   • not being listened to. joori's a bossy girl and much prefers not to be crossed.
   • quiet places; if she has to be in once she'll blast krewella via her beats. (which she never doesn't have.)
   • authority, as most of the time, it isn't her. she can hardly stand her manager as a part of dulcet.
   • nausea. 
   • boats.

hobbies ::
   • practicing; joori is a singer through and through and can't go a day without at least doing scales.
   • styling her hair.

habits ::

   • joori often twirls one or two strands of her hair, which is curly and gorgeous. 
   • fixing her bangs constantly.

fears ::

   • messing up. and people not listening to her.

trivia ::

   • joori was a cube trainee from 2009-2011; she switched to wq entertainment after she failed to make the cut for a pink.
   • in her free time, joori goes to clubs; she loves to dance wildly, as opposed to in a sync to her songs in dulcet.
   • joori plays guitar. she learned when she was a little kid.
   • joori hates being the eldest member of dulcet because, in her opinion, she's a lot younger than she looks.
   • joori's a fan of trax, cnblue, ledapple, and ft island, as well as aoa, girl's generation, wonder girls and 4minute. however, she's an edm fan first and foremost.

• joori loves black jewelery.

personality :: basic traits: strict; a perfectionist; overly goal-oriented; extroverted; optimistic; annoying; kind.
as a leader  - joori is very honest. if there's a member that doesn't get something right, she's going to point it out to them. that's part of joori's natural skills as a leader; she's the serious, honest kind of person you want to listen to when they're talking. had joori not wanted to become an idol, she'd probably be a politician of some kind. she is, surprisingly enough, a very good leader and one of dulcet's hardest workers - if not the hardest worker. her rejection from a pink gives her this amazing drive, and she's always the voice you'll hear saying, "once more from the top!" seo joori is a perfectionist if nothing else and always, always makes sure her girls are perfect. wq isn't big and chances are dulcet won't succeed for a while if they do at all; joori's goal is to get as close to success as they can. is she strict? yes, yes joori is. does she practice all the time, even when it's probably not needed? yes, yes she does. as i previously stated, seo joori's goal is success, sincereely hoping that the ends will end up justifying the means. she will get to her goals, no matter who she ends up stepping on.
as a person - extroverted and optimistic. girl's a personified ray of sunshine, i tell you. she'll definitely scold her members for doing something wrong, duh, but she's just as fast to congradulate them on their personal achievements. joori gets her energy from other people, so she gets along best with other extroverts - people she can talk to/at. the more introverted members of dulcet aren't the ones she gets along with. she's a rather annoying and stereotypical extrovert - the kind that doesn't leave poor introverts alone. she's convinced she can get them out of their shells. as any introvert (and me, an extrovert) can tell you, that does not work. ever.  she's often seen as annoying by antis, which she in fact is. joori is a good person for advice; she suggests...well, not always the best things, but for the most part, she's kind and honest.  get through her annoying, hyper, talkative and extroverted first layer, and you get access to her kinder and more caring inside. she's a good leader for her ability to practice, sure, but if the girls are talking about how she's a good leader, it'll be because of her kindness. however, joori's hard to befriend thanks to the fact that she is so annoying.
on the screen  - she's a performer. it is incredibly hard to sound good live, but joori does. she's one of the main vocalists for a very, very good reason. joori loves to perform, which is why she practices all the time. that and her determination, anyway. in interviews and variety shows, she doesn't speak a lot - actually a bit weird for the leader; she saves it for the visual and face of the group, and probably speaks the third most - but when she does, it's positive. girl doesn't know how to turn a smile off when she's on camera, which is exactly as much of a hindrance as it is a piece of help. right now, since dulcet is debutuing with an innocent concept, it's fine, but for more serious things, who knows how she's going to handle?


  F A M I L Y  &  F R I E ND S

background ::
born and raised in a not-very-strictly catholic family, joori and her parents moved to los angeles in the year 2000. her father - who had actually lived in LA as a kid - wanted a good life for hsi daughter. for her first year in los angeles, which was the year she started 5th grade, joori was...confused. she had a miniscule grasp of english (if any), could introduce herself, and not do much else.
at some point, between her fifth and sixth grade years, joori found a guitar - cheap in a window. she begged her parents, annoying even way back then, to let her learn how to play. that ended with joori playing guitar, finding a natural talent for singing, and having the urge to sing professionally. she became a music kid, known as "the girl with the guitar" throughout middle and high school. two years after graduating high school and two years into college (university of california, majoring in vocal performance)  with the blessing of her parents,  joori auditioned for cube entertainment, and the rest...well, you know what they say.
as a cube trainee, joori blossomed. at the end of her second year as a trainee, close to her 20th birthday, joori was put in a group of 20 trainees set to debut in a new girl group with an innocent concept. in the end, jung eunji beat out joori for the spot of main vocalist - to put it simply, joori's voice didn't blend with the rest of the girls. she ended up switching to a smaller company after a pink's debut, and that's where she is now.
family :: 

mother | kim yeonhee | 50 | alive  | teacher | feminine; submissive; supportive; kind | 10
father | seoo joonhee | 56 | alive | teacher | jolly; sarcastic; warmhearted; rude | 10

best friend(s) ::

see below.

friends ::

friend (they both were in the running to be parts of a pink. well, one of them made it.) | park chorong | 22 | idol (a pink) |  introverted; motherly; shy; strong-willed | 7
friend | yook sungjae | 18 | idol (btob) | eccentric; childish; passionate; silly | 7 (though you wouldn't guess it; the two argue all the time, since joori doesn't like being called "noona" in the slightest, but guess what sungjae does?)



 L O V E 

love interest name :: seo eunkwang
age :: 23 
group :: btob

personality :: he's a bit timid, and generally hard to approach if you just know him as a member of btob. he's an amazing vocalist, and when you see this boy onstage, you'll be shocked to see that he's just a basically nice guy in real life. like i said, he's kind of shy - you definitely have to approach him first - but he's accepting and kind to pretty much everyone. he's an amazing leader to the guys of btob, too. they , sure, but when it comes down to it, they definitely respect him a lot.
how you met :: vocal lessons, cube entertainment, 2009. joori's always been a vocalist, and so has eunkwang. they ended up being about the same in trainee rankings that year, and were assigned to the same vocal trainer.
how you act around each other :: besties, firstly. they are best friends. they're duet partners and friends and joori will always, always support btob in everything they do - because eunkwang's in it. she asks him for leader-ish advice and when they're around, they're laughing and joking. what comes with that, you may ask? their members constantly teasing them about how they should get together, but they don't have much interest in each other romantically. yet. they're just friends in the best way, and if love comes into the picture, so be it. they're not actively falling in love with each other, but their friendship-love gauge is at 110% percent.

back-up love interest name :: bang yongguk
age :: 23 
group :: b.a.p.

personality ::
how you met ::
how you act around each other ::



 M E E T  T H E  N E W  M E 

stage name :: jewel
persona :: the citrus diamond
fanclub name :: blings
fanclub color(s) ::
singing twin :: j-min (soloist) - 1 2 3 4
dancing twin :: eunji (a pink) - 1 
rapping twin :: n/a
talking twin :: eunji (a pink) - 1 
position :: main vocalist, leader



 T H E  E N D 

comments :: nah~ 
questions :: nah~
scene requests :: can i just. have eunkwang and joori kissing? i mean, maybe it could be a totally platonic kiss, i just want a smooch. and that starts everything.
password :: n/a



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