Confessions Quiz (Stolen from Seung_Hee13)

[x] Talked back to a teacher.
[x] Been kicked out of a class. ( I will never forget this day. I got kicked out when I was elementary because my friend surprised me and I accidentally swear out loud.. orz)
[ ] Worn your pajamas to school.
[ ] Had your tooth fall out during school. 
[x] Gotten yourself lost in your school. 
[x] Broken the dress code in your school. (I forgot to wear my necktie and I.D. most of the time. :D)
[x] Completely and utterly failed a test. ( recently on my analytic geomerty class.. Y_Y)
[x] A’s a test 
[x] Left your class without asking anybody. 
[ ] Missed a whole week of school for something stupid.
[ ] Thrown up your lunch in school.

[x] Argue with your parents a lot. (My mom and I argue most of the time when she doesn't know what to do when a problem occurs on our computer and I'm too lazy to help her /slapped)
[x] Argue with your brother[s] a lot. (Oooh Yes I do! Always!)
[x] Argue with your sister[s] a lot. ( I just argue with her a while ago because she doesn't want to leave my room.. )
[ ] Do your own laundry. 
[ ] Cook dinner once in a while. ( I can only cook eggs and noodles)
[ ] Are loud and obnoxious at home. (I'm really quiet at home because I'm too focused on the internet except when my siblings are annoying me)
[x] Wear pajamas when you are not going to go anywhere. 
[x] You sleep in very long. 
[x] All you do is watch television/go on the internet.
[ ] Your parents are divorced.
[ ] Your family makes you cry a lot. 
[ ] One or both of your grandparents live with you. 
[ ] You can’t stand being with your parents.

[x] You currently dislike one or more of your friends. (for some reasons... )
[x] You are jealous of one or more of your friends. (tbh, yes I am.. orz)
[ ] You have known a friend your whole life. ( YUP. She just live in the same area with me e w e )
[x] Your friends are all taller than you. ( yes they are! well, not all of them..))
[x] You have been ditched by a friend. ( Hmmmm... )
[x] You have memorized a friend's phone number.
[x] You have lost/forgotten a friends phone number. 
[x] You have been to most of your friends houses. 
[x] You love most of your friends. 

[ ] You bite your nails. 
[ ] You have an odd obsession with knives.
[ ] You cannot sleep with the door closed.
[ ] You cannot sleep with the door open
[x] There is at least one sound you cannot stand.
[ ] You write stories about mad cannibalistic serial killers
[x] You are good at telling lies. ( :D )

[x] You currently like/love someone. 
[ ] You want to kill one of your exs. (never have one)
[ ] You can’t stay committed for an unusually long time. 
[ ] You get bored of your crush/bf/gf easily.
[ ] A crush/bf/gf has called you self-centered before.
[ ] Your ex has dumped you for another girl.

[] You hate George Bush. 
[x] Abortion is horrible and should be illegal.
[x] Gay marriage is fine by you. 
[ ] Boys make better friends than girls do. (dunno.. never had a boy friend, I'm awkward with them)
[ ] Pink is an ugly color. 
[ ] Needles aren’t so horrible. 
[ ] Human flesh tastes like fine aged veal. ( ??!)
[x] You have plenty of secrets. ( :D )


[x] Fallen up the stairs. ( I  rolled down the stairs! )
[ ] Had your shoelaces tied together
[ ] Had a nail fall off. 
[ ] Captured, Manipulated, or Destroyed a soul.
[x] Slapped someone across the face. 
[ ] Killed someone. 
[ ] Worn something inside out for a whole day.


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:D this is cool! Stealing~~
That was funny and enjoyable. C=