▲ Scarlet ⋮ Park Sun Hi ⋮ Earth。


sun hi
the nonchalant gurl
park chanyeol
success and nothing less
success and nothing less
success and nothing less
Name: Park Sun Hi
Birthdate + Age: May 7th, 1994 + 19
Birthplace: Ottawa, Canada
Face-claim + Backup: Gam Dain + Park Hyemin
Element: Earth

Personality Traits
+ mature, observant, laid-back, intelligent  
- stubborn, moody, sarcastic, outspoken

Talents: Figure Skating, Ballet, Gymnastic, Playing Piano.

Love Interest: Park Chanyeol
Back Up: Kris Wu 
Interaction: Sun Hi and Chanyeol is just enemy since their first met. They personality is clashed. Chanyeol is outspoke and sometimes sarcastic too, and sometimes he choose to be funny in the wrong times. Sun Hi is a outspoken and moody girl, that makes her oftenly annoyed by how Chanyeol try to make a jokes when the situation is not right at all. 
Nothing special with their interaction. Usually, between a boy and girl who don't like each other, they will tease each other and sometimes try to make the another one feel annoyed. Different from how Chanyeol and Sun Hi interact. They will just walk beside each other without looking to other ones. When EXO and Scarlet are in the same show or practicing together, the moment when they talk will be the precious moment you rarely seen. They only talk when they really need to. For example, when they talk about their job. When they talk, the situation between them also being really awkward. Chanyeol who usually can be funny everytime, be really quiet and just nodded or let out his opinion sometimes, just not like Chanyeol
After Chanyeol know about Sun Hi's power, he being interested but scared in the same time. He actually want to ask more about Sun Hi's power to Sun Hi, but because they not even close, he can't ask about it. And he is scared because he doesn't expect that his enemy has a powerful power. He scared that his enemy will let out her power to him. Yeah, silly Chanyeol. Since that, Chanyeol always try to distance himself from Sun Hi, who make the girl confused but not really mind it. 

Feedback: The story is really interesting! I already wait for the app hehe :) i hope Chanyeol and Sun Hi's interaction is okay, since they interaction is just not as lovey dovey as other otl. And, fighting for your story!
Okay with violent/ual themes? yess~ i'm okay with it. i'm okay with everything /bricked.
Scene Requests:
- When Sun Hi feel little weird because of chanyeol's behavior (after knowing Sun Hi's power) and she feel something strange
- When Sun Hi getting injured when she practicing her ballet
- When Chanyeol finally get the courage to ask Sun Hi about her power. 



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