Our awesome principal who bought us a SHINee poster

So our principal is a really fun guy and he taught my class chemistry two years back. (our school is a girls-only school). He used to talk to us just like a friend and he knows very well that we are in LOVE with kpop and especially SHINee (exo hadn’t debuted back then). That was when we were in 8th grade and now we are in 10 and he is especially close to us so knows us pretty well.

During lunch today at school, me and my 6 other friends were having lunch at our usual spot when we saw the principal roaming around. Me and my friends like to mess with people for fun so we began messing with the principal who was a bit far away from us and wouldn’t hear. We said stuff like, why the heck does he wear so tight pants and about all the idiotic things he did. Then he began approaching us and we’re like ‘Shh…’ (to tell everyone to stop talking).

So he came and sat near us and began talking, asking us how we were and stuff. And then suddenly he said when he went to Korea last year, he saw a SHINee poster and he said that the poster reminded him so much of us. So he said that HE BOUGHT THE SHINEE POSTER FOR US however forgot to give. He said it was in his office and he’ll bring it right now. We were FANGIRLING to the maximum when he went into his office and came back with the SHINEE POSTER KYAAA~~!!! We were so freaking happy and we thanked him so much. All the other students were staring at us LOL.

And when he went away after giving the poster we were like ‘aww he’s so nice’, ‘aww he’s so kind’, ‘aww SHINee reminded him of us’, ‘aww he spent money on us. He’s so good.’ And then one of us laughed and said, ‘Hey, aren’t we the ones who messed with him a few minutes ago?’ LOL

So yea, we have the AWESOMEST PRINCIPAL EVER!!!


KYAAAH~ okay bye… that’s all I wanted to say lol. 


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super_juniorm13 #1
our prnciple that we have is a ladie and she is really young she is 23 years old and she said she likes kpop (super junior already debuted when she was a teenager) She said she is going to korea for a week so after she got back from Korea she brought everybody 3 kpop poster for the whole entire school she knows which to buy because she said to write down 3 of our favorite kpop group and he brought posters for everyone she is very nice she does that every year
Faiikko #2
Ahaa~ Now i wish i went to hiriya lol.
COOOOLLL. ♡ ours would never be like that. Atleast not the principle.
kokobaek #4
haha yes xD or awesome principle!!!! YAAAY