〈 Callisto 〉 — Gianna Close ❝Amalthea❞*

Gianna Close
Faceclaim: Baek Sumin
Back-Up: Ha Mirae
Position: Face, Lead Rapper
Back-Up: Composer, Main Rapper
Calliope, Eclipse
Acting, Others
[show hosting]


The Pretty Star
Giaddict [G- addict]
Starry Pink
username: --kandarella    nickname: sara   activity rate: 7 out of 10

---Chae Jihyun 채지현 [her Korean name that was given by her mother, but since she was birth at USA, they went on with an English name as her official birth name]
---Chizuru Yuko 八咫 ちづる [her Japanese name that was given by her Japanese ethnic friend]
---Pretty Star [used by netizens; it's her twitter, tumblr and cyworld username]
Birthdate + Age: January 11th + 20
Birthplace: California, USA
---California, USA [birth- 6 months]
---Kyoto, Japan [6 months- 6 years]
---Seoul, Japan [6 years- 9 years]
---Kyoto, Japan [9 years- 15 years]
---Seoul, South Korea [15 years- now]
Ethnicity: Puerto Rican- Korean
---Fluent English [she talks in English most of the time at home]
---Conversational Korean [she used to live in Korea when she was younger and since her mother is a Korean]
---Fluent Japanese [she lived there the longest]

+ extrovert, energetic, confident, self sufficient, imaginative
- egoistic, hot tempered, bossy, moody, insensitive
---Rock Climbing
---Impersonation of a puppy's sound
---Blowing bubble gum in a size bigger than her face
---She shares a very strong resemblance to her mother
---She is allergic to dogs but has a puppy named Jjang
---She sleeps last and wakes up first
---She is a huge fan of Super Junior
---She wants to be closer with idols of the same liner of her.

Love Interest: Kim Jongin
Back-Up: Oh Sehun
+ innocent, trustworthy, adorable, gulliable, fast thinker
- shy, fragile, devious, self conscious, awkward
Interaction: From the surface, Gianna isn’t shy of expressing her affection over Kai. As for Kai, he is always ready to help her. Kai also likes to whenever he has the chance, including during onstage/onscreen. Sometimes, she denies the caring gestures, but she really does like them judging by the way she attaches herself to the guy. Kai even does the old school trick of distraction then putting the arm around the other’s shoulder. Very smooth and open minded, it is something that isn't what he usually does, to girls. They are often seen together on official events, or just about everywhere, much to their satisfaction. --- In the inside, Gianna cares and adores him like he is her brother. Kai on the other hand obviously cares A LOT about her, more than a brother should about his sister. He’s not like her in the sense that she loves hanging around and being with her brother. He’s more of the “she’s my girl, back off” type. He admires her, to the point where is scares Gianna off to some extent. It’s somewhat obvious in the way Kai sometimes acts around her when together. Kai will always find, or try to find his way to Gianna, whereas she is seen hanging out with everyone else but Kai. It’s almost like Kai is secretly saying, “Jihyun love me, and only me”. Gianna thought maybe Kai just wants a little bit more of her love and attention. Gianna obviously cares for Kai, but maybe not as extreme as Kai for Gianna. And at one point she realized she feel weird without Kai around, caring for her and no one will ever gives her full attention and affection like him, that oppa who didn't shy to start making the first move.

Love Rival: Huang Zitao
Back-Up: Kim Jongin
+ romantic, honest, kind, thoughful, sweet
- shy, sensitive, immatured, softhearted, timid
Interaction: This gentle nature guy is quickly replaced by a serious possessiveness when it comes to his Gianna. He also has a rather peculiar affliction of caressing Gianna’s cheeks and arms. His touchiness with her is a great example of his love for affection. His childish antics that include begging her to shop with him make him appear beyond adorable. His immaturity results in feeling of Gianna, she doesn't really takes him seriously, however, he has proven to be quite a romantic. This romantic side of his can usually be seen in his natural charms and obsession with romantic Hollywood movies, He once brought her to a yacht trip and did the scene in Titanic with her.

Feedback: Hope you like Gianna and English isn't my first language..but I used it a lot..still, my grammar >.< Feel free to let me know any error so I can fix it. Good Luck authornim! I wish all will worth it. P/S: I am actually debating over Yuko and Mirae for the face claim and If I ever accepted, you are free to use anyone of them as the face claim since I love both ;; Another P/S: After School's Shampoo, Flashback, First Love; SISTAR's Shady Girl, Alone, Crying; Secret's Madonna, Magic, Poison--- songs suggestion <3
Scene Requests:
---Collobaration between EXO and Callisto in Gayo Daejeon or for any special occassion.
---Some of the members, maybe 2 of them had a bad first interaction, you know how first impression can leave a lasting impact.
---They're in their own variety show entitled; Calisto Time.
---They win the Best Rookie Award 2014, this is once of a lifetime.
---Gianna and Kai go to the amusement park at night, like in a movie, where no one around but the game was all alive. Let's just say he pays the workers there to do that or it's EXO members who help Kai and the girl he love for a successful date.
---Gianna faint due to overwork and need to stay in the hospital for a day. Kai visited her while she is sleeping and kisses her forehead while unknowingly mumbles "Saranghae"
---Gianna got drunk and fall asleep on the couch, Kai decides to help to get her to the dorm. Before he can excuses himself from her room,Gianna wakes up claiming to be very hot and starts to strip off her clothes. Shock and blushing, Kai hugs her tight to prevent her from move.
---Tao hear a song from a practice but know one there, when he peak around, he see Gianna, sitting down hugging her knee at the corner, crying. She is frustrated because her rap doesn't turn out well.
---Tao and Gianna fight and it's serious, they didn't talk for a week
---Tao and Gianna caught in the rain, he almost kisses her lips out of sudden and she slaps her before running away
Password: Miracles in December
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