My Thoughts on E-Cigs

So recently, I noticed a bunch of kids in my school seem to have these strange white and blue pens. At first I was just like 'I guess white pens are all the rage now,' and then I noticed them lifting the "pens" to their mouths and exhaling smoke

Obviously, I was shocked. Now I know the sources online all say that e-cigs are perfecting "harmless" because you're only inhaling water vapour and nicotine, but what do they really know? E-cigs haven't been around that long for anyone to really say whether or not they're bad to anyone that uses it. 

I do agree however, that it is a good way to stop an addiction to smoking because smokers get addicted to nicotine, inhaling the smoke, and the habit of twirling the cancer stick between their fingers. What I'm worried about is that kids smoking e-cigs might actually take it up a notch and start smoking real cigarettes.

I know the kids who smoke the e-cigs think it's really cool; how they can do tricks with the smoke and all that crap, but watching them do that scares the living hell out of me. On the inside, I'm just thinking: what if they get addicted to smoking e-cigs? What if they start smoking real cigarettes? What if they start doing harder stuff?

Well yea that escalated kinda quickly, but one thing leads to another... I'm just worried because I know some of the kids that puff on them. 

But honestly I feel like throttling whoever's selling these e-cigs to all the kids =__=+ 




Disclaimer: To all the smokers out there, I wasn't meaning to offend. It's just that... Well... Smoking causes one of the top most easily preventable deaths. And to the e-cig users out there that aren't trying to get out of the habit of smoking, this is just some food for thought. To everyone else, this was my opinion on e-cigs


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i actually have an ecig as well & i'm 14 lol
but there are brands that are completely nicotine free & some people just do it for tricks like me .
i feel like it's alright as long as you don't do it in public because it doesn't look good & it's not a good influence . xP
I honestly agree. I hate seeing kids my age and younger smoking, they think it's really cool. It's got to the point where I know 11 year olds that have been smoking since they were 9.
While e-cigs may be harmless there's nothing to say they won’t cause harmful actions. Studies show that people who do C class drugs are more likely to move onto B and A class and it's honestly exactly the same with e-cigs. People are just going to think "it's exactly the same", which'll mean more people will start smoking for real and won't question the hazards behind their actions.

Clever invention, but rather stupid idea.