Which one?

Hello all!

Today I just want to share with you all a picture. I would like to ask you two questions from the picture.



1. Who is the most handsome between these two guys? right or left? (right - wear black, left - wear red)

2. Which one you like the most? right or left?


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Of course Seunghyun...>_<
Ups,i wrote the wrong word XD
Left :)
Although they're both good looking,but I prefer Seunghyun,he looks so cute!
The guy in red looks cute and adorable... =)
kpopluvr27 #5
The guy in red kind of looks like Chen with more hair. I'm not exactly sure, but I'd say that the guy on the right looks more girl-ey with that pose and my sister also says the guy on the left looks more cuter to her. I don't really know, but what I'd like to know...is there any particular reason you're asking?
Both are handsome right and left. And I like Seunghyun more than his brother. Sorry Sehyun ><
articuno #7
right...love the eye bags(?) sorta...
I think the one in the red is the most handsome (the other one kind of looks like Kris from this angle, btw) and I like neither because I don't know them ^^"
Right? iunno
Marianations #10
The one from the right side looks like a girl.
both are handsome though