Apparently i was/still am a grafiti (+tatoo) artist xD

My mom told me that in first grade I had to clean the whole cafeteria for a week because I wrote my name on the parking lot. I just went there and I have to say.... I feel accomplished ^~^ But right now I'm being called a 'tatoo artist' in my class cuz I always draw on my arms xD lately people are having me draw stuff on their arm/hand/leg xD I'm feeling pretty accomplished ^~^ I think I should start charging them though xD


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omo~ you sound like my sister, she always does that kind of stuff.. That would be a unique business, arm paintings lol~ ^~^
Whoaness, can you post some so we can see? :D
I agree, you should post pictures :DDD
Put some pics here in aff i wanna see
U like drawing on my hamds to but those ing teachers banned us from writing in our hands and if someone writess in their hands they get 2 hours of afterschool detention :(
mistressofsecrecy #5
lol that would be great! try posting some pics here so we can see too, please!!! :D
MizzPeel0007 #6
You all make me laugh, well you have promoted a lot from those days. I would love to see some of your work, thinking about getting a tattoo, my second sister has three tattoos.
Oh I'll love yo see one of your drawings ^▽^ and you should charge them
I wanna see some of your drawings !! :D:D
kpopluvr27 #9
Yeah you definitely should! In middle school I would be the only one who would give gum to all my friends. They started calling it 'crack' and they would come up to me and say "Deya (that's my name), it's Crack Day"...apparently everyday was crack day >o>. I should've charged them when I had the chance!
Well it sounds like you're having fun with it XD I'd also like to see your work :3