Don't Mind this~

((Okay so this is a random OC drabble of twins from a kpop group that my friends and I created...My computer has been trying to die on my lately so I needed to post it somewhere where I wouldn't lose it @~@;; read if you'd like but it's not finished and pretty bad...))


            Miyavi sat in the dark bedroom, huddled up on the bed with his eyes shut, door closed, as he shiverss. A loud crack of thunder sounded and an uncharicsaristic yelp left his lips as the apartment shook. When lightening streaked across the sky, lighting up the room and throwing strange shadows across the walls, his eyes shot wide open with fright as tears fell against his will.

            Dammit all. It would be his luck that a thunderstorm would strike when he was left alone at home. His twin had opted to go out with his new kpop idol friends while Miyavi had chosen to stay home and work on his vocals. In the midst of his terrified stupor, he had enough sanity to feel bitter towards his brother. The younger boy never had to worry about trouble with thunderstorms. As a matter of fact, Miyavi would bet a million bucks that MinKi was dancing and having a good time at some club, not sparing one thought for Miyavi.

            Miyavi gave a deep, shuddering sigh, trying to relax his stiff, aching body. Just as he was beginning to relax, another loud clap of thunder sounded, causing him to tense up again. His fear and frustration caused him to shed bitter tears dispite himself. It was during these vulnerable times that his brothers' presence and warmth would help sooth his fears.

            He knew that he wouldn't be able to rely on his brother forever, but right now Miyavi was scared and tired. Miyavi hadn't had but a couple hours' sleep the past couple nights and wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and go to sleep. Mother nature, it seemed, had other plans for him.        

            A series of thunder claps had Miyavi cowering into the corner of the bed against the wall, eyes shut tight, hands clawing at his ears, tears streaming down his face as he yelpd out loudly before whimpering pitifully as the door to the bedroom was swung open and a drenched MinKi stood in the doorway illuminated from behind.

            "Vi." he said, concern filling his voice as he flipped on the bedroom light. One look at the state his twin was in and concern mixed with guilt crossed his face as he strode across the room and onto the bed, pulling the terrified older boy into his arms.

            Miyavi didn't have to open his eyes to know whose arms were holding him as he gripped the front of the others shirt, his face burying into his brothers neck.

            MinKi literally felt his heart breaking as he held the shivering boy securely in his arms. "God Vi I can feel your heart pounding through your chest. Why would you sit in the dark like that? It's scarier that way isn't it?" he scolded lightly, a hand gently coming up to tangle in his brothers' soft hair.

            Miyavi's only response was to bury his face further into MinKi's shoulder.

            MinKi sighed and kissed the top of his brothers' head. "Mianhae hyung. I should have been here. Mianhae. Shh~ it's okay hyung. I'm right here. Daijobu." he cooed softly as he began to gently rock Vi back and forth.

            Miyavi slowly began to relax, his borthers' warmth radiating through his soaked clothes. Vi pulled back slightly, his grip on Ki's shirt loosening. "What were you doing out in this weather without an umbrella?" he asked softly.

            MinKi blinked before blushing slightly. "Well we were at the club and I heard the thunder and well I sort of ran out without even thinking to get a cab..."

            Miyavi blinked and leaned back to look his brother in the face.

            MinKi's gaze met with Miyavi's and he gently caressed Vi's cheek. "I was so worried about you hyung. I knew you were probably scared out of your mind...Once I started thinking that all thoughts of partying left my mind. All that mattered was getting home to you so you wouldn't be scared."

            Miyavi gave a gentle smile before he leaned forward and kissed his brother lovingly on the lips, jumping, his eyes flying open with a cry as thunder rattled the windows of the apartment again. Miyavi, pulled back slightly, bowing his head as his fists tightened in the front of MinKi's shirt.

            "Shh hyung it's okay. You're okay, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'm here." Ki whispered into his older brothers' ear, gently holding the shivering twin closer.

            Miyavi gave a bitter chuckle. "D-damn wuss is what I am." he stuttered, shaking violently still.

            Desperate to calm him down, MinKi reached for the ipod on the bedside table with one hand. "Here hyung this'll help." he murmured before slipping the headphones over the others' ears. Quickly he flipped through his ipod and chose a song he knew would help before turning up the volume so the music would drowned everything else out.

            Shifting, MinKi gently untangled himself from his brother which earned him a heart-wrenchingly terrified look. MinKi gave the other a reassuring smile, motioning that he'd be right back before he moved to the bathroom to quickly dry off and change into some warm clothes. Whithin a few moments he was striding back into the bedroom, clicking off the overhead light and climbing in bed before turnint the bedside lamp on and lying down next to Vi, pulling the other lovingly in his arms.

            Miyavi nuzzled up against his brother, resting his head on his chest, finally closing his eyes as he began to relax, the music doing a really good job of blocking out the sound of the thunder and everything else. He gently wrapped his arms around the younger one. "Thank you Ki." he muttered softly. Admittedly the older was a bit embarassed being put in such a compromising and weak position. He was the older twin by a mere couple of minutes but nevertheless he was older. It should be him comforting the a frightened MinKi, not the other way around.

            MinKi observed his older brother. He knew what those creases in his forehead meant. Sighing, he hugged Miyavi tighter before ducking his face down to lightly kiss his brothers' upper lip, trying to get the deaf boy's attention.

            Miyavi blinked slightly, shaken out of his thoughts as he looked up at his brother who was smiling ever so slightly. That smile alone has Miyavi's heart doing double time despite not being able to hear the thunder any longer. 


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