〈 ` CAMP STARLIGHT ★ | Song Joonhee 〉

we'll have the summer time of our lives

 song joonhee 〉



❝ oh hello, hello!

username: pinking.

activity level: 9

what can i call you?: Kimmy.
❝ taekwoon-ah! where are the forms!? 

full name: Song Joonhee.

d.o.b + age: 31st of October, 1998 + 17.

ethnicity: Full Korean.

nationality: Korean. but would like to be an American.






please excuse director cha. he gets too excited sometimes... ❞


Jay. Because Joonhee sounds so Korean.

birthplace + hometown: Seoul, South Korea.

spoken languages:

Fluent Korean.
Fluent English (he needs to learn English because he's going to America one day, says him.)
Basic Mandarin. (because he likes eating Chinese food.)

height: 184 cm.

weight: 68 kg.


wow looks like we got ourselves a beauty here, hakyeon hyung. ❞



ulzzang's name: lee donghoon

links: 1 2 3 4 5

back-up ulzzang: lee chihoon

​links: 1 2 3 4 5



Well, Joonhee has such a great taste in fashion. At least that was what he said so. At home, Joonhee would be lazing around with a pair of boxers and a pair of random graphic tees that he bought last year, which is now pretty tight for him. When he go out for things that doesn't need him to wear something neat and classy, Joonhee would wear a pair of graphic tees (yes, he does has something for graphic tees. Especially the ones from the brand Uniqlo!) or a shirt, with a pair of colourful skinny jeans. His favorite one is the colour mint green, tho'. Therefore, you'll see him wearing that often. Although he didn't skate, but he always find skate shoes fashionable, hence the reason why he had a loads of skateshoes from DC and Vans but had no skateboards. When it comes to being dressy for formal events, you wouldn't overlook this boy. He could rock anything, really; but in formal events, he prefers to wear a white tuxedo- he prefers white rather than black. Oh, and whenever he go, you'll be seeing him wearing a cap- a snapback to be exact. 


He had a birthmark on his thigh that looks like an aeroplane. He also had a little circle birthmark on his stomach. 

❝ excuse me, byun baekhyun. isn't there somewhere that you're supposed to be? 


When you first met Joonhee, you'll find him cute and adorable with his sweet little mouth complimenting girls in everything that they did and making them fall in love; but there were more tfrom this little kid you should know. He is a mommy's boy. Everything he did, every decision he made, he'd ask for his mother's opinions first. He really likes it when his mother pampers him. He's a very lazy guy. He could do nothing but lazing around in his room while watching dramas with his pet cat. He's obedient. He would do anything a person asks to, even if he whines a lot. Especially when her elder sister, Joohee is the one asking help from him. Joonhee is messy. Joonhee is the type of person who didn't care about how neat his place looks like or how neat he looks; he'll just ignore the fact that his hair is sticking everywhere or there were tissues around his bed. 

Joonhee is very bubbly. He could light up a whole room with his bubbliness. Joonhee is very talkative. Unless if he dislikes you or he finds you awkward; then, he won't, but at least, he was willing to try! Joonhee has a strong will. If he wants something, he'll work hard for it; even if it needs him to play it dirty. He is stubborn. Unless if you're her mom or you're Joohee, then, you wouldn't change his opinion. I can promise you that. Joonhee is pretty shy when it comes to love. He didn't know how to respond when the other flirts with him. Oh, and Joonhee is pretty annoying and clingy. Just a heads up.


  • pastel colors
  • vintage
  • horror movies.
  • music.
  • hipster things.
  • America.
  • Ice creams.


  • spicy foods.
  • vegetables.
  • colour brown.
  • alcohol.
  • loud sounds.
  • trot.


  • surfing the Internet.
  • watching movies, dramas & variety shows.
  • eating.
  • cooking.
  • sleeping.
  • singing.
  • dancing.
  • listening to music.


  • biiting his fingernails.
  • biting his collar of shirt.
  • puffing his cheeks when he was blushing.
  • looks at his feet when he was guilty.


  • night owl. prefers to say up late at night than to wake up early in the morning.
  • has a Macbook.
  • has an iPhone 5C.
  • has a scar on his stomach, which made him rarely take off his shirt.
  • likes dying his hair.
  • He likes eating macaroons. 
  • He sleeps like a rock.


medical conditions: -

allergies: Had allergies towards meat, eggs and chicken. It would cause him rashes on his biceps; but he didnt really care. He likes eating them. 

fears: (2+)

  • Ghosts.
  • Darkness. ( like pitch black dark without any light. )
  • Insects.

sleeping habits:

  • sleepwalks.
  • farts in sleep.


❝ aish, you boys are never going to let her get this done. hello, my name is yoo ara! how may i help you, dear? 


Joonhee was born when his father was in Japan, continuing his studies in Osaka. He was raised in Seoul with her grandmother, mother and sister. Probably why he wasn't very close with his father. When his father returned from Osaka, they moved to their new house, nearby Gangnam. They lived their happily as their family grew when his mother was pregnant. 

Joonhee used to be fat. Very fat, until he turned thirteen, when he was in his puberty age, he was determined to make a change- and he did. He became slimmer; the fat kid turned out to be the hot cutie- but that didn't make Joonhee feel better about himself. He still thinks that he was still fat.

family members -

Father | Song Hangook | 46 | Manager | Strict, Fierce, Short-tempered. | They weren't really close; despite the effort Joonhee had made, he just can't seem to get close to his father.

Mother | Bang Rinah | 46 | Teacher | Patient, caring, loving.| Mommy's boy here. Super close!

Sister | Song Joohee | 26 | Head of Youth Development | Funny, adorable, cute. | Very close with her sister. They support each other and love each other, even if they quarrel a lot.

Brother | Song Jaehee | 13 | Student | Cheeky, naughty, adorable. | Very close. Well, not really as close as Joohee and Joonhee though.

friends -

Cousin. | Lee Jieun | 15 | Student. | Cute, adorable, classy. | Close. They grew up together. | Yes. She did come to the camp.
Close friend. | Oh Hayoung | 17 | Student. | Shy, funny, ert. | Close but due to Hayoung's boyfriend, they weren't so close anymore. | No. She needs to help her parents with their shop.
Close friend. | Kim Namjoo | 17 | Student. | Shy, funny, ert. | Pretty close. | No. She stays with Hayoung, so, she won't feel lonely.
Close friend. | Park Jiyeon | 17 | Student. | Loud, cheerful, bubbly. | Very close. | Yes. They met in the camp.

best friends -

Bestfriend. | Son Naeun | 17 | Student. | Flirty, funny, loud. | Very close. They flirt with each other and stuffs. | Yes. She did come to the camp.


❝ love? ahah ottokaji??? 


love interest: Seo Eunkwang | Korean | Seoul, South Korea. | BTOB | volunteer

back-up love interest: i decided to not fill in this thing because this was inspired by the teaser. o u o / )

age: 27

status: crushing for Joohee.


Eunkwang is your goody two shoes perfect guy, really. He's kind, rich, romantic, obedient and all of them good traits were mostly in Eunkwang; but Eunkwang is pushy and obsessive. He claimed that Joohee was his, and he wasn't going to let her go for Jaehwan. Eunkwang is sweet towards Joohee too!

how you met:

Before the camp, Joohee had told Joonhee about Eunkwang who couldn't stop chasing her and she felt sorry for the guy but his love will forever be unrequited as her heart was Jaehwan's but Joonhee decided to shrug it off since her sister was famous around guys; and he wasn't shocked if somebody liked her, but when Eunkwang followed Joohee to the camp, he knew it's time for him to get his hands dirty. But towards Joonhee, Eunkwang was mean! And sarcastic!

how you interact:

Joonhee : To stop Eunkwang from ing Jaehwan and Joohee, Joonhee decided to cling around Eunkwang. Whenever he saw Eunkwang going to Jaehwan and Joohee, he'll do things like jumping on his back, kissing his cheeks and just plainly mess around with him to distract him. 

Eunkwang : It was uncomfortable when Joonhee started to get real close, well, too close to him. Eunkwang couldn't help but to blush sometimes around him; and slowly, Joohee was replaced by his mind to Joonhee.



love rival: Seo Inguk | Korean | Seoul, Korea |  volunteer 

back-up love rival: Ravi (Kim Wonsik.). | Korean. | Seoul, Korea. | VIXX

age: 24

status: single.


Unlike Eunkwang who was mean and sarcastic, Inguk treats Joonhee kinder than how Eunkwang did. He was helpful, and kind. He is also very adorable and cute!

how you met:

They met during the camp when he was going to meet with Joohee about how Joohee promised to wash his clothes (which she didn't really do it, which ends up with Jaehwan washing his clothes because who didn't want to please their future brother in law?). They bumped into each other and that's when Joonhee told him he's blind. 

how you interact:

Friends. Bestfriends to be exact. They act lovey dovey and they were really cute together! They cuddle with each other and feed each other food. 

why is he your love rival?: He likes Joonhee. Joonhee likes him back; and it happened when Eunkwang started to like Joonhee.


do you want to end up with your love interest?: (yes/no/work your magic)


❝ just a little bit more- jaehwan oppa! don't play with the pen! 

applying for: (junior camper/ senior camper/ volunteer) 

why did you choose camp starlight?:

Why did he choose Camp Starlight? Well, no, not really. Seeing how Joonhee was too awkward and how all he did was roll around the floor for the whole summer, Joohee decided to drag Joonhee along with her and when Joohee said 'go', then it means 'go'; unless if you don't want to live for long!


❝ now if you just sign here- kyungsoo ah, get me a new pen, please! 

scene requests:

- an accidental kiss scene because i'm fab like that.

any other comments?: hai. o u o

anything else:




❝ you have been served by cha hakyeon, jung taekwoon, yoo ara and the occasional byun baekhyun and lee jaehwan with the help of do kyungsoo. thank you for applying for camp starlight! we hope to see you soon! 


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