The Sudden but Necessary Disappearance of an Author [Important for all subscribers]



Dear all subscribers and readers,


I sincerely apologise for not updating some stories for a month. Although that might not seem like a long time for some authors and readers, I for a fact know that it’s quite annoying looking over your subscriptions and not having anything to read.

Today I want to discuss each and every one of my stories beginning with That Abandoned Coffee Shop to Lost in Desire. I have placed some of my stories under draft mode in order to help me sort out the mess I am currently in but they will all soon be back.


That Abandoned Coffee Shop.

This is the first story that I wrote and for those of you reading it, I am glad to say that I will be continuing this. I have replanned the plot of this story and changed parts of it since I originally wrote it.

It's a little confusing while writing it because I have to change some character parts and their personalities in order for the story to make sense. Nonetheless, an update for this story will be soon.


Between Dreams and a Happier Place.

Good news, I will still be continuing this story. It is currently under draft status and an update will be made shortly after this blog post. I actually don't have much to say about this aside from the fact that I will make updates more often and more interesting.


Survival Guide 101: Living With Money-less Idiots

This one is quite complicated. As you know I am writing this story with a friend and it originally began as a project to help us remain in touch since I am transferring schools this year.

The reason for it being complicated is because we recently had a stupid fight over something that wasn't even my fight to begin with. It was a group conversation that was public to a few people which I had turned notifications off for but after being informed by another member of the chat that a fight was taking place, I watched them for a while before taking sides. However, that side was not the side of my co-author's because what she was saying seemed a little... misinformed? No, that's not quite the word for it. It was more like a misinterpretation to the information that she read. In the end, I did end up going a little overboard and saying some things that I probably will regret in a few more hours or days.

For now, this story may be put on hiatus but as of now, it is on draft status until a compromise has been sorted out so I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused to you all. I sincerely hope that my co-author ends up seeing this note and contacts me somehow, whether directly or indirectly concerning the situation.

Who knows? We might even become make up because of this story.

I can say for sure though that it will not be ended right here and something will happen to it in the future.


Lost in Desire

As my latest story, I am working really hard on this one. I have written several copies of the first chapter but am disliking every single one of them. As you know, the first chapter determines the course of the story and I feel that it is my duty to provide you with high quality reading material. I want to make this story feel like a book, and if not, a movie.

An update for this will be due soon.


If you have read through this entire speech, thank you for taking the time to do so. I promise you that I will be back quite soon, even though the school year is about to begin.

I apologise if this has caused you any inconvenience.


- bogoshipda.







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oh wow.. good luck on all your writings and dont worry bout us we ll be fine
i hope you and your friend make up soon... good luck on writing all of them and i hope everything gets better