New Kitten!!

Today I went on a spontanious adoption spree (I do that often, maybe I shouldn't seeing as I have 2 dogs and 3 lizards already) 

Long story short, I took her home! She is a 9 week old black cat. Her paw is no larger than my fingertip. 

I brought her home, gave her a bath and cuddled her for hours. Then it came time to put her to bed.

I put her in her /comfy/ carrier and went to bed, myself.

As I am typing this, she is constantly meowing and clawing at her carrier, but if I take her out she stops meowing.

I put her on my lap for a bit and she went to sleep, so naturally, I put her back in her carrier to sleep there.

Nope, she begins to meow again. All I want is Silence!! But it looks like I won't be getting that for a while...

Nite guys~! Sleep well, I know I won't! ;)


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Gwentree #1
Good luck, I hope she gets accustomed to you and your way of life.