MUST USE 3 WORDS. (no more no less)
Not as easy as you might think...(or is it?!)

1. Where is your cell phone?
> on my bed

2. Boyfriend/girlfriend?
> single since birth

3. Hair?
>long and brownish

4. Your mother?
> at the market

5. Your father?
> working at Europe

6. Your favorite item?
> pen and paper

7. Your dream last night?
> about a baby

8. Your favorite drink?
> hot fudge sundae

9. Your dream guy/girl?
> Yesung Hoya Niel

10. The room you are in?
> at dining area

12. Your fear?
> pesky little lizards

13. What do you want to be in 10 years?
>  a successful woman

14. Who did you hang out with last night?
> my two sisters

15. What are you not?
> finicky spoiled brat

16. Are you in love?
>with my bias!

17. One of your wish list items
> high waisted shorts

19. The last thing you did?
> play with pet

20. What are you wearing?
> shirt and shorts

22. Your favorite book?
> bob ong books

23. The last thing you ate?
> fish and cake

24. Your life?
> is so good!

26. Your friends?
> are like sisters

27. What are you thinking about right now?
> update my fic

28. Your car?
> we have two

29. What are you doing at this moment?
> eating and answering

30. Your summer?
> hot and fun!

31. Your relationship status?
> Married to Niel ~

32. What is on your TV screen?
> Happy Yippie Yehey

33. When is the last time you laughed?
> a while ago

34. Last time you cried?
> reunion with friends

> far from home

Now repost this as 3 word survey

PS. no more no less


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I did this too :D
ChubbyChibi #2
you're doing this too?!?!

I admire you~~~

IT"S SO HARD >.<""
jkt245 #3
I shall have a go at this! kekeke