A or Not?

The current issue my readers are working through. I think so far only three said no. Shows me what kind of readers I have. Hahaha<3. I love how now that school is starting for me this friday this is when when I get a new idea for a fic. I had a whole year off from school (literally) and nothing but the moment I have to go back I'm inspiration central. I think I'm going to give up on my GTOP/OC fic for now. I think this new fic I thought of will be with B2ST... maybe. I don't know. Who else could I use? Super Junior? U Kiss? BEAST? FT Island? CN BLUE? SM The Ballad? I'm leaning toward BEAST.

What do you think??


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People love threesomes xDDDD<br />
I'd be suprised if "No" won,lol xD
Still sayin no . XDD anddd i love Beast.<3 ^^