
Dear BGOLDs,

You are hereby invited to join our quest in ruling over the universe. You may be wondering who is we. We, the BGOLDs, the fans and supporters who shall not stand by and watch TeamB be stepped on. We are the ones who will fight with TeamB until death do us apart and we are the ones that will make TeamB rise to the top where they belong. Yes, that same TeamB that has been left behind by YG, forgotten and abandoned after WIN:Who Is Next. We shall stand by their side, even if we have no information about them.

Daesung said: "What is the difference if TeamA or TeamB debuts now? There are flowers that bloom in spring and there are those flowers who bloom in the fall."

Well, we will wait for those flowers to bloom. We will wait for TeamB. So that's why, our fellow BGOLDs, you are invited to help us spread the love. Afterall, we are family right?



Love & Peace,



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