Auryn- Dayana Kim- Application Form!

Full name: Dayana Kim

Other name: Kim Youngae 김영애 [her Korean name]

---Anna [used by her family]
---Daya [used by her friends in Hawaii]
---Youngae [used by her friends in Korea]
---Fashion Queen [used by netizens, because of her fashionista style]
---Sergeant [used by her members, because of her strong vibe]

Stage name: Dayana

Age: 23, turning 24 in June

Birthday: June 23rd, 1990

Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii

Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii

Ethnicity: Korean

Nationality: Hawaiian

---English [fluently- she talks with American accent]
---Korean [conversationally- prones to make mistakes when talking and even worse when it comes to writing in Korean]
---Japanese [basic- learned from J-Drama]
Blood Type: B


She was born as a result of a one night stand. Just because she and her twin sister was the only thing that kept her parents together, didn’t mean that they loved them any more than necessary. They didn't even love them that much at all, especially her mother. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii. Her mother, Jacquiline is the original native that lived in the city since birth while her father, Joongkook is from Korea. They work as chefs and own a braches of restaurant in Hawai. The family is quite rich. When she was 12 her parents finally divorced and they, obviously, she went to live with their father. She is the eldest twin in the Kim family. She has a little twin sister named Daniella. She is the wild one of the twin. Her early teenage life is full of freedom and fun. Living in Hawaii is different from in Korea. When in Hawaii, her father was open mided and won't fuss up about small things. She met many friends there. During her high school years, she made some questionable decisions regarding… life in general. Smoke, and alcohol, the whole package really. She called it experimenting. Her father called it craziness and she ended up being sent to Korea.

When she was 18, the twin were sent to Seoul, South Korea to leave with her grandparent, specifically her father's parent. They also had gotten their residense visa. Her theory is that her father probably couldn’t keep up with them anymore and sent them away for someone else to take care of them. Back in Korea, things got a little strict with the observation of her grandparent. She didn't really get exposed to idol world. The only person that close to her and involve in Kpop things is her cousin, Shinhye, who is an actress. She is sort of like her older sister but with different parent. Her staying in Korea has change her, not yet completely, but she has quit the smoking and . Dayana and Daniella was enrolled and is studying in a nursing academy. She is also became interested in Kpop. She was discovered after her cousin, Shinhye uploaded a rapping clip of her onto youtube and it caught the attention of PN's president. She got scouted shortly after that.

During trainee years she received further training in dancing, singing, rapping and the Korean language. She couldn't converse with all the new people she met, due to not being able to speak the language very well, and she didn't know what to eat, the dorminotary food is more like a goat's food. There was not much foreign trainees there and foreigners usually got bullied including her, but nothing really major happened except for the numerous haters she gained during training. Trainee years was also hard for her because she got to live her life everyday with the same boring shcedule with sweat and blood. She was not good in dancing and singing as she thought, especially bad in Korean and was given an extra classes for that. Just going to be totally honest here Dayana’s voice very attractive. Neither anyone has a thing for nasally high voices. Her range is limited to easy notes, she can't hit high octaves decently. Dayana’s vocalization can sound really awkward sometimes and the breathtaking effect that should be left is disturbed. She wanted to give up several times. She cried everyday for the first two weeks she was in training, but decided to work hard even though she wanted to go back home, to show to her family that she isn't that spoiled, she isn't the old wild lost Dayana in high school. The one thing PN do notice though is her emotion when dancing. Year by year she had improved her dancing skills especially. She even came in 2nd place at the 5th PN Best Dancer Contest.


When people first see her; "Auryn's Dayana is so rude." "Where are her manners?" Known for her -face, icy stare and blunt honesty, Dayana has garnered herself quite the character. She is often considered as a real life tsundere, a tsundere ia a japanese manga/anime character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile toward another person before gradually showing her warm side over time.

Getting to know her; Dayana is the awkward girl, quiet around strangers but a great friend for the lucky few who get to know her better. Much of Dayana’s “icy facade” is largely because she’s such an awkward person, and doesn’t really know how to be funny or interesting. And to those who know this, it makes Dayana all the more adorable.. She is very defensive of her friends and family. They are the one who see the soft, caring and considerate inner self of hers. Her twin is very important for her, and comes at the top in the list of priorities. She also happen to be very emotional and often fall into the depths of nostagia. No wonder she has an excellent memory, she hardly miss a piece of detail about her past. She extremely sensitive and emotionally fragile. She has a protective and affectionate side. She makes excellent groupmate and are not so good at letting go of her members when the situation requires. She loves to make her members laugh and happy. She is like the mother of the group. To her loved ones, she present her most soft and mellow self. She is very sensual and can be the best of lover. She can get hurt by her lover easily.

Being herself; She is quite shrewd and astute and even intensely revengeful in cases, she is not the person to cross. She is the symbol of courage and power, and this is certainly accompanied by foresight, intelligence and power, along the freedom that this power provides. Her vision gives her the power to see farther than her members and oppenents. And this enable her to strike down those oppose her, figuratively. Adventure lures her and finds her wherever she is, and this intrinsically makes her a leader, as she dare to tread where no one else dares to go. She has a great stamina, and as I talked about, she is deadly adversary. She expect total loyalty and sincerity from her friends, as she gives the same to them and she is not easily deceived, because of her superior vision. She is briliant and tactical in her business, but run the risk of appearing, and even being deceitful and surreptitious. She is quite dedicated and sensible. She succeed a lot in life, and also makes a lot many enemies in the process, but they are innocuous and only cause anxiety.

Regarding her stage personality; she has this special love for the spotlight, and the desire to be admired and loved is very dominant in her character. She loves the cameras and the flash and the lens that follows her movement. She sense of purpose for everything she does, and she is ready to endure anything if she feels the end result is worth it. Whatever routines or anything she is ask to do onstage, she'll do it obediently even when thats mean being touched or having seductive dance movement like in "Trouble Maker". She will move in all directions to reach her destination, and this makes things possible for her that no other person around her can manage to pull off. She doesn't being in variety show and always avoid to go in if being ask to. She has an innate feeling of insecurity and timidity. She don't like to talk about her weakness or show anything bad about herself when the tape still rolling. Different in expressing herself, different in terms of what she feels is rude or not. She has displayed her blunt honesty multiple times on television, and her curt responses usually instigate a variety of responses for example. In any case though, whether its her “ice princess” image or not, Dayana has created a strong character for herself.

Fashion: She always looks like she is walking out from a fashion magazine, she never dresses very comfortable and is almost constantly in heels. Sneakers or flat will not be her choice of shoe, she prefer to wear heels. She wears tons of metal jewelry, she typically has big designer bag with so many make up and accessories in it when she go out. She loves to wear her hair down, sometimes she'll make it into a bun or in a ponytail. Her favorite hair accessory is various type of jewelry headband. She will wear full make up when go out and she really does take care of her skin health.

---Food [one of the group's shiskshin]
---Banana milk [her favorite drink]
---Animals [she is an animal lover]
---Kittens [her favorite animal]
---Greenery [she is on support of the world green!]
---Orchid [her favorite flower]
---Social networking [she is one of the member who is active in her personal sns]
---Super Junior [they're her ultimate favorite group]
---Siwon [he is her ultimate bias]
---Children [she has a soft spot for children especially babies]
---Eyeliner [she really likes strong eyeliner]
---Rainy days [she likes the sound of the rain and often plays in it]

---Spicy food [this is probably the on thing that she can't eat, she just can't stand spicy]
---Animal abusers [being an animal lover, she is all against animal abuse]
---People that destroy greenery [being a greenery lover, she is all against greenery crimanals]
---Illa [a kind of wild flower, no specific reason, she just dislikes it]
---Slow internet [what's more annoying rather than slow internet while we are online?]
---Sasaengs [which idol likes them?]
---Playboys [which girl likes them?]
---/yuri [she is a straight person]
---Being a leader [she hates getting under the pressure as a leader]
---Medicine [Especially the pill and tablet ones, it's almost possible to make her eat it]
---Hot days [as expected from a person who loves rainy days]

---Acrophobic. She's very afraid of heights. She can't even take the upper bunk, and always use the lower one. When she was a child, she ever fell down from a higher place while playing at school.
---Hemophobic. She’s not afraid of other people’s blood but when she sees her own blood, she freezes up. Her body starts to shake and she starts to cry. She doesn’t know why only the sight of her blood makes her so...

---Soccer [she is quite athletic and she loves soccer, in contrast of her fashionista appearance]
---Sleep [she loves it]
---Reading books and fashion magazines [as expected?]
---Taekwondo [she learned that since she was in elementary school]
---Song writing [her resolution is to have one of her own written song for the group to perform]

---Happy- hugging someone
---Sad- cry silently away from people
---Jealous- will do something to make person who make be jealous become jealous at her back
---Confused- bites her lips
---Pissed- cursed in English "Sh*t"
---Nervous- face turns to pale
---Before and after sleep- does sits up
---Tired- Shout out loud

---Her favorite number is 7.
---Her least favorite number is 2.
---Her favorite color is pink.
---Her least favorite color is blue.
---She has a younger twin.
---She regrets not showing her good side to her twin, Daniella. There were also times that she tooks all her angers to Daniella.
---She is a cousin of Park Shinhye. When she is sad, she asks advice to her Shinhye.
---Her name mean Heavenly or Divine.
---She is the “Poker Face Chic” of the group.
---She trained for about 3 and a half years before finally debuting.
---She is very interested in rap.
---She dropped from the nursing academy after got scouted into PN.
---According to the group trainer , she suddenly shouts if they trained too long and she felt too tired.
---She would have been an athlete or songwriter if she had not become a singer.
---She knows Taekwondo, and is up to level four.
---She also won several championships in soccer and taekwondo.
---She loves sports, and was even a member of the school girl soccer team in Hawaii.
---Fans have been commenting on her strong resemblance to SNSD's Jessica.
---She loves to read.  She says she sometimes finds answers in reading.
---One of her favorite authors is Bernard Werber. Her favorite book of his is “Us, Gods“.
---She likes to drink banana milk, and because of her there is a lot of banana milk in their fridge.
---She appeared in Jin's "Gone" (2013).
---She CF Modeled for Banila Co. (2010- 2013).
---She apeared in Strong Heart (2011) and Running Man (2013).
---She wants to continue in cf modelling in the future.
---When the group has an appearance on variety or reality shows she often avoids the camera altogether.
---Though she sometimes appears cold and uncaring, the members often state how she is very grateful and touched by their fans.
---She has two prized possessions: One is her music player, and the other is a rosary her father gave her.  When she is having a hard time, she finds comfort holding it.
---She loves to sleep. She is the group resident sleepy-head. She can sleep up to 16 hour a day and is the hardest member to wake up.
---She is allergic to nut. She can't even eat anything made from nut. She will find it hard to breath and her face will turn to red if she ever eat nut
---She is an atmosphere killer, the atmosphere went down or turned cold once she said something at times. For example when everyone is having fun, she’ll say something, for her that is funny, but instead, everyone will be quiet. Since not everyone can do what she does, she consider’s herself special.
---Her twitter account is @Dayana_Kkim.

Role in the band: Leader, Lead Dancer

Persona: Poker Face Chic

Fanclub: Divine [from the meaning of her name, Dayana]

FanColor: #ff99cc

Face claim: Park Seul

Back up face claim: Jessica Jung

Height: 163cm

Weight: 46kg

Other: Just like the face claim, Dayana is usually regarded as one of the prettiest members, and we do agree- yes, Dayana is stunning, but alas, much of this beauty is refrained to first impression. When you first look at Dayana, she does indeed look gorgeous, with her stoic gaze and doll-like features. But while “doll-like” features look cute on dolls and other inanimate objects, they look misproportioned on humans, as best seen on Dayana. Her lips and teeth are so incredibly small, and her tiny jaw only makes smaller, she also has an abnormally small nose as well. Especially when you compare these features to her eyes, which look large in comparison. She has a wavy brown hair until chest, 2 piercings on each ears and a tattoo of her own birthday on wrist, 062390. 

Love interest: Park Sanghyun [Thunder] --- MBLAQ

Personality: His actions being aloof and his actions seem always at ease. It seems that anything you throw on him will look good on him. The only greed he has which causes him to splurge his own money for is music. Thunder seems nonchalant on the outside but once you get to know him, he has a lot of thoughts and affection. He owns a sensitive personality. Thunder even showed tears in not being able to hold back his emotions. With Thunder’s honest side of being true to his emotions, you get the slight feel that he is weak. Raising dreams of becoming a singer since he was younger, he was finally able to achieve that dream after looking solely in one direction like a single-minded person. With the passion of an innocent state-of-mind, he is someone who is loyal.

How they met: They first met at hospital. At that time Dayana hurt her ankle and Thunder hurt his back. They were sent to the same hospital and both need to stay there for the whole night. Dayana was a trainee while Thunder already debuted. Dayana took a walk at the hospital's garden at the night and she met Thunder who was enjoying the garden scene too. Dayana isn't that familiar to MBLAQ thus she actually has no idea that she was  walking toward the group's visual. Dayana kept on looking at Thunder's face, something about his features attracted her, just like someone she know or ever seen. Thunder on the other felt the girl's stare and is getting uncomfartable, I swear he already got a hole on his face due to that intense stare. Thunder thought Dayana wanted his autograph and that she is his fan. So he said hello to the girl and said sorry but he has no pen or paper with him right now. But as soon as he talked, Dayana ask him blurry if he know her or have they met somewhere. Dumbfounded, Thunder ended up introducing himself to her.

Interaction: This gentle nature guy is quickly replaced by a serious possessiveness when it comes to his Dayana. He also has a rather peculiar affliction of caressing Dayana’s cheeks and arms. His touchiness with her is a great example of his love for affection. His childish antics that include begging her to shop with him make him appear beyond adorable. His immaturity results in feeling of Dayana, she doesn't really takes him seriously, however, he has proven to be quite a romantic. This romantic side of his can usually be seen in his natural charms and obsession with romantic Hollywood movies, He once brought her to a yacht trip and did the scene in Titanic with her.

Back up love interest: Son Dongwoon --- BEAST


Kim Joongkook ✿ Father ✿ 50 ✿ Chef ✿ caring, calm, intellect ✿ He acts like her friend. He isn't exactly a family type of guy but deep inside he is doted on his two angels, Dayana and Daniella.

Jacquiline ✿ Mother ✿ 45 ✿ Chef ✿ sensitive, professional, charisma ✿ Sometimes like friend and sometimes like stranger. She is childish as well and prones to be jealous easily, even with her daughters

Daniella Kim ✿ Twin ✿ 24 ✿ Nursing academy student ✿ bubbly, carefree, innocent ✿ She is understand and the closest to Dayana. They know everything about each other, even things that their parent don't know

Park Shinhye ✿ Cousin ✿ 24 ✿ Actress ✿ cute, honest, independent ✿ Dayana is close with her. When Dayana is sad, she will asks advice to her Shinhye. They will usually go out to eat together, and Shinhye always tell her that she is pretty.

Kim Byunghee ✿ Grandfather ✿ 71 ✿ University Professor ✿ bossy, courageous, defensive ✿ He is more like a father figure compared to her father. His word is like a command and Dayana will eventually follow whatever he says.

Kim Yoonji ✿ Grandmother ✿ 69 ✿ Housewife ✿ loving, emotional, feminine ✿ They have a good relationship even from the first met. She gives loads of advice and love for Dayana and Daniella sincerely.



Lorraine [OC; face claim: Ryn] ✿ 24 ✿ Waitress ✿ positive, rebellious, risk taking ✿ They are close since in school and even now. They did stupid and crazy thing together but they never influence each other to do negative things. It's all their own desires.

Victoria ✿ 20 ✿ f(x) ✿ sweet, bipolar, secretive ✿ Met when still trainees. Their personalities kinda clash with each other but they complete one another well.

Ilhoon ✿ 20 ✿ BTOB ✿ passionate, initiative, loyal ✿ Met when still trainees. They really admire each other as an idols and friends. But they also tends to argue quite a lot.

Rivals: Sandara Park [Dara]

How they met: Dayana is at MBC waiting room during a day where the group will having their MNET live stage, when she saw a purse right beside the door of the room. The purse belong to Dara of 2NE1, for some reason, she is there when there's no in 2NE1 schedule that need her to be there. Dayana opens the purse so see who's the owner and right on time Dara came into the scene. She sees Dayana who is standing beside the door opening her purse and she actually think Dayana is a sasaeng or a thief, because she never really saw her before. Not believing whatever Dayana said, she firmly want to call the guard.

For Dara, first impression last. Dara can’t trust Dayana, she can't think of her as a friend or acquintance under the same field. She keeps a mask of happiness to hide her uneasiness when with Dayana infront of others, but it just brings her down even more. Dara pretend to be good with Dayana, as if she accept her as a friend but this is just meet the cover. At times, she become harsher to Dayana even without her realize. Dayana really mind it, since she can't never tolerate with something as she seen as poking her pride off. She begin to hate Dara for everything, even when the girl smile. She always want to surpass Dara in all.

Why are they rivals: First impression is important for Dara. And sometimes there's no reason to love or hate someone. Dara feels uneasy around Dayana and so does she.

Rival's Background: Sandara was born in Busan, South Korea. When she was 10 years old, her family moved to the Philippines to start a trading business. In 2004, during one of her school activities, she met Pauleen Luna, a former talent of ABS-CBN Corporation Channel 2's Talent Center. Luna encouraged Park to audition for Star Circle Quest, a reality-based talent search television program. Over the course of the season, she escaped elimination several times, and reached the final ten contestants. Her Korean ethnicity resulted in some trouble with the daily exercises set by the panel of Filipino judges. During the last elimination round (in which only five people advanced), Sandara received approximately half a million text votes. She eventually finished in second place. Sandara joined ABS-CBN's entertainment stable called Star Magic in the wake of her success in the show, with her projects ranging from commercial endorsements to television appearances. In December 2004, YG Entertainment's Yang Hyun Suk offered Park workshop classes in South Korea after seeing the ABS-CBN Documentary My Name Is Sandara Park. In March 2005, Sandara went ahead with the workshops, putting her career in the Philippines on hold. After six months, she resumed work in the Philippines, starring in several movies. She left the Philippines show business industry and returned to South Korea with her family on August 1, 2007. YG Entertainment announced the following day that Sandara had signed a contract with them.

Rival's Personality: She isn’t very talkative and will be very distant towards strangers or aquaintances, some people think she’s rude. She often talks to herself or voices her thoughts aloud and she prefers to be alone instead of with people because of that. Her closest friends are able to see the real her, who is bubbly, talkative, and depressive…all at once… Yes, indeed, Dara is a very strange person. But she likes it that way. She is extremely agile, flexible and sneaky, therefore she can flee or hide from not-so-good situations, as well as trick people. She is very caring and giving, but only to those who need her help.

Anything else?:

Comment: Hope you like Dayana and English isn't my first language..but I used it a lot..still, my grammar >.< Feel free to let me know any error so I can fix it. Good Luck authornim! p/s: I added few extra things <3
Scene suggestions:
---Dayana and Thunder go to the amusement park at night, like in a movie, where no one around but the game was all alive. Let's just say he pays the workers there to do that or it's MBLAQ members who help Thunder and the girl he love for a successful date.
---Dayana faint due to overwork and need to stay in the hospital for a day. Thunder visited her while she is sleeping and kisses her forehead while unknowingly mumbles "Saranghae"
---Dayana got drunk and fall asleep on the couch, Thunder decides to help to get her to the dorm. Before he can excuses himself from her room, Dayana wakes up claiming to be very hot and starts to strip off her clothes. Shock and blushing, Thunder hugs her tight to prevent her from move.
---Thunder hear a song from a practice but know one there, when he peak around, he see Dayana, sitting down hugging her knee at the corner, crying. She is frustrated because her singing doesn't turn out well.
---Thunder and Dayana fight and it's serious, they didn't talk for a week
---Thunder and Dayana caught in the rain, he almost kisses her lips out of sudden and she slaps her before running away
---Rainbow's To Me
---Rainbow's Sunshine
---A Pink's Up To The Sky
---A Pink's Cat
---T-ara's Cry Cry
---T-ara's Lovey Dovey




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Nuskyy #1
Thanks for applying! I love love love your character! I think she's great for the story I have planned and I think she's very real :)