☼ Heavens ☼ New GirlGroup apply form


AFF Name: PinkFishy385

AFF profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/54054

Activeness:  10



Name: Lee Ji Young

Age: 17

Birthday: 5/10/1009

Height and weight: [ft. and lbs.] 5.5 ft and 104 lbs

Ethnicity: Half korean half Australian


Nickname: Ji Youngie


Girl ulzzang links: http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_le594juGOS1qbu1tso1_400.jpg




Ulzzang names: Kim Seul Mi

Personality: Ji Young is the type that doesn't really pay attention to her surroundings and like to daydream. When she is not daydreaming she likes to tease and play pranks on her members but she is very caring just doesn't like too show it. She loves too help her dongsaengs and is very protective over them. She is also a very fast runner and is very strong. She isn't very smart but has a poisonous tounge (is good at making smart remarks and mean comments but only for fun).

Background:  She was born in Sydney, Australia from a normal family. She started to enjoy music at the age of 7 and moved to Seoul, Korean at the age of ten adter learning how to rap and play piano. Her Father died while working with the police because he got shot and her mother never has a lot of time for her so she is only close with her older brother.

Family members:Father: Lee Kang Sung ,age 42

Mother: Choi Jin Ri age 40 working as a nurse

Older brother: Lee Donghwa (OC) age 20 is an athelete. 

Likes: Sport, Hoodies. Lemonade, Caps and Horror movies 

Dislikes: Players, Fake girls. anything too cute and pink.

Hobbies: Basketballa and Piano

Habits: Covering her eyes with her hands when she sleeps and making smart remarks when she doesn't want to.



Stage name: Kaya

Personal fanclub name: Ice friends

Fanclub color: CYAN

Persona: Ice queen

Position: Sub-Visual / Main Rapper or Triple Threat/trade of all jacks

How you were discovered: Had a school performance and one of the YG staff recorded it showing it to the CEO of YG.



Trainee years: 6 years

Singing link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZHl2LVDqLc

Dancing link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gus6xbnrb6o&feature=related

Rapping link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH2t1GLwmPU&feature=related



Love interest: Eli (U-KISS)

Dongho (U-KISS)

Best friends: Donghae, Sungmin and Kyuhyun (SUPER JUNIOR), Kwangmin and Youngmin (BOYFRIEND), Seohyun (SNSD), Kevin and Soohyun (U-KISS)

Anything else: No thats it~!  


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