oppaa2728 ┆ Hana ┆ 9 ┆ PLOT #1 ┆ ヽ(*・ω・)ノ©
+ full name  Shin Hana
+ nickname(s)  Nana by her family and close friend
+ birthday  06/27
+ age  24
+ ethnicity  Korean
occupation  heiress
+ birthplace  gangnam,south korea  
face claim & gallery 
 Park hwan hui(hana) 
back up claim & gallery  Park Ji Hyun


my two eyes shine
+ personality traits  reckless,stubborn,strong willed,cheerful,talkative,
+ personality  Hana is quite the outgoing,cheerful,and bubbly type. When she have something in brain or something to say, she will say it out loud without thinking twice that's why she called reckless and stubborn. She's also strong willed and hardworking and will do whatever it takes to get the things she wanted.

She's the social type,and very talkative that sometimes you can't shut . But it's her ,you can't change her. She's quite childish and sometimes her personality combination is quite suffocating. Careless,stubborn,strong willed,talkative. If you met her for the first time, it would be the day you would always remember ,but when you have got to know her, you would only think it's cute.
+ background  She was born in poor family at first, that time,both her step father and her mother were married with each other partner and stress because they think their partner was cheating on them which actually true about her father cheated on her mother but not her step-mother cheated on her step-father. They somehow met at the bar and make mistake that night, when her mother give birth to her, she's not in good condition and call her step-father to take care of Hana since she's dying and Hana's their child.

Her step-father take her,and educate her well,since Hana is his only child and his only heiress.Hana only knew the fact about her being the illegitimate child, when she's 15 which make her sometimes have that reckless attitude even toward her step-father and step-mother.

+ life style  When she was invited to events with her step-father, she would act normal, not that lively anymore,but not that reckless anymore, afterall as much as she is reckless, she didnt want to ruin her step-father. When she's with her friends, she would become that lively person again.

baby don't cry tonight
+ family  
Step-father | Shin Dongjae | 49 | prime minister | kind,caring, | he's kind and caring, since she's his only child .Sometimes a little strict,but because he care for her
step-mother | Shin chaekyung | 45 | CEO of K fashion company |she's barren so she treat her like she's her own child,but still sometimes there would be awkward silent when they're together
+ friends  . 
Baek Jiae | 27 | creative director of K fashion company | 10 | funny,mature,out going | they're really close and she is one of the people who can take hana's attitude when she become so stubborn,she is also talkative just like Hana and has been her friends since diaper
+ other(s)  
rival | Go Jung ah | 24 | heiress of L mobile company | strong willed,wicked,rude | At first she was hana's middle school friends who know that she is illegitimate child,but she was overshadowed with hana's bright and cheerful personality, so she hate her a lot, when she's older around 20,his father told her she suposed to be as smart as Hana and she hate it a lot when they compare her to Hana. So she spread out that she's illegitimate child, seeing Hana suffer ,she's happy enough but then she fall in love with Hana's bodyguard

im running to neverland
+ likes;
 Dancing, it's always been her hobby
 Summer, she love playing in the beach 
 Food,she's just that amazing eater although her body is quite small
 excercise, since she ate a lot and need to keep in shape in public,she excercise a lot
  reading novel and manga, it's just her hobbies

— watching anime,it's hobbies that she got from Jiae
— sleep, she can sleep even more than 12 hours

+ dislikes; 
 being betrayed, eversince jungah case, she really hate 2 faces people,betrayer
 tomatoes, she's allergic
 Height, It's her phobia
 arrogant people, she's rich but still humble despite her stubborn personality
  cold weather, she doesn't really like snow,since she need to wear thick layer of clothes
+ trivia; 
 dancing and reading is her hobbies
 she doesn't have ideal types
 full of aegyo
 have acrophobia/phobia of height 
— she have one dogs called louis 
— she really hate being ignored
—sometimes can become total moody
— she's careless about what people say to her except about her late mother or her family and friends
— she have morning routine which is jogging and afternoon routine which is running
— she would love to learn self-defense because she physically weak



so lucky to have you

+ when did she become best friends with the girls? how?
 she know them in college, Jiae make a dare to approach and become friends with one of the girls and in the end they got close for real

+ who among the girls is she close/closest to? why?
 — the babysitter,because they're both cheerful

+ who among the girls is she least close/closest to? why? 
— the therapist,because she's professional and very devoted to her job unlike Hana who often become so reckless

+ what is life like living with the girls? (first pov pls)
 — at first i was shocked and kinda annoyed,but in the end i adapted there and actually it was fun there. But yeah although  i still have that bodyguard keep following me around. I'am able to adapt there because it's my friends and it's nice living with them. She end up here because the illegitimate child problem.
+ any particular role you have around the house? 
 — i can't cook so, i'll do the rest like laundry,paying the phone bills (but they often do it alternately),washing dishes,trash,supply 
everyday in my dreams
  tumblr_mru2c6y2le1sawj2lo1_500.gif LuhanGIF2_zps9379e941.gif
+ love line  denying love
+ partner  Sehun
+ backup partner  luhan
+ age  24 
+ occupation  bodyguards
+ his personality traits 
— quite
— mature
— introvert
— patient

+ his personality  
he's very cold and quite, never tell a thing about himself and just do this job quietly. He's quite mature to tolerant Hana's sometimes childish attitude, but sometime annoyed but just hide it and didn't talk.
+ their story  
they first met when Hana's father introduce her to him and him to her, seeing at their different aura, they just dislike each other that moment, one have this "i can't shut up" aura and one hvae "shut up" aura. Sehun just do the job quietly and keep following her around, he would only speak if they are arguing or if he really need to.

thay both start to like each other,but just didn't want to admit it, sometimes they would have their sweer moments without they realize.

+ relationship   
they act like they hate each other although they already started to grew feelings on each other
+ trivia; 
 he's very strong although he doesn't look like one
— he like hana later on but end up confessing to her first
 their first date would be like he trying to be talkative for her
 he hates Hana when she become to careless and Hana hater him when he ignore her
 At first his ideal type is someone who is mature,elegant but change after he get to know Hana
— he want to change himself which Hana said "it's okay" but being with hana for quite llong time, he chang little by little

an instant heart attack
+ password  0330 by u-kiss explanation
+ others thankyou and hope you like my character ^.^ goodluck and hwaiting sorry for my rotten english --"
like sehun helping her with her phobia and his father say about their relationship, sehun dance with her, group dates somehow?






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