Thought of the...Day?: "You" Fics

The reason why I put a question mark after "day" was because it's about 10 PM as I type this.Okay, so I think I'm gonna make this Thought of the Day deal sort of like an every once in a while tradition. My thought today is of these "you" fics that AFF is so abundant of. But before I start, is it just me or does it seem like everyone bashes these? Well, I'm not intending to bash anyone so if you're a "you" fic author, then don't get offended or anything.

  • Second Person I would imagine that second person would be hard to write in, wouldn't you think? Ex. You started having with Choi Minho. I would at least write in first person...or possibly third. I mean, wouldn't it sound awkard? Which brings me to my next point.
  • Awkardness Taken from my example in the previous point, you'd have to admit that it does sound the least, to say. Ex. You ate some food. You crapped on the toilet. You read a book. You did this, you did that. You wrote a fanfic, etc. This is just my opinion so don't get mad, but it quite frankly sounds dumb.
  • OCs  One of the things I abseloutely hate: OCs. I know I don't really have a reason for this one, but I just do. Probably because most of the time that I've seen an OC in a story, it was either repetitve or poorly constructed.
  • Name-less OCs The one thing that I hate more than a regular OC. I mean, come on. You couldn't at least give your character a name? Ex. I'm [insert your name here]. Or: I'm ____ or ~~~~. Last time I checked, ______ was not a name in any language...or a name whatsoever.
  • Script Format This actually tends to happen more with you fics than any other type but it's still common nonetheless. I don't care if you're "writing impaired" but for me, writing in a script format isn't really acceptable. I mean, you might as well go ahead and put stage directions and things like that on there...

Well, since I'm tired and I have to wake up in 8 hours, I think I'm going to bed now. Besides, I probably wouldn't be able to continue this list because I kinda forced this information out of my head just 'cuz I needed something to do. But if anyone wants to talk, just know that I'm still up..Yes, I sleep with my phone, okay? OTL


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LOLLLL. Even when I read OC fics, I replace them with me. XDD;;
JonghyunnieHyung #2
omg, i couldnt have agreed more with this ._____. OC's drive me insane most of the time. especially when Author's dont go into detail about how they look -_-;; it makes the whole thing so much harder to picture.
and....i dont usually read SHINeexYou fics any way XDDDDDD
Lol, I love you!
I was gonna make a blog complaining about all that, too.