Selḗnē // Kang Naeun // The Hunter


Kang Naeun
applicant. Aliadane
active rate [1-10]. 10
nickname. alia

plotline. the hunter
full name. kang naeun
nicknames. eunnie- by mate only
birthdate. 3/17
birth place. jeju island, sk
ethnicity. korean
languages. korean- fluent, native language
style. for the most part, naeun prefers to wear clothing in dark colors, usually black or dark brown with hints of green or grey. she prefers loose t-shirts and skinny jeans with boots over anything else, though when it's warm, she's not against a good pair of jean shorts. her make up consists of powder and thick eyeliner and usually chapsticked lips. her hair is a daily mess. it is naturally curly, and she does everything with it. she prefers to wear it back out of her face (pony tail, braid, etc.) but she can be found with it down, too, especially if she's fresh from a hunt.
wolf form. multi-toned brown fur with golden-brown eyes
your scent. blueberries
face claim:
backup face claim:
hunting // fighting // rain // getting dirty // solitude // tracking // black, green, brown and grey // music // musk scents // spontaneity
crowds // flying // snow // rational thinking // pink // coffee // socializing // perfume // being wrong // other's in their territory
character history

naeun was born to a pair of werewolves named jimin and  daeun. her father was a hunter and her mother was a caretaker, but even from birth, naeun took more after her father, both in temperament looks. they were a happy little family until naeun was eleven. a group of hunters came across the pack, and by extension, her mother's pack. her parents naturally fought, where naeun and the other children were forced to run. her mother was killed in the fight, and even though her father returned with the others who survived, he died from his injures a couple of weeks later. naeun, to this day, swears she will get revenge for her parents, even though deep down, she believes her father died more from a broken heart than his actual injuries.

naeun did a lot of traveling after she reached adulthood, never swearing to a pack and just going alone. but one day she met her alpha, and the connection she felt to the woman was uncanny. she felt the need to protect her, to stand by her, and the sudden sense of loyalty made her join the Selene pack. She became the hunter for her pack, and enjoyed the freedom it gave her. she was able to do what she was good at, and still be accepted for who and what she was.

two years ago, while traveling back from chasing down a lead on a group of hunters, she met kwon jiyong, her mate. to say they were incompatible might have been an understatement, but naeun knew better than to fight the emotions. she refused to give up her pack, and since jiyong didn't have a pack when they met, he came with her. she hates him, but can't help but love him too. most of the time, she just ignores him.

character personality

on naeun's good days, you'll run into a decisive young woman who thrives in knowledge of hunting and tracking. she's very observant, and often catches things others don't. she's spent several years training herself to be the best of the best, and this shows in her pristine work ethics. she's incredibly loyal to the Alpha, and in turn, all her packmates. she can be rather spontaneous, as she doesn't believe in planning anything except attacking, and even that always has a bit of room for her spontaneity. above all else, naeun is incredibly independent. she hates relying on others, and though she does do it, especially when fighting, she doesn't necessarily like it.

on a bad day, you're going to have to deal with a rather temperamental naeun. she can be increasingly blunt, especially when she's aggrivated or annoyed. she won't sugar coat things to anyone, and she's not afraid to tell people exactly how things are. she's quite aggressive, and says that it's one of the things that makes her a good hunter. she likes fighting well more than she should, and is always looking for a reason to get in a scrap. she can be highly territorial, especially her mate. she may not like him, but he's hers, and she will let everyone know. naeun's biggest flaw is the fact that she's rather anti-social. she doesn't like going out of her way to make friends, and would rather be alone than in a crowd.

love interest
love interest. kwon jiyong (g-dragon)
birthdate + . 08/18 + 9 year gap
Is he still alive. yes
how does he smell. blackberries and creme
is he a werewolf or a human. werewolf
have you met him. yes
relationship. frienemies
picture links: 

PERSONALITY. jiyong is the exact opposite of naeun. he lives to be around people and have fun. he has absolutely no sense of loyalty except to his mate. he's been shunned since his birth by the pack he was supposed to be in, so he grew up around the humans of a local large city. as a 'street child', he was never taught the proper way to act around other werewolves and tends to make a fool out of himself. in all honesty, jiyong just has too much energy. he's a non-stop-go type guy, who can't sit still for longer than five minutes without spazzing out. he has a bad habit of dying his hair every color under the sun, just because he knows it irritates his mate. he's cocky and irritating towards naeun, who often times just wants to strangle him. however, if you can get passed his childish nature and cocky attitude, there's a whole side of jiyong that he keeps hidden from most of the world.

if you can manage to get jiyong alone,  which is a feat in itself, he does calm down considerably. he is compassionate and thoughtful, even after everything he's been through. he's incredibly skilled at tracking, and has a stronger sense of smell than naeun, and he can often be found just sitting smelling things. jiyong's scatterbrained at the best of times, but his spontaneity is one of the few things that keeps naeun from killing her mate. jiyong just really wants to be accepted, something he's never truly had.

MEETING. they met two years ago when naeun was passing through a nearby city to pick up supplies. she was wandering around a store when she caught the a whiff of blackberries and creme, and she swore her heart started beating faster. being the person she is, she went in hunt of the appetizing smell, only to find it attached to a werewolf. she watched him for awhile, not realizing that he could smell her even more than she could him from her hiding spot, and eventually he came and sought her out before she had figured out a plan of attack. he had pounced on her and claimed her as his mate, doing what appeared to be some sort of... dance. naeun had nearly sneared, before denying that they were mates. but for the weeks after that slight encounter, she hadn't been able to get him out of her thoughts. now they're friendly, so long as naeun isn't in a bad mood and threatening to strangle jiyong because he won't sit down and shut up.


anything else ?
Comment. ....
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suggestion. ...


layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes



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