Serene's Angel ➸ Noh Jihyun*



story by --hazardous



noh jihyun


Username: --kandarella
Nickname: sara
Activity Level: eight out of ten



Name: Noh Jihyun 노지현
Other Name: Gianna Noh [English name]

---Ji/G [used by almost everyone who know her before debut]
---Chunsa [means Angel, used by almost everyone who know her after debut]
---Shikshin [unsed by netizens, one of the group's shikshin]
---Junior Hyoyeon [used by some people, because of her dance ability]
---BoA's protoge [used by some people during her trainee years, she is close with BoA and a protoge of her]
Birthdate: September 16, 1992
Age: 21, turning 22 in September
Birthplace: Gangnam, South Korea
Timeline: Gangnam (0-13), Manhattan (13-18), Seoul (18-19), Gangnam (19- now)
Ethnicity: Korean
Language: Fluent Korean, Conversational English, Minimal Mandarin
Blood Type: A
Height + Weight: 161cm + 47kg
Dominant Hand: Left handed

Style: Jihyun’s style is just simple, comfortable, and homy kind of fashion style. People will always see Jihyun in some y shorts and revealing tight tops when she's practicing and performing in training room. But aside from her practice look, she will just in a simple oversized sweater or fashionable tee, skinny jeans or short jean and a pair of Converse shoes. She's a huge fan of sweater and socks and pajamas! She does wear skirts and dresses, but this is quite rare.

Misc: Just like the face claim, she is usually regarded as one of the cutest members, and people do agree- yes, she has the beauty of innocence, but alas, much of this adorableness is refrained to first impression. When you first look at her, she does indeed look charming, with her stoic gaze and doll-like features. But while “doll-like” features look cute on dolls and other inanimate objects, they look misproportioned on humans, as best seen on her. Her lips and teeth are so incredibly small, and her tiny jaw only makes smaller, she also has an abnormally small nose as well. Especially when you compare these features to her eyes, which look large in comparison. She has a wavy brown hair until chest, ear piercings on each ears --- left | right --- and a tattoo of 3 stars on her left wrist. She has this special necklace that she will wear wherever she go and whenever it is. A black pearl pedant necklace that her grandmother gave her before she before started training in SM.

Casual: x o x o
Broadcast: x o x o
Airport: x o x o
Practice: x o x o
Dorm: x o x o

Face Claim: Sooah + gallery


+ Calm, Focus, Observant, Passionate, Honest
- Introvert, Reserved, Quiet, Judgemental, Jealousy


Offstage, Dorm; She may at times be considered somewhat cool and calm because, blessed as she is with composure and self- control, she don't usually allow emotion to cloud the issue. But this meet more than eyes as she is a splendid companion for her closed ones. For them she is capable of the greatest sacrifices. She is extremely considerate of the chosen few who do merit her affection. She prefer to concentrate on a single activity at a time and like to observe situations before she participates. When she need to work she will get right to it. At these times a halp- hearted attitude just won't do. Whatever her ambition may be, whatever the tasks and goals she has set hersef, she will does her duty with all the strength she is capable of, a force that nothing can oppose. Once she has come to a decision, nothing can stop her from carrying out. But before she arrives at it, she spends ages weighing the pros and cons, which sometimes gives the impression that she is indisive. However, never try to force your opinion on her. She rarely asks for help and cannot graciously accept it. Whatever her troubles, she will never ask anybody else for help; she'll try to get out of the mess by herself. Her reticence in this respect may do her harm, for nobody will even suspect the toment she's going through. She is as a person with desire, appetite, a will to live life fully. she somewhat aggressive, impulsive, quite athletic, surely quick to release her feelings and emotions. She has many ups and downs in her feeling. To her, life is meant to be happy, and when it isn’t, she is confused and upset. She hates monotony.

When encountering her, we sense her quiet sincerity and purity. Put your trust on her, she won't let you down and she will never try to. She simply wants to do everything right. She is so honest that she feels guilty for the slightest error, and she is more indulgent and forgiving of others that her is of herself. She is without artifice or pretense, and dislikes forcing herself on others. She allows herself to be duped easily, accepts her own faults calmly, and those of others with tolerant understanding. She is incredible sincere, almost to the point of doing herself harm, and always disarmed by the bad faith of others. But there's breaking point. Though generally tolerant, when absolutely backed into a corner. She can turn vicious. When she finds that her good nature has been seriously abused, she will give no quarter and can even stop the relationship. Powerless against hypocrisy, she will often crucify herself in an attempt to justify her actions. She is an absolutely straight dealer and it's very rarely that she will accept compromise. She is always finding it necessary to produce proof of what she herself asserts! She is quick to judge people, quick to form opinions and boldly express them. She doesn't say much, but when she does decide to speak, suddenly, nothing can stop her until she runs out of subject. She is a person of introversion, she tends to be more reserved and less outspoken in groups. She is likely to enjoy time spent alone and find less reward in time spent with large groups of people, though she enjoys interactions with close friends. She is easily overwhelmed by too much stimulation from social gatherings and engagement, she prefer for a quiet, more minimally stimulating environment.

Regarding her onstage personality; she has this special love for the spotlight, and the desire to be admired and loved is very dominant in her character. She loves the cameras and the flash and the lens that follows her movement. This is where her jealousy plays a role. She gets jealous by the attention people gives to others on stage, especially to the faces of the group. She sense of purpose for everything she does, and she is ready to endure anything if she feels the end result is worth it. Whatever routines or anything she is ask to do onstage, she'll do it obediently even when thats mean being touched or having seductive dance movement like in "Trouble Maker". She will move in all directions to reach her destination, and this makes things possible for her that no other person around her can manage to pull off.

Variety show, radio show; She doesn't being in variety show and always avoid to go in if being ask to. She has an innate feeling of insecurity and timidity. She don't like to talk about her weakness or show anything bad about herself when the tape still rolling. She doesn’t like talking about herself and is kind of closed off as a person. She smiles politely if she needs to but she has a nasty habit of pushing others away because herself is something that she wants to stay buried and unknown. It’s never obvious when she pushes others away because she is kind to everyone but makes sure she keeps them at a safe distance so if she needs to she can cut them. She’s not the type to openly show her emotions so it’s very hard to tell if she’s angry, sad, or truly happy because she’s always wearing a polite smile. The only way to tell of her emotions is by her silence. The less she talks it shows either her annoyance or anger and the more she talks it shows that she’s a bit more excitable, content. Since she has a habit of never letting anyone get too close she has a handful of idol acquaintances and less idol friends. Different in expressing herself, different in terms of what she feels is cold or not. In any case though, whether its her “quiet leader” image or not, she has created a strong character for herself.

---Color blue
---Bubble gums/ sweets
---Palm tree

---Color Orange
---Spicy food
---Animal abusers
---People that destroy greenery
---Illa(a kind of wild flower)

---Reading motivational books
---Playing computer games
---Playing music instruments
---Composing songs


---Hugs someone or something when sleeping
---Eats when she's stress
---Crying when she's overly happy
---Habitually dancing when she hears good music
---Takes a walk without destination if she's bored
---Puts on her earphone and listen to the song in a full volume, that's why she sometimes won't hear people calling her
---Chewing gums or sweets, she tends to have bad tooth day

---Playing music instrument (guitar, bass, cello, drum and piano)
---Compose music

Fears: Hemophobic. She’s not afraid of other people’s blood but when she sees her own blood, she freezes up. Her body starts to shake and she starts to cry. She doesn’t know why only the sight of her blood makes her so...

---She came from the one of the best dance school in Korea
---She was a part of the dance crew AoG [Art of Girls]
---She stayed in U.S for 6 years during her trainee days and speaks English conservationally
---She studied at the Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts
in Manhattan
---She has made collaboration stage with BoA
---Featured in Henry's Trap, the leading actress
---Her favorite color is blue | number is 7 | food is pasta/ ramen | season is autumn | song is BAP's Coma | boy group is BAP | girl group is 2NE1 | music genres are hip hop, electronics
---She is often calls Serene's Angel
---Her grandmother lives nearby to the girls' dorm
---She said palm tree comforts her
---She were supposed to be a soloist
---She had a boyfriend in US without SM knowing, she dumped the guy
---She thinks that she has big upper thighs
---She is a type of person who doesn't cry easily
---She was the first member to join the group
---She was trained together with some of SHINee and Girls Generation members
---She has her own driving license
---She likes to shop in Ddongdaemun and Myungdong areas
---For her, her grandmother is her biggest motivator and the most important person

---She said that if she really has to choose, she wants to be pair together on "We Got Married" with EXO's Luhan, because she is comfortable with him
---Her type of man is Christian Bale's chracter, the Batman
---Her shoe size is 230mm
---She is the type that can gain weight very easy, so among the members, she is the one who restrain food the most
---She always feel shy with her old pictures when she was fat

Social Networking: twitter | @Serene_Chunsa


Born in Gangnam; She was born prematurely and weighed in at 4.2 kg at birth. During her mother's pregnancy, water had filled Jihyun's stomach, which led her to become a premature birth. Bile was unable to be passed through her intestines, which eventually damaged her liver, causing a biliary atresia. Although the required surgery had low chances of sustaining life, she was able to survive the 10-hour long surgery. A year later, however, she was diagnosed with intussusception (a medical condition where parts of the intestine folds over into another section of the intestine) and received surgery for enterectomy. She didn't have any side effect during growth except to the fact that she need to do medical check up every month until she was 10.

Without mother; Jihyun never has known the joy of having a mother in her life, since she had died during labor. Her father grieved deeply for this loss and later sent her to her grandmother as he believed that her grandmother can take care of her better. And yes her grandmother managed to raise his only daughter well. Having a great relationship with her built on love and trust, Jihyun didn’t miss anything  that a child needs to have in their development. They weren’t that rich, but not exactly poor either and they always could manage to get enough food for the both of them to keep them satisfied and healthy. She never has had a lot of luxury in her life, but also isn’t the type of person to want such luxury.

Grandmother; Her grandmother has taught her everything she knew about life. Showing the world to her on an early age and how it exactly worked. Although she also had high expectations from her, which Jihyun tried to fulfill every time. Leading her to have good marks at school and to soon start and help her with her work whenever she could. Besides this she also had a basic training in martial arts. Her grandmother knew that maybe one day she would be not be in her protection anymore. And thus since her grandmother didn’t want to lose her only grand daughter as well, she decided that it only would do her good if she would have a basic training. Jihyun went along with this, since she knows the fear her grandmother has to lose her and indeed a basic training couldn’t harm her.

Dance; Her late mother, Jieun used to love dancing and that's why her father, Changseok decided to enroll Jihyun in one of the dance school in Gangnam. Jihyun showed great interest in hip hop music and breakdancing at a young age. Jihyun attended Gangnam Dance School, where she spent most of her break and lunch times practicing dance with friends instead of focusing on her normal school-work. Jihyun started listening to hip hop and rap music in her early childhood, and spent time learning and playing music instruments herself during early middle high school. In 2004, Jihyun became one of the first members of newly founded Gangnam-based b-girl crew, Art of Girls (AOG). In 2005, her grandmother, seeing how her grand daughter spent more time breakdancing than studying, suggested she audition for Korea-based JYP Entertainment but failed on the first try.

Scouted; She then later got street casted by SM representive after she was done practicing dance with her girls. The "ahjussi", according to her preferance, had heard about her from her homeroom teacher, who is also the "ahjussi"'s friend.  After telling her father and grandmother, she soon walks into SM as a trainee. She’d like to explore the world some more. To meet new people who and have a new impulse in her life which can even teach her more about it. To debut and shine as a star.


Grandmother | Noh Yeonseo | 67 | Tailor | sincere, forgiving, emotional, self conscious | She is overprotective when it comes to Jihyun. She loves to shower Jihyun with love and affection. Jihyun was her pride and joy. The darling grand daughter she had always wanted. She is the best grandmother that Jihyun can wish for, she is the most important person in her life, if she have to choose anything in the world to stay forever, it's her grandmother.

Mother | Noh Jieun | 20 when passed away | Patissier | friendly, active, optimist, joyful | Jieun only live in the stories that her grandmother always tell her, Jihyun wish she can be like the late Jieun, she also thinks thats what her father want her to be.

Father | Noh Changseok | 47 | Teacher | cool, reserved, honest, self conscious | They has trouble to coomunicate since he doesn't open to her that easily.. nothing less. They rarely meet as they didn't live at the same house. But the truth is Changseok always monitor Jihyun from afar.

Best Friends:
Park Eunbin | 21 | Student/ Dancer | cold, blunt, organized, perfectionist | They knew each other since babies. Their mothers had been friends for 13 years and that's why Eunbin's mother never left the Noh family even after the death of Jieun. | They spends most of their chilhood and teenhood together at the same kindergarden even until elementary. They literally does everything together, make that for fun or work. Except for her family, Jihyun is the specific person who can bring out sadness and happiness to Eunbin. Jihyun are the closest friend she had as a child. Even now Eunbin often visits Jihyun and vice versa when they don't have any schedule. She was one of the AoG member.


Kwon Boa [BoA] | 28 | Soloist

Seo Joohyun [Seohyun] | 23 | SNSD

Lee Taemin | 21 | SHINee

Kim Joonmyeon [Suho] | 23 | EXO


Sandara Park [Dara] | 30 | 2NE1 | caring, happy, distant, bipolar | First impression is important for Dara. And sometimes there's no reason to love or hate someone. Dara feels uneasy around Jihyun and so does she. Even when they try to be closer later on. It is not working. | Dara can't think of Jihyun as a friend or acquintance under the same field. She keeps a mask of happiness to hide her uneasiness when with Jihyun infront of others, but it just brings her down even more. Dara pretend to be good with Jihyun, as if she accept her as a friend but this is just meet the cover. At times, she become harsher to Jihyun even without her realize. Jihyun didn’t really mind it, since she never had much to begin with. ‘Why lose something that was never there?’ she always thought.
Back-up: Gong Minji [Minzy]




Love Interest: Luhan
Age: 23, turning 24 in April

Personality: He’s adorable everyone knows that, but there’s more to just a pretty face. Everyone thought he would be shy and cutesy whatnot, but really don’t judge a book by its cover, just because someone has a pretty face and a baby face doesn’t mean they will act all cutesy. On television programs, he’s so dorky, you can tell he wants to be active, wants to talk more, and he’s getting better at it. With his derpy laughs, just everything about him is just so entertaining. He can be dorky with his brothers. Luhan is known to be very polite, very kind, and he has such a pure heart. He’s so hardworking, and even when he is in pain yet he can always smile through that because he’s so strong. Luhan is someone who is sweet, polite, kind, and will always smile and try not putting people down.

How you met: They met by three fateful meeting. Firstly, they met at a shopping complex, a music equipment shop to be more exactly, in 2010. Jihyun was looking for a guitar. Luhan and his trainee friends was there too, he was accompanying his friend to buy a bass. He was walking when he saw a girl at the guitar department through the glass wall, he was mesmerized by the cutie face so walks in and went to her little by little. Jihyun was trying to take a guitar that was hanging on the wall when she stumbled backward, as the guitar was quite heavy for her. KLuhan who were close to her quickly held the guitar before it hit the face of her. She was shock but quickly thanking him for his quick reaction, she also thought he is the person who work there so she asked if he knows which guitar will suit her friend the best. But soon a friend of Luhan came and pulled him to somewhere. As the scene past so quickly, Jihyun just shrugged it off. Secondly, on the same day  Jihyun was crossing the road, running, because she was late for her practice. She was so into searching the perfect guitar that she forgot about the time. She tripped at the sidewalk when the same guy she met at the shop held her shoulder so that she won't stumbled forward. Yeah, it's him..Luhan! This time it's Jihyun who excused herself quickly after thanking him for the second time that day. The last meeting is at the SM building. It was late and Jihyun is in her way back to home when she heard a music in one of the dance room. She followed the music and found a guy dancing hotly to it. She was mesmerized by it and she remembered that she had seen the guy two times before. After the music stop and the guy stop dancing to it, Jihyun fake a cough and this caught Luhan offguard, literally jumping a little before looking at Jihyun who were smiling cheekily.

Interaction: From the surface, both of them are the dancing machines so they often practice together, sometimes for special stages that SM hold and such. Jihyun is shy of expressing her affection over Luhan as she has a fan crush on him and his dance. As for Luhan, he just think Jihyun as his friend since she is friend with s too, scratch that he used to had a crush on her before but the feeling is hidden away as they become closer. Luhan cares and adores Jihyun like she is his sister. Luhan will always find, or try to find his way to Jihyun, whereas she is seen hanging out with everyone else but Luhan. He is always ready to help her answers during interviews and whenever she need. Luhan likes to tease Jihyun whenever he has the chance, including during onstage/onscreen. Sometimes, when Jihyun is tired, Luhan will volunteer to help her. Jihyun denies the caring gestures, but she really does like them judging by the way she attaches himself to the boy as the time pass. Luhan even does the old school trick of distraction then putting the arm around the other’s shoulder. Very smooth and open minded, what's more shocking is Jihyun didn't deny them, it is something that isn't what she usually does, if we consider her personality. They are often seen together on photoshoots, official events, or just about everywhere, much to their satisfaction.

Status: Friends

Love Rival

Park Sanghyun [Thunder] | 23 | MBLAQ | sensitive, honest, innocent, loyal | This boy is in love! Do you believe in love at first sight? It's unbelievable but there's miracle. Thunder falls for Jihyun and thats explain his interaction with her. | This gentle nature guy is quickly replaced by a serious possessiveness when it comes to his Jihyun. He also has a rather peculiar affliction of caressing Jihyun’s cheeks and arms. His touchiness with her is a great example of his love for affection. His childish antics that include begging her to shop with him make him appear beyond adorable. His immaturity results in feeling of Jihyun, she doesn't really takes him seriously, however, he has proven to be quite a romantic. This romantic side of his can usually be seen in his natural charms and obsession with romantic Hollywood movies, He once brought her to a yacht trip and did the scene in Titanic with her.
Back-up: Lee Taemin


Stage Name: Chunsa [SM gave the name to her so she will be the angel to protect Serene]
Sub-Unit: Dawn
Persona: The Angel of Serene/ Serene's Angel
Fanclub Color: #66ccff
Position: Leader, Main Dancer
Training Years: 8 years

Trainee Life:

Her dancing abilities also can not be doubted. Because of her ability, Jihyun is also referred to as Junior Hyoyeon. Jihyun had some notable recognition in South Korea and some parts of America for being "BoA's protege". She is considered as another SM's longest trainee. Her dance skill is considered even better than Hyoyeon who is also known as the female Michael Jackson. After a year of training in SM headquarter in Seoul, since 2005 she was sent to the U.S. and received training from many U.S. famous musician and dancer for prepares her U.S. debut, including BoA herself. Yes, on the young age of 14, Jihyun had trained to be a professional performer, received 6 years of singing and dancing training under the most authoritative company. When she was trained there, she got an extreme diet like not even drinking water for 2 days. No, she isn't that fat but she is consider as fat for an "idol". She went to study at the Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts in Manhattan. She also learn on how to compose songs there. Jihyun is fully Korean but can speaks English language very well because she's been living in the Manhattan for 6 years. In 2008, Jihyun released first U.S. album, a pre debut album, under the stage name "G". The producer of this album is Lee Sooman and an America famous musician. Lee Sooman announced Jihyun's tour activities on BoA's 'world tour' concert press conference. Everything was not good as the imagined though, the solo debut was a slump. Her pre debut album didn't hit their target and so SM was debating over her official debut and solo tour in U.S.. In 2009, Jihyun back to Korea because she had ran away after being disheartened from the recurring delay of her U.S. debut. No one except for her bestfriend, not even her family nor SM, knew that she had gone back to South Korea. She lived with her for about 18 months and was weekly sent letters to her grandmother. She finally went back to her family at the 18th month hiding. She wOke up after the slump, after received some wake up call from her bestfriend. She is ashamed to go back to SM after her fail debut and all the commotion she made, but she still managed to continue. Lucky for her, she had quite few supporters around her.  

Singing Twin: After School's E-young
Dancing Twin: Miss A's Min
Rapping Twin: n/a
Talking Twin: After School's E-young
Acting Twin: n/a

Comments: Kyaaa sorry for taking much time >.< I was busy with school so... /sighs/ Anw, as you can see, this is my girl! <3 I created a new character teehee...If there something wrong or things to fix, just tell me otte? p/s: English isn't my first language. p/s again: Hwaiting Serene, Saranghanja <3
Scene Requests:
---Jihyun collide into Luhan and accidentally spill her coffee on his shirt.
---Jihyun sprain her ankle while practicing, after resting for awhile she goes out, trying to walk as normal as she can. Luhan sees her and her sprained ankle though she covers it quite well. She offers her a lift.
---Jihyun interacting with Suho, closely, since they used to trained together for a long time, making our cute little prince Luhan lost in jealousy.
---Jihyun and Luhan argue, a little bit too serious, that they didn't talk for the next few days.
---Jihyun and Luhan had a short supper getaway in Gangnam, they're both in disguise so fans won't know them.







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